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The world of AD 62 is completely new for vampires. There has never been so much organization, but there has never been so much belief. Mortals know that supernatural creatures can exist and any misstep will surely cause the death of vampires. The clans cannot reach a multiple agreement and the fight is far from over. Nero's madness is just beginning, as his recent discovery of Cain's descendants... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Supernatural creatures have lived with us since the beginning of time. It's time to talk about what vampires know about them that may or may not be true. But at least now you'll have a method of how to defend yourself against these terrible creatures and how to deal with them on an equal footing.
Guide to relationships between Vampires, Mages, Werewolves, Ghosts, and Fairies;
Presentation of Combination-Disciplines... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Ascension Night was the first recorded game of Vampire the Masquerade 5th Edition, created by Darker Days Radio. Since then it has been used worldwide as a demo scenario at events and has been free to download from the Darker Days Radio website. This version is a full rebuild, update and edit of the scenario, and concerns itself with the repercussions... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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 Time to Get Your Fangs Wet
A one-shot story for brand new players and less experienced Storytellers.
This product contains a full story, which introduces core concepts of the setting, such as the Masquerade and Princes and coteries. It can be run as a one-off story to preview the World of Darkness for curious players or be the start of a lengthier Chronicle. A glossary is included as a sidebar to... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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 With only the moonlight to guide you.
Lunarious is a beginner-friendly Vampire: the Masquerade one-shot designed for players familiar with the plot beats of a 5E game, but desire an introduction to the tone and themes within the World of Darkness.
In this story, the Prince of your city has been missing for almost a month and the kindred are beginning to sense a power vacuum.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Hidden Bloodlines
The Companion of the Bloodlines, Part II continues the development of the hidden descendants of Caine considered "forgotten" in recent decades, the Bloodlines. These become increasingly antagonistic during modernity and bring a new set of challenges to the chronicles. This book contains:
Descriptions of the Azaneali Bloodlines, Children of the Blood (Blood Brothers),... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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"Du stehst inmitten von zerwühltem Boden. Um dich herum liegen aufgeworfene Steine und Erdklumpen. Der Geschmack von Blut in deinem Mund ist bitter wie Rost – und du hast keine Ahnung, was passiert ist."
Ein Sabbat-Rudel treibt sein Unwesen in der Domäne. Eine seit Jahrhunderten reifende Intrige steht kurz vor ihrer blutigen Vollendung. Und eine kleine Gruppe frisch erschaffener Vampire... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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La Mariée était en Noir est une réécriture du scénario du même nom produit par White Wolf en 1991. Le scénario a été adapté pour être joué avec la V5 de Vampire la Mascarade et est le point d'entrée partie d'une plus grande chronique nommée Le Roi Déchu.
L'histoire se déroule en 1990 à Paris et commence par un mariage qui se transforme en enlèvement... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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History, as we know it, is wrong. Nearly three centuries do not exist – they are, in fact, a fabrication. The years AD 614 to 911 were made up, whole cloth, by a trio of old and incredibly powerful Malkavians. Their reasons differ, but the end result was the same; three hundred years inserted into the history of Europe. A mighty emperor created to stroke the ego of a Malkavian Methuselah. And three... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Com todas as suas calamidades e delícias, a Capital é o palco para muitos vampiros executarem seus maquiavélicos planos de poder. O Credo do Anjo Perdido retrata uma dessas inúmeras articulações, deixando claro como os Anciões são capazes de manipular e mover meio mundo para concluírem seus objetivos, mesmo que as consequências sejam uma... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Lors du scénario la Lune est Rouge :
Les actions passées des personnages les plongent malgré eux dans un important conflit politique. Ils se sont construits des alliés et se sont attirés des ennemis.
Par alliance et par contrainte des services rendus, ils se retrouvent pris dans un vaste engrenage qui, à terme, les conduira soit à leur perte, soit à leur ascension. Une première... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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La Pierre des Bons Vents est le scénario finale qui cloture la chronique du Roi Déchu.
Pierre Emmanuel de Pompignan, figure importante de la politique vampirique parisienne, lassé par ses récents échecs, décide de prendre sérieusement en main le problème. Pour lui, la Coterie des personnages joueurs est la raison et la représentation de cette ère de chaos... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Lors du scénario la Psychose Familiale :
Les sires des personnages joueurs disparaissent en même temps que la bourgmestre des Tours, une figure importante de l'autorité camariste parisienne. La Camarilla locale décide alors arbitrairement de relier ces deux événements entre eux. La nouvelle Coterie est donc accusée à la place de leurs sires pour l'enlèvement présumer de... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Criaturas sobrenaturais convivem conosco desde o início dos tempos. Está na hora de falar o que os vampiros sabem sobre elas e isso pode ou não ser verdade. Mas pelo menos agora você terá um método de como se defender dessas terríveis criaturas e como lidar com elas de igual para igual.
Guia de relações entre Vampiros, Magos, Lobisomens, Fantasmas e Fadas;
Apresentação de Meta-Disciplinas... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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 The Empty Embrace is an ongoing stand-alone FanFiction web novel that can be found on Royal Road and is not connected to any other source material aside from some basic Clan lore and RPG elements of the Bloodlines videogame.
To World of Darkness: VtM aficionados, I apologize, but this story does not abide by established lore regarding people, places, or events. Any parallels or... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Dizer que a não-vida na Capital é complexa e atribulada é dizer pouco. Pelas noites, durante décadas, cadáveres que se consideram deuses desfilam pelas ruas sujas ou se escondem em coberturas luxuosas, procurando tecer as tramas do cenário político e social da Capital.
Agora, um fio desse tecido escapou e se rompeu... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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1906 год, Санкт-Петербург. Старейшина тореадоров призывает котерию вампиров, чтобы завладеть старым театром, который продают с молотка. Ваши герои должны поставить спектакль, который удивит смертных и бессмертных города... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Urban Legends Book 1 contains two spooky story hooks for any setting and chronicle of VtM. Just use them as you see fit to scare your players – or just to create a story of mysteries in a world already so full of them. Hope you have as much fun using these hooks as I had writing them! ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Quer começar uma crônica de V5 rapidamente? A iniciação rápida de V5 "O(s) Monstro(s) está disponivel agora!
Em uma pequena cidade americana, alguém está matando pessoas e tomando seu sangue, o que é sempre um problema para os vampiros. Se for um ser humano, pode chamar a atenção para os verdadeiros predadores da noite. Se for um Membro, a Máscara está em perigo. Se for outra... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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490 après Jésus Christ. L’empire romain s’est écroulé sous le poids des invasions barbares. Les provinces les plus excentrées comme la Bretagne connaissent à leur tour les incursions meurtrières des Angles, des Jutes et autres Saxons en quêtes de nouvelles terres à conquérir.
Mais ces sauvages détruisant tout sur leur passage trouvent face à eux un... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Nesta edição você encontrará uma crônica completa para Vampiro: A Máscara, contendo ainda, 6 fichas de personagens, incluindo descrições de cenas iniciais para cada um, 5 fichas de Antagonistas, com descrições e estatísticas de jogo, Pistas para serem distribuidas para os jogadores em forma de handouts... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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Turn the Blood in your Strength
"To those who do not understand and cannot use the gifts of Cain, misfortune awaits you. The condition of us all may be a misfortune of fate, but if you learn to master it, it will never dominate you."
A Misconception of Caine
Misunderstood by Cain's curse, the Cain Lovers chose to go too far in their choices and proclaiming... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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 Un módulo para el juego Vampiro: la Mascarada
El poder de hacer llover fuego del cielo y convertir cualquier Nueva Sodoma en un vacío estéril. Un don superior a cualquier disciplina o artefacto vendido con un apretón de manos por una oscura figura.
Descubre la ciudad anarquista de Gdansk (Polonia), sus habitantes, con sus luchas de poder intrigas y conflictos.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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 Investigating a brutal crime, Renato begins to realize that the world hide secrets that could lead him to madness. Haunted by strange dreams, Sara divides herself between two lives, trapped by her past mistakes in a quest for redemption. A boy wakes up alone in a dark alley, with no memory and no hope. Jonas hides a dark secret that may be the key to the salvation of mankind.
HUNTERS... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
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