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Dispatches from the Vault is an unofficial webzine with a curated selection of reviews for Storytellers' Vault titles past and present, across all gamelines on the site. Each installment features in-depth consdieration of titles from the last two months, as well as a release from a previous year. This issue's reviews include:
World of Darkness: Sanctuaries [WoD20]
Raising the Dead... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Dispatches from the Vault is an unofficial webzine with a curated selection of reviews for Storytellers' Vault titles past and present, across all gamelines on the site. Each installment features reviews of releases from the last two months, as well as a past release. This issue includes:
A Crooked Smile [V5]
Curriculum Vitae: A Guide to Obscure Disciplines (ashcan) [V20]
The Shipyard:... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Dispatches from the Vault is an unofficial webzine with a curated selection of reviews for Storytellers' Vault titles past and present, across all gamelines on the site. This inaugural issue (slightly delayed because it was a late-blooming idea) includes reviews for:
In the Realm of Gods and Dreams [C20]
New Gold [V5]
The Goal of the Wise [MtAw 2e]
Also included are previews and excerpts... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Dispatches from the Vault is an unofficial webzine with a curated selection of reviews for Storytellers' Vault titles past and present, across all gamelines on the site. Each installment features titles from the last two months, as well as one from the last month in a past year. This issue includes reviews of:
The Lost Athenaeum [MtAw 2e]
Under the Phantom Moon [WtWW20]
Blood Sorcery... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Olá pessoal.
Venho aqui apresentar meu segundo Art Pack. As artes podem ser usadas nos seus jogos e produtos para a Storytellers Vault, mas claro, seguindo as regras de licença que estão no arquivo PDF com o título "LEIA-ME".
No arquivo português há alguns contos escritos por meus amigos, Juliano Riechelmann, Tatiana Versieux e Daniel King. Seus links também estarão no arquivo junto... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to the Technocracy! As a new agent. Or congratulations for your development! :lang="en">Please fill out this form so we can add it to your file.
Give this as a handout for your Technocracy players, or let Mages find this document so they can learn about the Technocracy. Check my other Manuals and Guides, that can be useful for your Agents. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
My vampire portfolio and art pack to use in your materials, games or personal use. Along with the archive is also some of my inspirations and the views of close friends, players and content creators, on Vampire the Masquerade, art and my content.
Hope you like it and enjoy. Be sure to read the terms of use
Meu portfólio de vampírico e pacote de arte para usar em seus materiais, jogos ou uso pessoal.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever wanted to create a game aid with High Realm script? Or maybe you have wanted to create artwork with High Realm script in it? Well, now you can! This PDF and accompanying TrueType font file have been packaged together for those out there wanting to create and use the High Realm script from White Wolf’s Exalted RPG.
Now both players and STs can easily type in word-processors or in programs... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Olá pessoal.
Venho aqui apresentar meu terceiro Art Pack. As artes podem ser usadas nos seus jogos e produtos para a Storytellers Vault, mas claro, seguindo as regras de licença que estão no arquivo PDF com o título "LEIA-ME".
Hey guys.
I come here to present my third Art Pack. The arts can be used in your games and products for the Storytellers Vault, but of course, following the license... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
How far is too far? A big question when playing a game that can get as serious as most World of Darkness Chonicles tend to be. This little sheet can spare you and your players a lot of heartache by making sure noone is pushed further then they enjoy to be. All this for the low price of free if you want it to be.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever wanted to create a game aid with Low Realm script? Or maybe you have wanted to create artwork with Low Realm script in it? Well, now you can! This PDF and accompanying TrueType font file have been packaged together for those out there wanting to create and use the Low Realm script from White Wolf’s Exalted RPG.
Now both players and STs can easily type in word-processors or in programs... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
 I went through and fixed as many errors as I could find in the Deviant: the Renegades community content templates. I'm releasing it for y'all so you won't have to go through this to publish your supplements. You will still need the original template download here for most of the fonts as I can't redistribute some of them.
Bug fixes include:
Drew a missing... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
 This is an improved version of the Microsoft Word version of the M20 Interior Template. The primary improvements are:
No accidental Vampire borders
Chapter headings no longer in text boxes so they will show up in bookmarks
Smart Table of Contents can be updated to automatically get chapter titles and page numbers
Images automatically wrap text around them instead of going in front of text
... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
UPDATE: Table of Contents is now available with
UPDATE: Glyphs are now available, checkout the GlyphsLookUp Files for reference
(German Version below)
This is a LaTeX class to create Werewolf Products for the Storytellers Vault
there are multiple features already implemented with more to come.
fast and easy(if you know LaTeX) to use. and it is bilingual (german and english)... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This is an interactive PDF Quick Character (QC) sheet for use in Exalted 3rd Edition (EX3) games. This is an extended version of my original QC sheet. This one has an extra page giving you more room and is intended to hold QCs that are a bit more fleshed out or that are more important than the those you would use the short QC sheet for. I've created two different versions of this sheet. This... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
As of this writing, the Storytellers Vault guidelines state:
You may not use the Vampire: The Masquerade logo or any other game line logo as part of your RPG product title; you may, however, use the game lines titles for asset packs such as art and similar additional material.
For example, you may not use the Vampire: The Masquerade logo on a city by night sourcebook, but you may use... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Updated 2/6/2024. Made a dedicated Scribus template, fixed export errors on PDF, fixed small aesthetic errors I found in Affinity template, and added color palette files for making matching art. --------------- I went through and fixed as many errors as I could find in the Deviant: the Renegades community content templates. I'm releasing it for y'all so you won't have to go through... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
[ENG] The Art of Vamptober - Part I is an artpack of characters and settings from The Chronicles of Sao Paulo using the following #Vamptober 2021 prompts: 01- Fangs Out 02- Sweet Embrace 03- Where the Undead Gather 04- Elysium Fashion 05 The Very First Bite 06- Undead Love 07- Hideout 08- This Clan of Mine 09- Newly Found Power 10- Inner Monster 11- Faith That Hurts
This file contains... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
[ENG] The Art of Vamptober - Part III is an artpack of characters and settings from The Chronicles of Sao Paulo using the following #Vamptober 2021 prompts: 22- It's a Beautiful Night to Hunt 23- Forbidden Pleasures 24- The Prince 25- Blood Magic Ritual 26- Ceremony of the Dead 27- You're Bound To Me 28- Bats! 29- Night Off 30- Too Old to Die 31- The Sun Rises
This file contains 12... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
[ENG] The Art of VTMtober - Part III is an artpack of characters and settings from The Chronicles of Sao Paulo using the following #VTMtober 2020 prompts: 22- Ventrue 23- True Faith 24- Frenzy 25- Auspex 26- Toreador 27- Golconda 28- Prince 29- Animalism 30- Final Death 31- You as a Vampire
This file contains 10 high resolution images in ZIP format. to be used in your Storytellers... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
 For Mac Pages users, here is the template I created for M20 books. Please contact me for updates or additions! Please noe this is a dot PAGES file. It will only work for Mac Pages. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
An interactive PDF Quick Character sheet for use in Exalted 3rd Edition (EX3) games. This is the most basic version I have created for secondary characters or characters made up on the fly. This is not intended to hold well fleshed out characters that are central to the game. I've created two different versions of this sheet. This is a digital, interactive version meant for virtual tabletop play or... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
[ENG] The Art of Vamptober - Part II is an artpack of characters and settings from The Chronicles of Sao Paulo using the following #Vamptober 2021 prompts: 12- Blood Hunter 13- Eyes of The Beast 14- Every Rose Have It's Thorns 15- Blue Blood 16- Crimson Tears 17- The Night You Where Turned 18- Hunger 19- SETiation 20- Last Sunset 21- Eternal Enemy
This file contains 10 high resolution... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
[ENG] The Art of VTMtober - Part I is an artpack of characters and settings from The Chronicles of Sao Paulo using the following #VTMtober 2020 prompts: 01. Your OC 02. Brujah 03. Haven 04. Lasombra 05. Sire and Childe 06. Nosferatu 07. Elysium 08. Hecata 09. Thin-blood
This file contains 12 high resolution images in ZIP format. to be used in your Storytellers Vault or Dark Pack Projects.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
[ENG] The Art of VTMtober - Part II is an artpack of characters and settings from The Chronicles of Sao Paulo using the following #VTMtober 2020 prompts: 10- Banu Haqim 11- The Kiss 12- Tremere 13- Ghoul 14- Malkavian 15- Embrace 16- Ministry 17-Blood Sorcery 18- Gangrel 19- Anarch Hideout 20- Hunger 21- Presence
This file contains 12 high resolution images in ZIP format. to be used... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
 Investigating a brutal crime, Renato begins to realize that the world hide secrets that could lead him to madness. Haunted by strange dreams, Sara divides herself between two lives, trapped by her past mistakes in a quest for redemption. A boy wakes up alone in a dark alley, with no memory and no hope. Jonas hides a dark secret that may be the key to the salvation of mankind.
HUNTERS... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This is a printable PDF Quick Character (QC) sheet for use in Exalted 3rd Edition (EX3) games. This is the most basic version I have created for secondary characters or characters made up on the fly. This is not intended to hold well fleshed out characters that are central to the game. I've created two different versions of this sheet. This version is NOT interactive and is meant to be printed out... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This is a printable PDF Quick Character (QC) sheet for use in Exalted 3rd Edition (EX3) games. This is an extended version of my original QC sheet. This one has an extra page giving you more room and is intended to hold QCs that are a bit more fleshed out or that are more important than the those you would use the short QC sheet for. I've created two different versions of this sheet. This version... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
47 (roughly 18 original photos that have had filters added to them/ been edited to achieve various effects. Please feel free to use as you wish, whether it be for game sessions or even as stock art for something you want to sell on here. You can edit the pictures however you want, though please don’t bundle them for resale. We hope you enjoy.
Sample collage shows 4 to give you an example.
Good... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
13 Original photos (6 male and 6 female in black and white style, plus the collage image to sample the images) that have had filters added to them/ been edited. Please feel free to use as you wish, whether it be for game sessions or even as stock art for something you want to sell on here. You can edit the pictures however you want, though please don’t bundle them for resale. We hope you enjoy.
Sample... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want