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Creation is a world forever marked by the shadow of disease. Though the Great Contagion is a distant memory, Exalted physicians, chirurgeons, and apothecaries yet hold the power to save the lives of thousands.
"Fragments of Plague," a compact supplement for Exalted 3e, includes:
7 New Solar Medicine Charms
Writeup of medicine, disease, and physicians in the world of Exalted,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever wanted to create a game aid with High Realm script? Or maybe you have wanted to create artwork with High Realm script in it? Well, now you can! This PDF and accompanying TrueType font file have been packaged together for those out there wanting to create and use the High Realm script from White Wolf’s Exalted RPG.
Now both players and STs can easily type in word-processors or in programs... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
When the scholars of Creation speak of the inmates of Hell, the same few terrifying names spring from their lips: Cecelyne, Kimbery, the Ebon Dragon, dread Malfeas himself. But those are far from the only titans trapped in the demon realm. The souls of the more esoteric Yozis also live, strive and scheme in shadow of their famous, fearsome siblings.
Forgotten Fiends introduces some of these... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
When the scholars of Creation speak of the inmates of Hell, the same few terrifying names spring from their lips: Cecelyne, Kimbery, the Ebon Dragon, dread Malfeas himself. But those are far from the only titans trapped in the demon realm. The souls of the more esoteric Yozis also live, strive and scheme in shadow of their famous, fearsome siblings.
Forgotten Fiends introduces some of these strange... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever wanted to create a game aid with Low Realm script? Or maybe you have wanted to create artwork with Low Realm script in it? Well, now you can! This PDF and accompanying TrueType font file have been packaged together for those out there wanting to create and use the Low Realm script from White Wolf’s Exalted RPG.
Now both players and STs can easily type in word-processors or in programs... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Interactive Character Sheets for Exalted Third Edition created by MrGone.
Notes: Includes the standard character sheet as well as branded versions. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
When the scholars of Creation speak of the inmates of Hell, the same few terrifying names spring from their lips: Cecelyne, Kimbery, the Ebon Dragon, dread Malfeas himself. But those are far from the only titans trapped in the demon realm. The souls of the more esoteric Yozis also live, strive and scheme in shadow of their famous, fearsome siblings.
Forgotten Fiends introduces some of these strange... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Do you or your players ever find the massive lore of Exalted intimidating to get into? Did you ever wish you could have a condensed primer on the world of Exalted and its history? Then this is the book for you! This is the history of Creation condensed into seven bite sized pages for easy consumption! It should work for any edition, first second or third (though the map used is from second edition,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Intersecting Fates is a game aid meant to help out both the ST and players alike. Following a simple process, I demonstrate how to weave narrative connection points between group members and the game world. My intent is for this to be a fun and engaging activity for gaming groups. Try it out and have fun with it!
If you need help or additional guidance, please feel free to reach out to me... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This is an interactive PDF Quick Character (QC) sheet for use in Exalted 3rd Edition (EX3) games. This is an extended version of my original QC sheet. This one has an extra page giving you more room and is intended to hold QCs that are a bit more fleshed out or that are more important than the those you would use the short QC sheet for. I've created two different versions of this sheet. This... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Interactive Character Sheets for Exalted Second Edition created by MrGone.
Notes: Includes the standard character sheet as well as branded versions. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Be the first to rediscover a lost art from a begone age. Master the style that unleashes the music of your heart to devastating effect, and show your foes the strength of your soul. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This is a sheet to help Exalted 3rd Edition Storytellers and Players with keeping track of information about Demesnes and Manses. I've created two different versions of this sheet. This version is NOT interactive and is meant to be printed out for pen and paper RPG play. Should you be looking for a digital, interactive version, please look here. Disclaimer: This was created for Exalted 3rd edition... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Be the first to rediscover a lost art from a begone age. Master the style that turns the humble Yoyo into a whirling dervish of death. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
An interactive PDF Quick Character sheet for use in Exalted 3rd Edition (EX3) games. This is the most basic version I have created for secondary characters or characters made up on the fly. This is not intended to hold well fleshed out characters that are central to the game. I've created two different versions of this sheet. This is a digital, interactive version meant for virtual tabletop play or... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
An easy reference guide for Eternal Charm trees. Many are the Ways to enlightenment, but which paths shall your character take?
A free companion document for use with the Manual of Exalted Power: Eternals.
https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/311935/Manual-of-Exalted-Power-Eternals ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This is a printable PDF Quick Character (QC) sheet for use in Exalted 3rd Edition (EX3) games. This is the most basic version I have created for secondary characters or characters made up on the fly. This is not intended to hold well fleshed out characters that are central to the game. I've created two different versions of this sheet. This version is NOT interactive and is meant to be printed out... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This is a printable PDF Quick Character (QC) sheet for use in Exalted 3rd Edition (EX3) games. This is an extended version of my original QC sheet. This one has an extra page giving you more room and is intended to hold QCs that are a bit more fleshed out or that are more important than the those you would use the short QC sheet for. I've created two different versions of this sheet. This version... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want