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 Hottest Community Dark Ages Vampire
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The Vampire Timeline

The Vampire Timeline

Dive deep into 128 pages of collected history of the Kindred, with dates, sometimes even specified, up to the day! [tho mostly, to the year]  Get inspired by 4858 years of different events! Maybe you'll find a source of memery, maybe your historical interest will light up, I don't know, but I sure WILL want to know the results!!! ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Vampire, Twentieth Anniversary Edition: The Classical Age

Vampire, Twentieth Anniversary Edition: The Classical Age

  The world of AD 62 is completely new for vampires. There has never been so much organization, but there has never been so much belief. Mortals know that supernatural creatures can exist and any misstep will surely cause the death of vampires. The clans cannot reach a multiple agreement and the fight is far from over. Nero's madness is just beginning, as his recent discovery of Cain's descendants...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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V20 Classical Age - Fall of Carthage

V20 Classical Age - Fall of Carthage

Carthage: A City Built from Blood The grandeur of one of the largest cities in the world hides centuries of history, forged from blood. Carthage, the perfect city became exactly what immortal vampires wanted: The idealization of coexistence between mortals and Kindred. Is this coexistence exactly the way the inhabitants paint there? No. And it is probably far from that. A...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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V20 Classical Age - Nightfall: the Vampire's Survival Guide

V20 Classical Age - Nightfall: the Vampire's Survival Guide

Supernatural creatures have lived with us since the beginning of time. It's time to talk about what vampires know about them that may or may not be true. But at least now you'll have a method of how to defend yourself against these terrible creatures and how to deal with them on an equal footing. Guide to relationships between Vampires, Mages, Werewolves, Ghosts, and Fairies; Presentation of Combination-Disciplines...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Illumination: A Guide to Golconda

Illumination: A Guide to Golconda

Points of View We've all had characters who wanted to be good and couldn't because we didn't know where to go or how to go on or how to narrate. Not everyone knows how to do this and in fact, it is a difficult task. This guide brings precisely ways to transform your chronicles, understanding about Cainite society and how to create a fun game using the Golconda theme. New...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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MrGone's Dark Ages Inquisitor 20th Anniversary Edition 1-Page Character Sheets

MrGone's Dark Ages Inquisitor 20th Anniversary Edition 1-Page Character Sheets

1-Page Interactive Character sheets for Dark Ages Inquisitor 20th Anniversary Edition created by MrGone. Notes: Includes the standard character sheet as well as Order branded versions. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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MrGone's Dark Ages Inquisitor 20th Anniversary Edition 4-Page Character Sheets

MrGone's Dark Ages Inquisitor 20th Anniversary Edition 4-Page Character Sheets

4-Page Interactive Character sheets for Dark Ages Inquisitor 20th Anniversary Edition created by MrGone. Notes: Includes the standard character sheet as well as Order branded versions. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Athens Chronicles Pregen Vampires

Athens Chronicles Pregen Vampires

Athens Chronicles Pregen Vampires Provided here are 14 new pregenerated Vampires for Dark Ages Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition. These pregens are starting level, intended for use in the Athens Chronicles, which is a 5 book series of Vampire: The Masquerade Chronicles taking these characters from neonates to elders by the time of the Final...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Lobisomem Idade das Trevas W20

Lobisomem Idade das Trevas W20

Monstros à Luz das Tochas No lúgubre cenário do Medievo Sombrio, onde superstições e medos ancestrais tecem a trama da vida cotidiana, uma figura lendária assombrava os recantos mais obscuros da mente humana: o lobisomem. Em Idade das Trevas W20, você joga com uma dessas criaturas, disposta a proteger seu território daquilo que de pior o inferno cuspiu: a...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Three Centuries Lost

Three Centuries Lost

History, as we know it, is wrong. Nearly three centuries do not exist – they are, in fact, a fabrication. The years AD 614 to 911 were made up, whole cloth, by a trio of old and incredibly powerful Malkavians. Their reasons differ, but the end result was the same; three hundred years inserted into the history of Europe. A mighty emperor created to stroke the ego of a Malkavian Methuselah. And three...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Crónicas de conquista

Crónicas de conquista

On America's most extreme southern side, there has been a forgotten and dangerous kingdom since immemorial times. In these lands, different supernatural stories lay mixing myths and legends from that place that we call Chile. From the pre-Inca age to the arrival of the Spanish crown, Conquest Chronicles (Cronicas de Conquista) tells a different and secret perspective of the history of Chile, its cultures...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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The Path of What I was Going to Do Anyway

The Path of What I was Going to Do Anyway

Product of April Fools Day 2021! “It’s what my character would do!” A solid defense of whatever coterie crushing action you have in mind. But what if I told you, there is a way to bake the justification for your playstyle straight into the system? Introducing the ‘Path of What I was Going to Do Anyway’. This booklet includes: • Methods...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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V20 Era Clássica - O Guia de Sobrevivência do Vampiro: Anoitecer

V20 Era Clássica - O Guia de Sobrevivência do Vampiro: Anoitecer

Criaturas sobrenaturais convivem conosco desde o início dos tempos. Está na hora de falar o que os vampiros sabem sobre elas e isso pode ou não ser verdade. Mas pelo menos agora você terá um método de como se defender dessas terríveis criaturas e como lidar com elas de igual para igual. Guia de relações entre Vampiros, Magos, Lobisomens, Fantasmas e Fadas; Apresentação de Meta-Disciplinas...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Iluminação: O Guia da Golconda

Iluminação: O Guia da Golconda

Pontos de Vista Todos já tivemos personagens que queriam ser bons e não podiam porque não sabíamos por onde seguir ou como seguir ou como narrar. Nem todos sabem como fazer isto e de fato, é uma tarefa difícil. Este guia traz justamente formas de transformar suas crônicas, entendimento sobre a sociedade cainita e como criar um jogo divertido utilizando o tema Golconda.  ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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MrGone's Vampire the Dark Ages 20th Anniversary Edition 1-Page Character Sheets

MrGone's Vampire the Dark Ages 20th Anniversary Edition 1-Page Character Sheets

1-Page Interactive Character sheets for Vampire the Dark Ages 20th Anniversary Edition created by MrGone. Notes: Includes the standard character sheet as well as Clan and Bloodline branded versions. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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MrGone's Vampire the Dark Ages 20th Anniversary Edition 4-Page Character Sheets

MrGone's Vampire the Dark Ages 20th Anniversary Edition 4-Page Character Sheets

4-Page Interactive Character sheets for Vampire the Dark Ages 20th Anniversary Edition created by MrGone. Notes: Includes the standard character sheet as well as Clan and Bloodline branded versions. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Dark Ages Middelfart

Dark Ages Middelfart

NOTE: This is an Aprils Fool product. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. — Willian Shakespeare; Hamlet, Act 1, Scene iv     Located on the Little Belt strait between Funen and Jutland, Middelfart is a growing and prosperous town. But an ill wind blows in across the Belt and a miasma hangs over the city. Prince Fjarting of Clan Nosferatu, in life a bastard son of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary Edition Templates

Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary Edition Templates

Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition is coming to Storytellers Vault! This download includes all of the Indesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary Edition for the Storytellers Vault community content program. For more information on creating and publishing your own Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Clanbook: Caine Lovers

Clanbook: Caine Lovers

Turn the Blood in your Strength   "To those who do not understand and cannot use the gifts of Cain, misfortune awaits you. The condition of us all may be a misfortune of fate, but if you learn to master it, it will never dominate you." A Misconception of Caine   Misunderstood by Cain's curse, the Cain Lovers chose to go too far in their choices and proclaiming...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Vault Resources: Clan Variant and Bloodline Symbols

Vault Resources: Clan Variant and Bloodline Symbols

Includes 11 symbols for the following clan variants and bloodlines from Dark Ages: Vampire and Vampire: The Masquerade: Assamites: Assamite Sorcerers (modern) Assamites: Assamite Viziers (modern) Baali: Azaneali (Dark Ages) Followers of Set: Tlacique (modern) Gangrel: Gangrel aquarii / Mariner Gangrel (modern) Gangrel: Greek Gangrel (Dark Ages) Malkavians:...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Aubriot [ENG]

Aubriot [ENG]

ENGLISH EDITION It is said that evil doesn't need reasons but purpose. When young Joanne is punished by her father, she doesn't seem too worried. However, someone has noticed her sins and is ready to give a greater punishment to this cruel and merciless girl. Demons exist and Joanne is about to find out... and become part of them. Does punishment serve any purpose...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Aubriot [ESP]

Aubriot [ESP]

EDICIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Dicen que la maldad no necesita razones, sino propósitos. Cuando la joven Joanne es castigada por su padre, no parece muy preocupada. Sin embargo, alguien ha observado sus pecados y está dispuesto a darle un castigo mayor a esa chiquilla cruel y despiadada. Los demonios existen y Joanne está a punto de descubrirlo... y ser parte de ellos. ¿Sirve de algo...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Map of the War of Princes V20DA

Map of the War of Princes V20DA

A map depicting the political borders of Domains and Princdoms at the start of the War of Princes.  Available Sizes of 1280x720, 1920x1080, and 2048x1080! ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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