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The Beast Within Revised

The Beast Within Revised

Unseen. The Kindred Move Among Us Not merely mad beasts of lonely hunters, the vampires of the World of Darkness who call themselves The Kindred because of the blood that elementally binds them together, are dnagerously organized and cunning. They hide behind a plan they call the Masquerade so that they do not draw the attention or ire of mortals, and the society this masquerade obscures...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $3.99

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The Art of: Werewolf the Apocalypse

The Art of: Werewolf the Apocalypse

Red in Tooth and Claw Nine feet of killing power. The sleep lines of a predator. The fangs and claws of a monster. The ancient weapons of a millennia-old culture. The Trappings of shamanism. The Tools and weapons of the modern world. It's impossible to look on a Garou and see it for anything other than what it is - one of Gaia's Warriors, a fusion of man and beast that's greater than...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.95 $7.99

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The Art of Mage the Ascension

The Art of Mage the Ascension

REALITY OVERTHROWN! Their heritage is magic, their quest truth.  They lead humanity to the far horizon and beyond.  They are mages, the inventors of sorcery, science and faith.  For centuries, they have battled to define existence and lead huamnity to an enlightened age.  Now in an age when technology is humanity's magic, the magicians of yesteryear's mystic Traditions fight for survival...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $7.99

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Revelations of the Dark Mother

Revelations of the Dark Mother

Even The Book of Nod speaks of her but little. She is Lilith, the Dark Queen, the Harlot of the Damned. It was she, some whisper, who taught Caine his shadowed gifts. And it is she, the legends continue, who will rise to herald the Final Nights, the great Gehenna.Come, childer, and hear the Dark Mothers tale. Embraces Her Children for the Final Nights A Book of Nod-style tome of vampire myths and...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $4.99

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Days of Fire

Days of Fire

Heed the Signs and Beware The seals of the Abyss are sundered and demons walk the earth again, claiming souls as they vie for dominance across the globe. Hidden within their ancient sanctums, the Earthbound stir after millennia of sleep, summoning their scattered worshippers and forging chains of slavery for fallen and mortal alike. Now come the words of Lucifer himself, lost Prince of the Fallen,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $4.99

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Art of Vampire: The Masquerade

Art of Vampire: The Masquerade

FROM THE LONG NIGHT The Kindred: predators and monsters to the last.  A race of biblically cursed parasites, these vampires hide among humanity, eking out a damned existence under the eyes of God and the noses of mortals.  Each night, the Kindred steal forth to take the sustenance they need for their continued survival - human blood. ...TO THE FINAL NIGHTS The Art of Vampire:...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.95 $7.99

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Analects of the Third Garden

Analects of the Third Garden

In the Garden of Lilith In the beginning, so says the tales, the first woman refused God, accepted torment and sorrow and won her freedom. All else that transpires in the World of Darkness springs from that moment. The lore of the dark mother, the true history of the world with all it’s secrets laid bare, lies within these pages. The Thorns cast Dark Shadows The Analects of the Third Garden, is...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.95

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