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 Hottest Community Storytellers Vault, Vampire the Masquerade, World of Darkness Comics
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Break the Chains

Break the Chains

BREAK THE CHAINS "Like a lucid dream, I am so suddenly aware." One fateful night in 2008 Harper Bennet's centuries long bloodbond with his sire suddenly expires without explanation. Spurred by confusion, panic and an overwhelming desire to make a decision, any decision, for himself, Harper decides to do something... drastic. BREAK THE CHAINS is a standalone...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Vampire Drawings

Vampire Drawings

It is said a picture is worth a thousand words, and so here I present 12 drawings/illustrations of female Vampires inspired by Vampire The Masquerade. They depict characters in locations and settings to spark the imagination. Clans included are: Toreador, Gangrel, Brujah, Lasombra, Ventrue, Tremere, Malkavian, Nosferatu. It can be viewed as an artbook, or as a resource. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $7.77

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Unique Nosferatu Character Photos and Art

Unique Nosferatu Character Photos and Art

A series of 14 dramatic Nosferatu art and character photos, includes a Niktuku illustration. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.00

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Deprerador y Presa [ESP] + extras

Deprerador y Presa [ESP] + extras

Una noche de fiesta va a determinar quién es la depredador y quién la presa. Depredador y Presa es un comic de VtM (20 aniversario). Advertencia: Sangre y violencia. Personajes, arte e historia por KaramzinovArt. Versión en español, incluye anotaciones y making off del cómic, así como el relato original en el que se basa el cómic. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Predator and Prey [ENG]

Predator and Prey [ENG]

A night party will determine who is actually the predator and who is the prey. Predator and Prey is a VtM (20th anniversary) comic. TW: Blood, violence. Characters, art and story by KaramzinovArt. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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