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Prism of Focus


Through the Lens of Power

Focus is a core element of Mage, though it has always been difficult to nail down mechanically. M20 made strides by separating three aspects of it: Paradigm, Practice, and Instruments. Despite this, it still confused players and felt separate from other game mechanics. In Prism of Focus, Focus is placed on a stronger foundation, and integrated into the rest of the game systems.

Unveiling the Spectrum of Reality

This book contains:

  • Tenets to describe Paradigms

  • Breakdowns of every Paradigm into Tenets

  • Details of 31 Practices from M20 and Book of Secrets

  • 105 New Rotes

  • 81 New Wonders

As of 2/12/2024, all AI art has been removed as per Paradox policy

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Jonathan L August 02, 2023 9:54 pm UTC
Should Practices really be limited by Arete? Granted, there's no benefit to a mage in learning a Practice beyond his highest Sphere rating, which in turn is capped by his Arete; but Sorcerers have Practices, too; and Prisms of Focus could easily be adapted to work in conjunction with M20 Sorcerer or Sorcerer: Paths of Power.
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Eric S October 19, 2023 4:32 pm UTC
Page 31, paragraph 3. “Although Practices may exceed Arete…”.
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Jonathan L August 02, 2023 9:11 pm UTC
Hypereconomics: the benefit allows the practitioner to treat a group of individuals as one unit for the purpose of fulfilling their desires; how broken do you think it would be to tie this to Prime/Primal Utility, using the Venture guidelines to determine the size of the polity?
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Jonathan L August 02, 2023 8:03 pm UTC
I've been thinking about the possibility of having Paradigm replace or supplement Nature and Demeanor as the means by which mages regain Willpower. How difficult do you think it would be to add something like this to the various Tenets? Ascension and Social Role Tenets seem to be the most natural fits for something like this, as they're proactive in nature; but could other kinds of Tenets be used in this way?
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David M July 19, 2024 6:13 pm UTC
I really like this idea. I think that the Personal Tenet maps to Nature, and Social Role Tenet maps to Demeanor. However, I wonder if using the Personal Tenet will lead to players invoking it with literally every casting; so I'd limit it to non-magickal actions (as far as Willpower regen). I'm going to run this past my group and see what happens.
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File Last Updated:
February 12, 2024
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