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Days of Fire
Publisher: White Wolf
by manuel h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/24/2015 14:52:10

First of all, a clarification. I was expecting a novel about demon, but this is not the case. Instead, this book is rather the Demon version of the Book Nod. So, after this little surprise, it was still a good book and worth reading. The first and largest part consists of the actual "days of fire" text, written in verses, describing the whole story from the creation of the world until the time of judgement. The text is often very cryptic, I didn't understand all of it. One needs a lot of background knowledge about the whole world of darkness, not only Demon: the Fallen, but also the other game lines. So you learn also something about vampires, werewolves etc. Still, most of the times I could get an idea, what the text was about. Just to make it clear, this book is not for newbies, but interesting for people who know already a lot about world of darkness. The second part repeats some selected verses from the first part and shows images matching to the verses. The style of these decent images supports the dark mood of this book, well done. Finally, the last part tells a frame story about people in the world of darkness investigating about the "days of fire" verses. This section consists of mails, newspaper articles and police reports. Again, well written, however, one word of warning: Some texts are encrypted and although in the end, it is explained how to decode it, you are expected to decode it yourself. This is the most obvious example of how to read this book: You do not simply read it and know then, what it is about, this book expects the reader to puzzle and speculate. If you like this, then it is a good book.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Days of Fire
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The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by manuel h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/24/2015 14:27:06

I am not too familiar with Mage Awakening. I read the core book (1st edition) and bought this anthology to get a better feeling for the setting. While some stories were a bit confusing, all in all this book gives decent impressions of Mage Awakening.

Some comments on specific stories: The Hanged Woman is about a character trying to cope with a murder. It was a bit weird, not the type of stories I usually read. Open Carry and The Intruder were good for starting, they give an idea, what mages are capable of and how they do it. Crimson Lips - this one a liked very much, for an interesting antagonist. Obedience is written from the perspective of the Seers, which are typically antagonists. It is always good to have such a story, where perspectives are changed. The Storyteller - I simply agree with the other reviews, great story! The Unmurdered Man was rather complicated, many changes of view and I guess, it would help to know more about the setting for this story. The Wheel is written in a style reminding me of Lovecraft's short stories. Imaginary Skin has actually a quite interesting plot, maybe it is a bit too short, some more explanations might help. Custody Battle is about a conflict between two mages, influencing a trial. This is the type of stories I expected (and hoped) to read, it gives ideas for plots and how mages could pursue their aims. The Tahmanawis Stick is another cool story about creepy things in the wilderness. The Human Heart finally is a two-page story about a interacting with the Abyss.

The stories cover a broad range of topics and settings. Most stories are well written, although some could be better.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology
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Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by manuel h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2015 12:13:44

Great book! I have been playing V:tM and 1st edition V:tR for quite long times and now I really like the direction, where this new edition is heading. Many rules were completely rewritten, and in most cases, I prefer the new rules. Those few passages, where I liked the old rules more (like sun light) are very easy to fix. The new disciplines are awesome, and contribute much to a dense mood. I also like the clan descriptions and the many examples for touchstones, feeding grounds etc. Touchstones, by the way, are a great innovation, it's mostly persons remembering you of your humanity. Both the style of writing in this book and the rules strongly support the mood a vampire game should have.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition
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Mage Translation Guide
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by manuel h. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/07/2015 16:06:37

I never ran a chronicle in either Ascension or Awakening (but in many other WoD lines). Now I plan a Mage chronicle and used this translation guide for deciding, which variant (old or new Mage) I should choose. While some of the rules conversions seem rather strange, I think that's normal for conversions and actually for my aim, the book was very helpful, as it summed up the key differences between Ascension and Awakening. I would buy it again.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Mage Translation Guide
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