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Changeling: the Lost Second Edition $19.99
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Changeling: the Lost Second Edition
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Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Sara R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2020 14:10:20

I love this 2nd Edition with a passion, i find it way more enjoyable than the first edition, the rules and mechanics make more sense, and in hindsight while I had many good hours playing the first edition I can see while people described it as "fetishizing victimhood" while the 2nd Edition is written in a way that is much more mindful of the possible mindsets of survivors.

It's simply more fun to play.

My odd complaint is that I can never -find- the product as it appears missing both from the stores library searches and my own library of purchased books. I know the first edition is apparently more popular but is this second edition so unpopular that the store or publisher has chosen to pretend it doesn't exist?? It even took me two years after the products release to find and purchase it, while i checked the site for it for years, thinking it had not been released at all yet.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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