When a True Fae shatters their title in The Human World, The Wyrd grows stronger than ever before. Now the fae world is starting to wander in and if it’s not stopped soon then everyone will know what it’s like to be a Changeling.Inside you’ll find:
-Brand new setting information, including using The Wyrd as an Ecosystem, The Wyrd Tier List, and mechanics... [click here for more]
History, as we know it, is wrong. Nearly three centuries do not exist – they are, in fact, a fabrication. The years AD 614 to 911 were made up, whole cloth, by a trio of old and incredibly powerful Malkavians. Their reasons differ, but the end result was the same; three hundred years inserted into the history of Europe. A mighty emperor created to stroke the ego of a Malkavian Methuselah. And three... [click here for more]
The Hobgoblin’s Brigade is a Halloween themed one shot for Changeling, the Lost chronicles. For one night, the motley is entrusted with the care of three hobgoblin children and tasked with taking them trick or treating in the mundane world. Specific challenges are played out as the hobgoblins interact with mortals, puzzle over Halloween customs, and eventually determine if the motley is worthy of... [click here for more]
Investigating a brutal crime, Renato begins to realize that the world hide secrets that could lead him to madness. Haunted by strange dreams, Sara divides herself between two lives, trapped by her past mistakes in a quest for redemption. A boy wakes up alone in a dark alley, with no memory and no hope. Jonas hides a dark secret that may be the key to the salvation of mankind.HUNTERS... [click here for more]