A PDF of our new Nordic Larp book, War of Ages- Elevate your role-playing experience and expand the World of Darkness! Mind’s Eye Theatre Vampire: The Masquerade - War of Ages is a Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition ("V5") live-action setting book that includes — for the first time — a focus on collaborative live-action roleplaying ("Larp"), and features the writing of Finnish novelist... [click here for more]
You can find all the rules available digitally at the By Night Studios website but as requested by the community we are also proud to make a watermarked PDF version available.
This is the ultimate expansion to the ultimate edition of Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire the Masquerade.
We thank you for supporting V2! This book does NOT include V2: Issue 1 rules. This book goes with the core BNS rules... [click here for more]