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Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages $24.99
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Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
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Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Scott [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/26/2023 07:59:54

Wonderful, but there's some serious problems with many of the bloodlines in that they don't travel well. Lhiannan, the various African bloodlines, etc. A very tiny bit woke, as apparently male to female transexuals can be Ahrimanes, for example. Such concepts didn't exist back then, and it's a horror setting so nobody is accepted, nobody goes home happy, plus the population is too low, survival is paramount. And, lots of clans don't work well with others. Assamites pretty much hate all other vampires (and increasingly are Muslim so they hate Jews and want to forcibly convert Christians according to real world history) , Baali are Lovecraftian cultists.... Dice mechanics are easily the best out of all of the versions of this game, I've played them all. Beats the heck out of V5 and Requiem any day.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Lorenzo C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/19/2021 19:41:04

un prodotto eccelnte, da tempo cercavo un aggiornamento delle regole del vecchio dark age e alla fine ecco l'anniversary. completo e perfetto nel suo genere, una spolverata e ventata d'aria fresca per gli appassionati del genere.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Kostas K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/19/2020 15:21:25

i absolutely love this book, the art is amazing, the system is pretty helpful and it leaves a lot of room for the dm and players to make their own world and use the rules to their advantage. Very well written,l easy to understand.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Aron R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/19/2020 22:43:30

Outstanding book great for modern settings as well as dark

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Pohjosaho J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/23/2020 08:41:49

Glueback, it's horrible. The whole book will be in pieces after one reading.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Björn L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/27/2019 07:02:39

The following review was originally published in Mephisto 64 and translated from German (find orignal German review below).

Vampires: The Dark Ages Twentieth Anniversary Edition

It is now more than 20 years ago that the vampires of the role-playing game of the same name were not only allowed to frighten the modern age, but were also able to cause trouble in the dark nights of the Dark Ages. Vampire: The Dark Ages is a new edition for the 20th anniversary, which as a thick hardcover volume compiles a lot of material from old source books anew. The structure is that of the classic rulebook, in which the setting, but above all the clans and character creation as well as the disciplines of the vampires are presented in detail.

The new edition tries to put together a lot of clan material. Instead of the 13 classic clans there are 28 clans and bloodlines in this book, which also include the African vampires, the Laibon. Also clans, which were introduced as esoteric groups by the regular Vampire, can be found here. Some clans are redefined, which still works well with the Kyasid, but in the case of the Niktuku, it compresses a great vampire secret into (too) simple rules. Beside the clans also the different paths (Roads), thus the ethical systems, of the vampires are explained and provided with differentiated variants. For example, the Via Caeli exists in Christian, Jewish and Islamic forms. The chapter on the disciplines, with its 130 pages, is also very detailed, and here, too, you will find some changes to the rules in addition to well-known powers.

Of course, the book also contains material for the game master, both on the basic structure of the campaign and concrete game material in the form of character profiles. A relatively short chapter examines the specific setting in more detail and focuses on the Italian states, which become the standard setting here. The rest of Europe is also briefly presented, whereby in many places the focus is more on human history than on vampire influences. The fact that the new edition takes place in 1242 means that the invasion of the Mongols also plays a role, and some events from the classical timeline are already part of history here.

Some clan secrets provide the conclusion of the book, where besides pure background information also variants of clans and their paths can be discovered. and find it again. In the case of the Salubri, for example, an alternative course of history is formulated as a what-if scenario.

Vampires: The Dark Ages is a beautifully made, summarizing set of rules for playing vampires in the Dark Ages. With regard to the clans and their discipline, information from all possible sources has been meticulously compiled and adjusted. In some cases these adaptations bring more consistency, in other cases the inclined reader may ask himself the question why of all things the Niktiku have to be freed from their mysterious fascination in this way or how the Nagaraja got lost into medieval Europe.

If you want to immerse yourself in the world of vampires in the Dark Ages, you will find all the rules here. In order to get more background to the ( vampiric ) Dark Ages, however, you will not be able to avoid some history or rule books. Vampire: The Dark Ages is an excellent summary for collectors who want to revel in old memories.

(Deutsche Version)

Nun ist es inzwischen mehr als 20 Jahre her, dass die Vampire des gleichnamigen Rollenspiels nicht nur die Moderne unsicher machen durften, sondern auch in den finsteren Mächten des Mittelalters ihr Unwesen treiben konnten. Vampire: The Dark Ages ist eine Neuauflage zum 20. Jubiläum, die als dicker Hardcoverband viel Material aus alten Quellenbüchern neu zusammenstellt. Der Aufbau ist dabei der des klassischen Regelwerks, in dem das Setting, vor allen Dingen aber die Clans und die Charaktererschaffung sowie die Disziplin der Vampire ausführlich vorgestellt werden.

Hier zeigt sich, dass die Neuauflage vor allen Dingen versucht, viel Clan-Material zusammenzustellen. Statt der 13 klassischen Clans finden sich hier in diesem Buch insgesamt 28 Clans und Blutlinien, die auch die afrikanischen Vampire, die Laibon, umfassen. Auch Clans, die beim regulären Vampire als Exoten eingeführt wurden, finden sich hier wieder. Dabei werden einige Clans durchaus umdefiniert, was bei den Kyasid noch stimmig wirkt, im Falle der Niktuku aber ein großes Vampirgeheimnis in (zu) einfache Regeln presst. Neben den Clans werden auch die verschiedenen Pfade (Roads), also die ethischen Systemen, der Vampire erläutert und mit differenzierten Varianten versehen. So gibt es die Via Caeli in christlicher, jüdischer und islamischer Ausprägung. Auch das Kapitel zu den Disziplinen ist mit seinen gut 130 Seiten sehr ausführlich, und auch hier findet man neben altbekannten Kräften einige Änderungen an den Regeln.

Natürlich gibt es in dem Buch auch Material für den Spielleiter, sowohl zum grundsätzlichen Kampagnenaufbau als auch konkretes Spielmaterial in Form von Charakterprofilen. Ein relativ kurzes Kapitel beleuchtet das konkrete Setting etwas genauer und stellt die Staaten Italiens in den Vordergrund, die hier zum Standardsetting werden. Der Rest Europas wird auch kurz vorgestellt wobei an vielen Stellen der Fokus eher auf der menschlichen Geschichte als auf den vampirischen Einflüssen liegt. Dadurch, dass die Neuauflage im Jahr 1242 spielt, spielt auch die Invasion der Mongolen eine Rolle und einige Ereignisse aus der klassischen Zeitlinie, sind hier bereits Geschichte.

Den Abschluss des Buches bieten einige Clangeheimnisse, wobei sich neben reinen Hintergrundinformationen auch noch Varianten von Clans und deren Pfaden wiederfinden. Im Falle der Salubri wird jedoch beispielweise ein alternativer Geschichtsverlauf als Was-wärewenn-Szenario formuliert.

Vampire: The Dark Ages ist ein schön gemachtes, zusammenfassendes Regelwerk, um Vampire im Mittelalter zu spielen. Bezüglich der Clans und ihrer Disziplin wurden hier akribisch Infos aus allen möglichen Quellen zusammengetragen und abgeglichen bzw. teilweise angepasst. In einigen Fällen bringen diese Anpassungen mehr Konsistenz, in anderen Fällen stellt sich der geneigte Leser eventuell die Frage, warum ausgerechnet die Niktiku in dieser Form von ihrem geheimnisvollen Zauber befreit werden müssen oder wie sich die Nagaraja bis ins mittelalterliche Europa verirren.

Wer in die Welt der Vampire im Mittelalter eintauchen will, findet hier alle regeltechnischen Informationen. Um mehr Hintergrund zum (vampirischen) Mittelalter zu bekommen, wird man aber um einige Geschichts- oder Regelbücher nicht herumkommen. Für Sammler, die in alten Erinnerungen schwelgen wollen, ist Vampire: The Dark Ages auf jeden Fall eine hervorragende Zusammenfassung.

(Björn Lippold)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Katriel P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2019 14:50:48

I liked the PDF so much of this, I bought the deluxe hardcover edition later. I was in a game that took place in the 1100s and went on to modern day, and having a lot of the lore and continuity here helped me (even though we ended up homebrewing a lot of it as this book hadn't been available at the time we started). The adjustments to koldunic sorcery are also local, enabling Storytellers to create their own kraina should their games need them, and the flavor of the nights and descriptions of hold of fear in the medieval era are amazing.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Elizabeth M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2018 18:41:13

This was just what I needed. I'm getting into the Dark Ages with my gaming group. This was on sale randomly right around when I needed to pick up a copy.

The art is amazing.

The layout? Beautiful and perfect. It's such an easy read.

The text itself just made me fall in love with this edition to the Vampire collection. I also loved that with this pdf you could click on the chapter or section inb the table of contents and jump right to what you want to read. Not all of the Onyx Path pdfs I already have do that. This is the perfect feature for someone who wants to cheery pick their way through the book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Jean M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/06/2018 07:51:05

Simply amazing! I bought the standard version, but I feared that it would not have a good quality, thanks God I was wrong. If this is the quality of the standard version, so the Premiun version is a masterpiece sent from Heaven. Incredible quality, cover and pages, the colors are a bit pale, but sincerely, it does not matter. I'm from Brazil, so I expected a month or more to receive the product, man... It arrived ONE week after the book was printed. DriveThru definitely gained a loyal client, I'm looking foward to make more business with you.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Jean C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2018 09:31:45

This book brings to you all you need to run an excellent dark ages vampire campaign.

The collection of clans, bloodlines and disciplines is wide and coherent. The scenario is well described and sufficient to support the storyteller imagination. However, storyteller supplementary material is highly recommended to enrich knowledge about vampire influence on countries/kingdons.

Printed version is solid and beautiful. Some (few) fullpage art, however, have whited straight, vertical lines that compromise overall quality.

Despite that, it's a MUST HAVE vampire book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by John M. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/16/2017 05:53:11

Of all the world of darkness products I own, and games that I play, this is by far my favourite setting and book. I have not much experience with previous editions so I cannot comment on how it differs, so I can only say that I liked the background material, I liked the volume of in game content available in this book and I really liked the art. I did a full review over on my website if you want to see more of what I had to say.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Joseph P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/25/2016 10:52:18

First off, let me say I do not regret buying/kickstarting this product. I do think that it could have been done better, but a lot of my complaints are subjective in nature, and revolve around things I felt have been changed simply because a given author didn't like them rather than because they needed to change or improve.

Namely the change to the Salubri, outright swappoing around a few Discipline's powers, and a lack of strong emphasis on the setting in favor of trying to make things more politically correct and inclusive. There is a strong lopsided modern political presentation on most of the material that really detracts from the product. The more you read it, the more it seems that the book isn't really based on any of the previous material and feels more like an alternate take on things to try and establish a WoD Lite home game sort of theme.

In trying to make the game universal, it pushed makeing things very generic. I also feel like part of the unofficial goal (really for the 20th Ed line as a whole), was to try to incoporate some of the mechanics themes from the nWoD/CoD system, which just, (and again subjective opinion), just doesn't work. Or it might be more appropriate to say was not what I was looking for in an original WoD line.

The best thing I can compair this, (as well as many other 20th Ed books) to is a movie "re-imagining" that while it might make things a tiny bit more relevant to modern tastes or to grab new blood, it largly misses the point and spirit of the original and ultimately just feels "ok, but not great".

I'm really not a fan of the color art, again, feeling like it just detracts from the overall product and feel, and while I like some of the art, other art I really don't care for. It also sort of feels like a lot of visuals are overused or nearly repeated, and combining a lot of the asthetics with the overall vague nature of far too much material leaves me wonder just what exactly I'm suppossed to do with the game. I mean, I have plenty of the older products to lean on for inspiration and ideas, but viewing the system from just this product, I could see folks after reading though asking, "Ok, so now what?"

In the end, and again while I don't outright regret the purchase, I think I'm happier with my old products, and if I had to sum this one up in a short phrase, it would have to be something along the lines of "Change for the sake of change".

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Simon T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/09/2016 09:45:45

A fantastic update. It is a compilation that I do not believe should or would replace the older edition. Instead it gives a broad spectrum that is a very useful asset to be used alongside previous books that should not be discounted. The world that you and your storytellers create is unique to your RPG group, You may count or discount anything you do not like. You may add any of your own Ideas as you see fit. Just like all of the original classic dark world games. If you wish to be spoon fed and have someone else do all the work for your rpg group then I would suggest that the classic world of darkness is simply not for you. But if you are like me and my players then this game is open enough for you to create your own world. each page of this lovely work will give you idea after idea. as with all classic dark world games reading in its self is a sheer joy. Because it is a compilation it has a bit of almost all the Vampire dark age within, I very much like this. If I wish to focus of one aspect then I would simply use one of the many other source books alongside this one. I view this edition as more of a quick reference, after all I do not want to simply throw away my other books. I am happy that I bought it and is inspiring me to think about my next perchance.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/12/2016 00:40:48

updates and brings the classic dark ages game into a new generation. with better rule structures and more options at your finger tips.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Joseph C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/19/2015 16:08:49

Lots of simple spelling mistakes. Lots. Writer seems to have injected their own personal ideologies into the book. Not a fan of some of the changes done to some of the clans. Not a lot of history on the actual Dark Ages. Art is not very good.

Product feels rushed. Not very happy at all, honestly.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
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