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White Wolf's tabletop RPG publishing continues via Onyx Path Publishing. Onyx Path has released Demon: the Descent, Mummy: the Curse, Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition, as well as supplements for Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition, the World of Darkness, Vampire: the Requiem and more.
Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire: the Masquerade returns via By Night Studios.
The days in Florida may be sunny, but the darkness runs deep at night. There are people who know the darkness and its sources well while others are just ordinary folk who have seen things they wish they hadn't. Neal Litherland introduces you to 100 of those people here from across Central Florida, letting you know who they are so they may join your adventures into the dark corners of the Sunshine... [click here for more]