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Sacred Earth, Sacred Water
Publisher: Chaosium
by Michael D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/04/2024 10:00:47

Sacred Earth, Sacred Water sees the creators at Beer with Teeth continue to develop their work in Prax for everyone's benefit. From the layout to the artwork, readers get a real foundation of what players will encounter and what makes Prax special. The flexibilty of the scnearios presented is key for me, as they are easily adjusted for any style or level of play. Add this to your RuneQuest collection for hours of enjoyment.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sacred Earth, Sacred Water
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Six Seasons in Sartar
Publisher: Chaosium
by Michael D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/16/2023 11:27:13

As a relative newcomer to RuneQuest I found the material in this book to be very consequential when explaining what living in Glorantha is like to my players. This means it was also foundational to understanding it for myself, so doubly good for the price offered. For a setting with well over 40 years of lore written about it, Glorantha can be very intimidating to unbox, but with this campaign's lens so focused on this one specific spot, we see that burden lifted. I appreciated the limit the author put on the number of chapters and encounters, but also, the different ways these challenges could be solved and the examples at the end of different scenes which could be weaved into any story.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Six Seasons in Sartar
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Furthest - Crown Jewel of Lunar Tarsh
Publisher: Chaosium
by Michael D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/25/2023 08:30:24

This 150+ page sourcebook covers Furthest's history, politics, religion, governance, and clans, as well as providing plenty of wonderful art work to inspire adventures and encounters. The sourcebook is a well laid out walking tour of Furthest, celebrated as the glory of Lunar Provices.

Furthest is a huge city of diverse people, cultures, and faiths, but none more so than those inspired the Lunar Empire. It’s a melting pot divided into seven districts, from the massive and legendary Barbarian's Gate that faces Dragon Pass, to the magical Royal Palace atop the Acropolis inspired by the Dreaming City of the Red Emperor.

Each district lists several important locations and prominent NPCs, from the teeming markets of the Phargentine Way, to the Grand Theatre of the Eastern Quarter. The grandious Port of Furthest is filled with many sites to see, like the Temple of Oslira run by Bettira the Blue, a young woman with many stories to tell. Furthest is presented as a rich and dynamic gem that will leave you wanting to experience.

Fleshing out the this sourcebook is a good chunk of information on Lunar Tarsh, as well as several pages on the land beyond Tarsh for historical reference points. Clan and family information is here as well, which helps readers connect with the greater overall picture of the region.

This sourcebook also digs into the animals and beasts found in the region, including The Hydra of Dragon Pass, plus other creatures to keep your players on their guard. Several scenario seeds await to inspire you, as well as a multi-page adventure. The sourcebook contains a useful index and several full color maps (including one of the sewer system!) for player and gamemaster alike.

It's five stars from me for this inspired production!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Furthest - Crown Jewel of Lunar Tarsh
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The World Below Ashcan Edition
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Michael D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/28/2023 12:04:06

Really loving the style and Storypath Ultra flair of The World Below. Tons of value for less than $5 and worth your time if you're looking for a unique setting that keep you digging deeper.

Go grab it now.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The World Below Ashcan Edition
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Our Graves are Empty
Publisher: White Wolf
by Michael D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/08/2022 13:27:24

This is a great example of what makes the Sabbat fun to play! Tons of great information in easy to read sections, plus new ways and ideas to play the Sabbat in your chronicle or one-shots. Great content wwarnings and safe play sheets as well!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Our Graves are Empty
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The Black Hand: Playing the Sabbat
Publisher: White Wolf
by Michael D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/26/2022 08:55:33

From a long time Sabbat player let me say that this book was exactly what I was hoping to see in a player's guide. First, the detail in the book is excellent, from text to art. Each part of life within the Sabbat is broken down in a digestable fashion. For newcomers playing Sabbat this is critical. I especially enjoyed the undersatnding the writers had when giving Storytellers multiple approaches for packs, but moreover, the concentration they place on the role of Pack Priest. Can the Sabbat feel and act as a bloody mob hungry to devour other Kindred and Kine on their way to Gehenna? Certainly. Are you forced to run them like that? Not that all. It's this nuance that is key to running the sect as the pack mentality and perspective would be far more likely for player groups. Sabbat vampires could be very calculating and smart, and willing to invest for long term gain in their struggle. That's exactly what this book reminds buyers of.

I also enjoyed the systematic differences in disciplines when it comes to the Sabbat. They should have developed their Kindred blood to do different things, even if only to show further separation from their Camarilla cousins and the knowledge built up by the Sabbat over centuries. The Loresheets within give a wide variety of choices, but again, clear credit to the writers to creating sheets that are Clan, Path, and Pack specific. The reminder of safety tools and how they would be best employed is another good opportunity to show that playing a monster and being one are two different things.

All told, a very well put together product for my investment of time and money.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Black Hand: Playing the Sabbat
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for the excellent review! Very high praise!
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