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Bordeaux by Night - Players Guide
Publisher: White Wolf
by Helton M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2020 07:20:50

So.Much.Detail. Absolutely love the lengths in which the author goes to describe french (un)life on this guide! The layout is very clear and feels like one of the 2E books. There are plenty of full page maps and graphics to make sure you understand what the author is talking about and the court has npcs for every kind of game. With the simplified character sheets (that you can get for free) you get a lot of value for one purchase.

Get this and make sure to go nag Secrets on twitter so she will keep adding more stuff to the setting!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bordeaux by Night - Players Guide
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Bordeaux by Night - Storytellers Guide
Publisher: White Wolf
by Helton M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2020 07:06:57

It's a really detailed setting and you can see that a lot of work was put into it. For a foreigner like me, the history of the city was completely new and easily understandable. Frequently in products like these is hard to feel like you understand the setting without some painful hours browsing wikipedia. This one skips that part. The author also told me that she is working on getting some pronunciation help into the books for non-french people.
The one thing that could be a problem for some people is that the art has some minor inconsistencies here and there and every few chapters you catch yourself wondering "where have I seen this before?" This is very minor and doesn't take away from the experience. The book is worth getting for the dozens of npcs alone and it's a really good tool to have for moments in which you need to conjure someone out of thin air for a story but can't quite figure out where to go.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bordeaux by Night - Storytellers Guide
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