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Scion: Pride 2024
by Tom [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/08/2024 04:46:09

What's not to love? Look at majestic Thor on the cover. I love that Thor gets to shine with pride in the best way possible. Another thing I really like are the Axehandlers (one of the birthrights). It's also great to see some more attention spend to Gilgamesh. Keep going bright and with pride!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Scion: Pride 2024
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Scion Second Edition Book Two: Hero
by Garrett [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/31/2024 17:37:16

Not sure how to report an issue, but my PDF won't fully download. Its mostly just blank pages.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Scion Second Edition Book Two: Hero
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M20 Lore of the Traditions
by Kraig [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/29/2024 15:05:58

Easily the worst book for the M20 line to date.

It has no soul, little creative zing, no compelling vision of the Traditions as a unified whole, and much of the writing is mediocre to outright bland. It spends so much time addressing or calling back to old editions of the game that it forgets to tell us what's cool and interesting about playing a Tradition mage NOW. It feels more like a lesser offering of the Storyteller's Vault than an official Mage release.

The good: The write up of The Cult of Ecstasy was engaging and thought provoking. The bad: The Verbena section felt like a particularly weak pastiche of previous work with little to inspire players. The Celestial Chorus bit was so busy trying to expand the appeal of the group or give us alternative takes that it lost the soul of the Tradition.

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why I found this book so disappointing. Lore of the Traditions spends too much time, energy, and word count -- particularly for a book this thin -- apologizing (or, should I say, doing apologetics) for events that took place in previous editions of the game. Future Fates was sensible and cool in the 20th anniversary core book, but there's WAY too much of that in Lore of the Traditions. It feels repetitive and overstated in this book, and it's really unnecessary. Just tell us what's fun, interesting, and new about the Traditions. Inspire us without all the "but if you didn't like Mage Revised or the end of the old World of Darkness metaplot, just ignore it," which is what most of the Future Fate stuff boils down to.

Also, a thread of didacticism runs through every Tradition in this book in a way that feels REALLY tedious by the end. What I want from a book like this is playability, fun, and cool in-game goodies (Tradition-specific Merits & Flaws, anyone?), not the subtle (or not-so-subtle) finger wagging that feels like it takes place on nearly every page of this book. Lore of the Traditions should inspire me to want to play a member from each and every Tradition; it should NOT make me feel like I'm being lectured or told what to think. Give me the vehicle; spare me the map. Give me a book that makes me say "Cool!" not a book that makes me say "Sorry." like Bart Simpson after being reprimanded.

This review is, obviously, highly subjective, as all reviews are. I've been playing Mage since 1996. I've had the luxury of reading multiple editions of Tradition books, and this one just feels threadbare in comparison. Players who are new to Mage might find more to love in this volume than I did, and I hope they do.

I still have high hopes for the Disparates book, but it needs to be much better than Lore of the Traditions, otherwise I'll be going back to my sweet old 2nd ed and Sorcerers Crusade books.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
M20 Lore of the Traditions
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M20 Victorian Age Mage
by Laurent [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/25/2024 14:24:32

I love this book. And I love how the brutal imperialism is not adress properly.

It's well written and My player love the campaign we play. And yes the "liberal flavor" is a must have, we put it as an element of personnal horror, the punk and the gothic are in it.

And for those who think the book is just a woke essaie, I hope they never open any Mark Twain books, charles dickens or Flora Tristan (a french victorian marxist, antimperialist feminist and one of the best writter of her time that wrote an entire london description in 1840 ...).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
M20 Victorian Age Mage
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by Jonathan [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/23/2024 08:16:05

I'm definitely liking what I've seen: it takes the Super-Science rules from the Trinity Continuum core book, and expands on them to make something that can do all sorts of things.

And I do mean "all". The book doesn't delve into Novatech or Aeon-style biotech; that is, it doesn't deal with anything Quantum or Psi. But you won't miss them, because it lets Talented Super-Science do everything that the Quantum and Psi tech of Aberrant and Aeon can do. Indeed, if there are any flaws in the book, it's that it doesn't even have a box to the effect of "how to keep from stepping on the toes of the Quantum geniuses and Psi engineers" for those who want to introduce a subset of the book's options that can exist alongside what those bring to the table without supplanting them. Instead, the book focuses almost entirely on what new possibilities it can make available, relying almost entirely on the Storyteller saying no to things he doesn't want in his Chronicle. Which, to be fair, is where the buck ultimately stops anyway. And this "can do" approach has the added benefit of effectively allowing for the creation of Quantum and Psi inventions in settings such as Trinity Continuum: Adventure or Trinity Continuum: Aegis where Quantum and Psi characters are handled using a variant of the Talents rules. (See also the author's Quantum Inspiration and Psi Inspiration for ways to take the Aberrant and Aeon eras and run them as variants of the Talents rules.)

The book comes in five chapters: Inventors, Advanced Science, Inspired Science, Powered Science, and Inventions.

Chapter One: Inventors is something of a misnomer. While it does address characters who are inventors, that's actually just the first part of the chapter: it also gives rules for characters who have been augmented by Super-Science, and for Synthetic characters who have been created by Super-Science. All characters are assumed to have essentially human or human-like bodies; though it's easy enough to pair this with the Strange New Life section in Adventure Addendum if you want to change that. (That said, perhaps the author would be willing to expand that and similar sections from other eras such as Aeon and Aegis into a book of its own?)

The chapter might be better called "Superscience Characters", if not for a small section at the end of the chapter dealing with a few more complex options for inventions ("From Simple to Complex"). This section would probably work better if moved to the next chapter, which desks with the Advanced Super-Science that's available to every inventor, Inspired or not.

Chapter Two: Advanced Science deals with tech that's close enough to the setting's present that they can be invented by anyone, even baselines. They don't involve any new breakthroughs; just novel applications of known science. The technologies are defined through Tags and come in four broad types: Devices, Automatons, Compounds, and Memetics. Devices include tools, weapons and armor. Automatons include inventions that can move and act on their own, such as drones, vehicles, and mecha; they're generally not assumed to be able to act on its own, though they can do so if they have the Autonomous Tag. Compounds are drugs, chemicals, microorganisms, or possibly even nanotechnology designed to be applied to or consumed by a subject in order to affect it. Finally, Memetics are software or its equivalent. Mostly, this means data, algorithms, and programs; but it could also be used for knowledge and procedures such as Isaac Asimov's psychohistory.

Chapter Three: Inspired Science deals with innovations that you must be Inspired in order to create. There are seven of these (Bionics, Chronotech, Holotech, Neuronics, Tangentics, and Warptech), with corresponding Gifts provided in Chapter One to unlock them; and the Storyteller is encouraged to decide which ones are and aren't available in his chronicle.

Chapter Four: Powered Science deals with tech that's exclusive to Flux users, and which has the ability to incorporate Gifts (known as Flux Science) and to enhance other unique abilities of Talents such as Dramatic Editing (known as Technomancy, which most of the chapter deals with). It revisits the seven types of technology from the previous chapter, giving guidance as to just how far a Talent can take things with it. It also includes Politech, which is technology that combines features of different kinds of technologies.

Finally, Chapter Five: Inventions includes worked examples of what the systems in the precis chapters can do. It's grouped into the same categories introduced in Chapter Two, with mention of any technological groupings from Chapter Three that are incorporated into a given invention.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Exalted 3rd Edition
by Erik [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/20/2024 21:24:55

Great combat system, great social system, greatly improved setting. A solid game from top to bottom.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Exalted 3rd Edition
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Mysteries of the World: The Scion Second Edition Companion
by Louis [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/20/2024 16:31:41

Three new pantheons in this book, Loa of Haiti, Nemetondevos of Gual, Yazata of Persia, plus a good handful of additional gods for the pantheons from the Scion Hero book.

But the coolest addtion is the optional pantheon, the Teros of Atlantis. Canonically, in Scion, Atlantis if a fallen world and a pantheon doesn't exist in the modern world. This is a full and complete pantheon write up.

One of my favorite sections in the book is the information on how to create you own custom pantheon.

I like this book, 5 stars, no notes. :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mysteries of the World: The Scion Second Edition Companion
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Titanomachy (A Collection of Threats for Scion Second Edition)
by Louis [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/20/2024 16:21:02

Super fun book and perfect addition to anyone Storyguiding Scion. It's near an essential book. Overall, it provides key information about the titan from the different cultural pantheons, which rounds out how you can approach the different pantheons.

My favorite part of the book is the antagonists chapter. It provides 82 different antagonists for your game. Each comes with a background write up which provides ideas for story hooks. This chapter is like a mini monster manuel within the book.

My favorite write up in the antagonists section if the Silent Storm. a titan cult. I'm setting them up to be the big bad in my current campaign.

Good and useful stuff in this book.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Titanomachy (A Collection of Threats for Scion Second Edition)
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Curseborne: Ashcan Edition
by Louis [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/15/2024 14:32:28

This preview edition of Curseborne gives a glimpse of the full game to come. What I see is pretty cool. First off, we get a preview of Storypath Ultra, the rules system that runs the game. It's pretty accessible, intiative and in depth. It pretty much anticipates almost any situation that can come up in a game.

While we get a glimpse of the game setting, I like what I see. This is mixed supernaturals game in an urban setting with lots of intrigue and horror. Each supernatural has their own approch and effect on the setting. As a long experienced World of Darkness & Chronicles of Darkness GM & player, I've long been looking for the next evolution in the genre of game. Overall, the horror genre in all of media has grown & evolved so much and it looks like this game will reflect what we see in horror today. I enjoyed this preview and look forward to the full game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Curseborne: Ashcan Edition
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Scion Quick Reference Guide: Knacks
by Christian [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/05/2024 09:18:39

This reference guide is ridiculously useful. All three are, however I was wondering if you’d ever consider updating them to include the Mythos pantheon and the Keepers of the World. Also would you make a reference guide to the Titans and Titanic Knacks?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Scion Quick Reference Guide: Knacks
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No Gods, No Masters
by Mathias [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/03/2024 12:03:48

In the interest of avoiding a long spectacle review, I felt this book was disappointing. While the module itself possesses some interesting ideas and is very playable 'out of the box,' some of the assumptions made in the book and the way they reflect on the direction of the gameline is extremely boring, trite and runs completely counter to the most interesting parts of Scion as a premise.

It continues a trend of implicitly maltheist garbage that I feel is actively detrimental to the line and what it represents.

And the two most interesting Keepers die in the first chapter and aren't even mentioned in spite of slotting in perfectly to the plan as presented in the book. Big meh.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
No Gods, No Masters
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W20 Icons of Rage
by Nicolas [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/01/2024 17:35:06

Awesome! I especially love Tuteesh those characters are so fun

[5 of 5 Stars!]
W20 Icons of Rage
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Mantles of Washington
by Nicolas [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/31/2024 22:55:42

A Fun book. Describing how to use George Washington as a Patron or Parent in Scion. sounds fun

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mantles of Washington
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Trinity Continuum: Aether
by Paulo [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/25/2024 19:38:47

Trinity, Steampunk, and Interdimensional Portals, what's not to love?!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Trinity Continuum: Aether
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No Gods, No Masters
by REMI [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/18/2024 06:23:16

An official campaign! Finally! Scion is a complex game, and having an example of ambitious scenarios was really essential for me to get started with it. I was afraid of basic or conventional ideas, but that's not the case at all. Here is an interesting story that considers a group of Scions from different religions, well-developed NPCs, and useful tips for running the campaign... A big BRAVO to the Scion team, and I hope you continue to publish scenarios and campaigns!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
No Gods, No Masters
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