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The one and only Vampire Setting of Ancient times is now on V5.
It’s 2350 B.C. and the first Sumerian empire is raised in ancient Mesopotamia by Lugalzaguesi. Akkad is the strongest resistance led by Sargon the Great. The distant kingdoms watch the conflict closely, as they will be the next targets.
A few centuries ago, the Second City fell, and now the Cainites rule the many independent... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Embrace all new possibilities for your character with our Vampire Player's Guide. Designed to deeply expand the options for characters, the book allows players to make unique kindred supported by game mechanics as well as tools for Storytellers to flesh out non-player characters. This resource provides a trove of new advantages, flaws, predator types, and disciplines designed to fit within the rules... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Lords of Endless Fear brings the Elders back to the stage in the fifth edition of Vampire: The Masquerade, connecting their millennia-old stories to the current state of Gehenna, the Beckoning, and the Ashirra.
The book also introduces new mechanics for playing with Elders, and the unravelling of a new sect: the Illuminae.
Reveal the World of Darkness from a never-before-seen perspective!... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
We've met before, but this is the last time.
You owed a debt of blood the moment you stepped into my woods, Little Red, and the Big Bad Wolf never forgets what she's due.
What, you think that's no fair?
Oh, pet, there are no rules but the ones I make with tooth and claw.
I always play fair, though. The game's... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
For thousands of years, the Tal’mahe’Ra held the same course. Protect the enigmatic Aralu. Infiltrate the leadership of other sects. Stay steady at the helm. Then the Beckoning and Gehenna War upended everything, and left the Tal’mahe’Ra floundering.
Bloodlines Unbound 2 includes 10 bloodline loresheets designed to bring the secretive Tal'mahe'Ra into your games, ready to face the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
We’ve met before, you and me.
Sure we have!
I was the panic when they left you all alone.
I was the shame when they said they didn’t love you.
I was the hate when you brought down the knife.
I’m every ugly thing you’ve ever done or been, and I have so much more to teach you.
— Dottie Tonner, Necropolis Underqueen... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
We’ve met before.
Whenever you heard a whisper in an empty room.
Whenever a shadow didn’t seem human but watched you all the same.
Whenever a book fell from a shelf and opened to a page that began with your name.
Well, that one time.
To answer your next question: Yes, I saw.
And it will cost you.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A Ship in Harbor is Safe
The depths of the seas, the skies, the far reaches of space, and the many-layered Umbra offer infinite opportunities for exploration, countless horrors to evade or overcome, and priceless secrets awaiting discovery. Umbral Pilots, Void Engineers, the Royal Ethernautical Society, and others build sophisticated craft empowered to plumb the depths of the universe.
But That is... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Here be Monsters. You should know, you're one of them. But, among vampires, there exist stranger and more ancient forms of the Blood than any clan or sect may yet realize.
We Shall be Monsters is a sourcebook for Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition which seeks to bring the fringes of Kindred society into the Modern Nights. You can find the following within:
Four new Bloodlines!... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
 V5 Tzimisce
Reshaping the Clan of Shapers
V5 Tzimisce Reshaping the Clan of Shapers is a 60 page supplement for Vampire: the Masquerade 5th edition that looks to revisit and explore:
Clan Tzimisce through the eyes of an outsider
Exploration of the splintering of the Tzimisce and the shape they take in... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |

The Chicago Folios Follow-Up
Chicago, the Jewel in the Crown of the Camarilla in North America. A city where stories are told, and whenever a story ends, a new one begins.
Prince, Primogen, Anarch and Independent, all in a constant battle for dominance, control, or simple survival. Old faces and new bite at the lifeblood of the Windy City. Whether it’s intrigues in Elysium,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Sympathy for the Devils?
Despite wizards and creatures of all kinds, the worst monsters may be our fellow human beings. What they lack in supernatural power, they make up for with greed, malice, stupidity, and numbers.
Other People can be Hell!
For the Nephandi, such “people of the lie” sustain their goal of ultimate oblivion. This sourcebook... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Caught between the Wyld Hunt and a mad king... Released in 1996, Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt, a collectible card game, offered Changeling: The Dreaming players a tantalizing glimpse into Arcadia. The game allowed players to create their own character with which to explore the heart of the Dreaming. Most of the character options were those found in Changeling, but intriguingly, a handful never made... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Monstrous Werewolves for V5!
“We spend a lot of time telling ourselves that we are at the very top of the food chain. Humanity lords over the world and we lord over them. Simple. Humans have no natural predators, save us… assuming we can call ourselves ‘natural.’ It is a very comfortable spot at the very top. It is soothing to think that we are our own worst enemies. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Dread-touched presents a new group of people who discover they’ve got monsters within themselves. These monsters grant great power, but at terrible cost. Some Dread-touched spend their lives trying to hide from their true nature, keeping their Agony hidden in all but the most dire of circumstances. Others revel in the power they gain from their Agony, abusing their power and... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Senhores do Medo sem Fim traz os anciãos de volta ao palco da quinta edição de Vampiro a Máscara, conectando suas histórias milenares ao presente estado da Gehenna, do Chamado e da Ashirra.
O livro ainda traz novas sugestões de mecânicas para jogar com anciãos, e o surgimento de uma nova seita: A Illuminae.
Desvende o Mundo das Trevas sob uma perspectiva nunca antes vista!... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Let's bring back those favorite characters from the earlier editions of Vampire and let's update them for the 5th Edition! That's what this second installment of Signatures is all about. It's all about our favorite villains, autarkis, and otherwise outcast weirdos we love so much. Each character is presented with a full page of V5 stats, as well as a full page piece of artwork right across from it.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Beneath Shifting Skin is a rules toolkit to bring the systems presented in Skinchangers in line with the Chronicles of Darkness core rules. This book cuts straight to the systems with only the barest narrative elements included. This book has been designed for complete compatibility with Chronicles of Darkness and requires only the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
It’s Easy to Lose Focus
M20 defined Focus as Paradigm, Practice, and Instruments, but the lines between them can be fuzzy. It’s not always clear what the Focus of a character should be, or what magick within it looks like. This can be made even worse by how esoteric many characters can get. It’s fairly easy in many ways to have a weird magick engineer building bizarre things, but what happens... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Thank you to all who helped us reach #1 on the store front! Elder vampires, the source of many myths and legends regarding vampires of the world. They wield powers sometimes only fit for the gods. Their cold and calculating minds are ever thinking of the future. Within this book you’ll find a number of ways Elders exert their control over those of the weaker Generations.
Now... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Supernatural creatures have lived with us since the beginning of time. It's time to talk about what vampires know about them that may or may not be true. But at least now you'll have a method of how to defend yourself against these terrible creatures and how to deal with them on an equal footing.
Guide to relationships between Vampires, Mages, Werewolves, Ghosts, and Fairies;
Presentation of Combination-Disciplines... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
They are nameless NPCs, simple all-human background extras. Forget about letting them to improvisation anymore. This collection contains about 200 generic NPC archetypes ready to populate your World of Darkness. Each NPC entry contains a Demeanor (giving you a general interpretation guide), Attributes, Abilities, Backgrounds, Humanity and Willpower ratings, and an Equipment list... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
What's this book?
A detailed walkthrough of a particular paradigm, ready for use in your game or by your character. M20 replaced the previous "focus for each Sphere" system with something much more personal requiring a deeper understanding of a character's paradigm to determine their paradigm, practice, and instruments. Paradigms Explored: Wyrd and Weft walks through in detail the magickal... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Long thought to be an unplayably quirky bloodline, the Kiasyd have never been seen in this light: Treasure Hunters, Mystics, Goblin Friends. Learn their secrets! Investigate lost relics!
Clanbook: Kiasyd contains 100+ pages of:
• The Darkling's complete history, hierarchy, and habits • A completely new take on Mytherceria, their signature discipline, now separated in a Seelie and Unseelie path.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This is the penultimate support book for Beckett's Jyhad Diary. It collects nearly every character mentioned in that epic tome and gives you full statistics, roleplaying advice, and guidance on how to bring them into your game. There are 252 Character Sheet entries contained in this text. This collects all of the individual Beckett's Vampire Folios into one pdf bookmarked text with updated art, layout,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Khara, Once Lost are Now Found!
Tribebook Khara is a look into the buried mysteries of the extinct WereSabretooth Cats. Within are 36 pages of insight into the Khara, and their connections to ancient humanity and their sabretoothed kin.
With this book, you can set the stage for epic conflicts and crushing tragedies as Gaia's most powerful secret keepers march to their... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The children of the night... what music they make!
This book contains one"blank slate" pregen (pre-generated) character for each clan for use in Vampire The Masquerade 5th Edition chronicles and one-shots. Whether you’re starting with Childer, Neonate, or Ancillae characters, you’ll find a pre-gen for each clan at the appropriate experience level.
A “Blank Slate”... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
 Wherever You Go... Creatures of outstanding beauty, the nymphs rarely deign to mix with Kithain. Their duty is simple: preserve the locations they are bound to, which range from natural idyllic glades to hotbeds of human dream. Unlike the Inanimae they see as little siblings, the nymphs are born to humans and eventually drawn to their chosen place by its Glamour. From lifetime to... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Clanbook: Samedi takes the Samedi to new depths. Ever the mysterious bloodline, the Corpses are dissected and examined. With the addition of Vodouisant-based Disciplines and a fleshed-out (sic) origin story spanning from Europe to Africa and Haiti and beyond, the Samedi are now a powerful force in the Final Nights, scheming for their own gains in ways even most Kindred would be repulsed by…
Herein... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Dinosaurs Live Alongside Us!
Tribebook Corax-Rapax is two books in one! The first part, Tribebook: Corax, reimagines the were-ravens to make them the true heirs of the dinosaur legacy. Modern science tells us that the dinosaurs never fully went extinct. Instead, they live on in the form of birds. What does this mean for the humble Corax of the Savage Age? It certainly means they deserve... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Secrets of the Ring Dancers Before Their Fae Enslavement
Tribebook Ceilican is an exploration into the Ceilican Bastet for Werewolf: the Savage Age and Werewolf: the Apocalypse. This all-new 45 page book is filled with the history, legends, and character options needed to play a Ceilican in the prehistoric Savage Age.
The Ceilican have been defined for far too long solely by their Fae... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Slaves No Longer
A millennium in the making, the Gargoyles are finally ready to spread their wings and become truly their own masters. Grotesqueries the world over are finally setting their sights on heights loftier than servitude or mere survival. They yearn for equal standing amongst the Kindred, a recognition of Clan status, and even a new stage in their design - and are ready... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Everything you need to play one of the Dullahan, the infamous kith behind the legends of the headless horseman!
Born from the dreams of the hunt, the punishment and divine retribution, the Dullahan stalk the highways of the World of Darkness playing judge, jury and executioner among fae and mortal alike. But as the Dreams of Law and Justice have evolved, so have these intimidating riders. And... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
An overview of the Nahema and the first three levels of the Phantasm Discipline are now included in BLOODLINES FROM THE VAULT vol. 1!
The childer of Malakai, twin sister of Malkav, have hidden among the Malkavians since the 15th Century. Paranoid and terrified, the Nahema have always found comfort in the presence of their Malkavian cousins. Now, for the first time, the secrets of... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A dive into Central Florida's hidden past to modern nights, World of Dakness Central Florida gives you all the necessaries to run a great chronicle in the area surrounding Orlando, FL. Included within this product is information on the Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, Wraiths, Changelings, and Hunters of the Central Florida. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Descendants of the Three Sisters includes details on Indigenous Kindred Native to the Northeastern United States and Canada. These are three utterly new clans with details that have never been seen in a Vampire product previously.
A new origin story for Vampires indigenous to the Northeastern US
Clan details including Merits and alternative discipline powers
6... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
 A Corax Caern is in Peril!
In this introductory Savage Age story, players take on the roles of young Corax as the Garou Nation sets its sights on taking over their Caern. Three-Thousand Trees’ Parliament must decide whether to stand their ground to defend their ancient Caern, or submit to the wolves’ talons and preserve their legacy.
This story takes place at the beginning... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Call to Lineage
A V5 Supplement
Call to Lineage is a series of 36 Descendant-based loresheets for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition.
Includes loresheets to include for PCs representing their connection to key figures within the World of Darkness.
Loresheets for the following characters are included in Call to Lineage:
Banu Haqim: Dastur Anosh; Jamal, the Martyr;... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
From the Halls of the Arcanum
Inside the Chapter House is a collection of ready-made characters for use with M20 Sorcerer. These characters are presented as members of a small Arcanum Chapter House. Their backstories are written with the assumption that they all belong to the same Chapter House in the United States of America, but this can easily be shifted to place... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Hidden Keepers of the Dark Wood
No fairy tale is complete without a witch making an appearance, and so out of the ancient Mediterranean come the Strega. Owl-like witches and warlocks who claim kinship with fabled Lilith, they have spread across the globe to claim and protect the hollows of the mystical Dark Wood that are their birthright. Their occult expertise and inborn ability to curse the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Death comes to us all. Whether by disease or accident, nature or deliberate acts of violence, all things mortal die sooner or later. In the darkness of death, though, some hear a voice. A whispered promise that things don't have to end. Not like this, and not right now, anyway. These creatures speak in a multitude of voices, and they wear a thousand different forms, but beneath the skin they share... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
 Santa: The Ascension – A Jolly Mage Character Sheet
Ever wondered how Santa Claus delivers presents to billions of kids in one night? This fully detailed character sheet reimagines Santa as the ultimate Correspondence Master, blending Virtual Adept logistics, Spirit travel, and Life-enhanced reindeer into one unstoppable bringer of holiday joy. Perfect for injecting some festive... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
An Enemy So Vicious and Feared the Garou Erased Their Memory From Existence.
Tribebook Wlewa is an exploration into the new Were Cave Lion Bastet for Werewolf: the Savage Age and Werewolf: the Apocalypse. This all-new 72 page book is filled with the history, legends, and character options needed to play a Wlewa in the prehistoric Savage Age (and bring story elements into the Moden Nights). ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
In the time of Rome’s expansion, the White Howlers were all that stood between the legions and domination of the land that would come to be known as Scotland. Fanatics, warriors, and mystics, they delved deeper than they ever should have in the defense of their homeland. While they found the power to repel the invaders, they sold their souls and their sanity to do so. Corrupted, and driven mad, they... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Camazotz - At Their Greatest!
Tribebook Urkama is your opportunity to play a were-bat in the Savage Age! Inside is an extensive look at how the War of Rage defined the Urkama and how the Urmaka eventually evolved into the modern Camazotz.
The Urkama held a special mandate -- to protect Gaia from the predations of the Deep Umbra. Secretive and focused on the Umbra, the Urkama made... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Very First Fera!
Tribebook Kor gives you the opportunity to play a were-Dimetrodon in the Savage Age! The Kor hail from a drastically different era, and their expansive Gaian mandate connects them through eons of time to the coming apocalypse. Gaia will need them once again.
Inside Tribebook: Kor is an extensive look at age of glory - a time that predated even the Mokole. The Kor... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
What If There Was Another? A Breed Lost to the March of Time? Similar to the Garou, but Like the Nuwisha, Not of the Garou...
Tribebook Naghaluu is an exploration into an all new dire wolf fera for Werewolf: the Apocalypse. This all-new 59 page book is filled with the history, legends, and character options needed to play one of the Naghaluu.
The Naghaluu... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Thought of as the lowest of the low, the Bone Gnawers were originally garou rejected from other tribes. Coming together in solidarity, these underdogs have embraced the insulting name thrown at their feet by the alphas of old. Community-oriented free thinkers, this tribe took it upon themselves to wander the cities of man, and to safeguard them against the harm and corruption that so often springs... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Savage Age Kinfolk - The People of the War of Rage.
Garou, Bastet, Gurahl, and Many Others!
Weaponized Ink continues to expand the prehistoric civilization found in Werewolf the Savage Age by partnering with Neal Litherland and the 100 Kinfolk Project to provide more than one hundred kinfolk writeups, art, and story ideas. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
100 Shadow Lord Kinfolk
Within this book you'll find the latest addition to this list of NPCs for each tribe.
The strong right hand of the garou nation for centuries, the Shadow Lords were consummate betas; field commanders, diplomats, and when called for, enforcers. They were the ones who turned the gears of power, and ensured the nation went forward. But with the Silver Fangs’ grip slipping,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |