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V20 Beckett's Jyhad Diary $24.99
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V20 Beckett\'s Jyhad Diary
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Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Zachary A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/03/2022 07:33:07

This book is amazing. One of my favorite fluff pieces ever produced for Vampire. Easily used as a prop at the table or in a LARP, the interior is mostly presented as a written diary with Out-Of-Character break downs at the end of each chapter providing story hooks related to the preceeding content. I cant recommend this book enough. Buy a physical copy. Spend the extra on the delux version. You wont regret it.

My only complaint is that some of the "hand written" typefaces are a little hard to read. But it's not enough to lower my rating or recommendation.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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