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Dark Ages Clan Novel 4: Setite
Publisher: Crossroad Press Publishing
by Lucas v. D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2018 02:33:39

Wow, what a book. In the beginning I was really wondering what direction the book would go in. My expectation was a epic manipulation scheme and dark god rituals. To my pleasing surprise it was quite a different story. Sure it did have manipulations and rituals, but it focussed more on the 'Good Guy' Setite, a family man and a good friend. It showed more of the clan that I never knew existed. The details are also a strong point: Egyptian terms in addition to the English and very vivid discriptions of the surroundings made it come to live. This was once again a very engaging novel that sucked me in deeper and deeper the further I got. The ending especially was very well in terms of climaxing the tention. I cannot say more without giving spoilers.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dark Ages Clan Novel 4: Setite
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The Endless Death, Volume One: Curses Writ in Blood
Publisher: White Wolf
by Lucas v. D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2018 01:54:32

(1)First I want to say this belongs to the few products in the vault that truely feels like it should be incoperated into the official line.

(2)The additional flavor is outstanding! But not only that: most of the mechenics of the curses bring fair drawbacks to the clans. It's was always a problem in my chronicles that my players are smart and exploit all the tools (Disiplines) they have. With these curses I got a fair and fun way to limit their power without having to remove anything from their character they enjoy. The curses also do more with the philosophy behind the clan. It uses the flavor of the lore to add more depth to the personal struggles of each clan. The reason I play VTM has always been for the deep and engaging storylines and this really complements that!

However there are few points I wish to adress though: (3)Brujah were not a Low clan in the Dark Ages.

(4)Tremere were not a High clan in the Dark Ages. Sure they diablerised a High clan (Salubri), but untill the creation of the Camerilla they were shunned and even then noone really trusted them.

(5)The Tzimicse horror forms that also should have Abhorrence was something I felt was missing. I always was annoyed by the fact a Tzimicse cold have 6+Appearance while looking more like a freak then A Nosferaru.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Endless Death, Volume One: Curses Writ in Blood
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Creator Reply:
First of all, thanks for your review and very positive feedback! To respond to your points: The reclassification of the Brujah and Tremere was done partly to reflect the change in the two Clans' places over the 800 years since the Dark Ages games are set (with the Brujah now called Rabble and the Tremere no longer called Usurpers), but also to provide roughly equal chapters which felt consistent. We simply felt that in the modern setting, the Tremere fit better as a High Clan, and the Brujah as a Low one. We have certainly considered Abhorrence and Vicissitude, but since this is to do with a Discipline rather than a weakness/curse, it'll be covered in our fourth volume, though since that's some while off we haven't turned our attention there yet. - Sam
Berlin by Night
Publisher: White Wolf
by Lucas v. D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/28/2017 07:56:28

Berlin by Night is a very good book. This opinion might be biased since its the first story, chronicle AND roleplaying experience I ever had. I played it 2times now: the first time as a player and the second time as Storyteller. Both these stories were with Neonate Troupes trying to survive among the powerful vampires of this city. I am planning to run it again in the alternative setting (presented in the book) where the Troupe plays the Archeons.

The book has a very rich background that really captures well what Berlin has been through all these years. It explains the motives of both princes why they do what they do very well, and why people support or opose either side. In my opinion this chronicle has a lot of replayability. Not only because it gives a lot of small subplots to work with (before and/or after "The Ascension of Caine" story included in the book). But also because the players can choose to support either West Berlin, East Berlin or (even more dangerous and thrilling) play both sides. I also must mention that "The Ascension of Caine" story can be quite challenging to new players, because the city is full with very old and strong Kindred. However as long as the players try to ally some of these vampires it shouldn't be much of a problem. Also because there is soo much danger it can really instill caution in the players to act more smart and calculated: a trait you want in a Camerilla Chronicle. Furthermore the story is VERY good. I remember the first time I played it I was mindblown by it all. I won't go in further detail though, because I don't want to spoil this gem.

The NPC's in the book are also very intresting. Some who are inspired on historical figures even. The same goes for the Coteries. They give a new storyteller a great sence of what Jyhad is really about.

And the artwork is really grim. Thats always a big plus for me.

Overall 5/5. I'm glad I own this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Berlin by Night
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V20 Lore of the Clans
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Lucas v. D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/01/2016 08:56:23

First of all I want to say this book is exactly what I expected from it: More lore of the 13 clans. The setting is very important in WoD and as a storyteller this is a perfect supplement to get a better grasp on the tentions between the clans (something I use in almost every gamesession). The chapters are written from a in clan perspective what gives a immersed feeling when reading. Ill definitly let my players read their own clan chapter.

Furthermore I think the short explaination in the end for the Antitribu is very usefull if you have limited knowledge about the sabbat. The extra clan disiplines and merits/flaws are cool, but (for me at least) you should buy this for the stories, lore and cool fluff.

My final verdict: A must have for storytellers

[5 of 5 Stars!]
V20 Lore of the Clans
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