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 Hottest City/Location Books, 4th/20th Anniversary
 Hottest Community City/Location Books, 4th/20th Anniversary
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Vampire, Twentieth Anniversary Edition: The Classical Age

Vampire, Twentieth Anniversary Edition: The Classical Age

  The world of AD 62 is completely new for vampires. There has never been so much organization, but there has never been so much belief. Mortals know that supernatural creatures can exist and any misstep will surely cause the death of vampires. The clans cannot reach a multiple agreement and the fight is far from over. Nero's madness is just beginning, as his recent discovery of Cain's descendants...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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V20 Classical Age - Fall of Carthage

V20 Classical Age - Fall of Carthage

Carthage: A City Built from Blood The grandeur of one of the largest cities in the world hides centuries of history, forged from blood. Carthage, the perfect city became exactly what immortal vampires wanted: The idealization of coexistence between mortals and Kindred. Is this coexistence exactly the way the inhabitants paint there? No. And it is probably far from that. A...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Chronicles of Conquest

Chronicles of Conquest

On the extreme southern side of America, there has existed a forgotten and dangerous kingdom since time immemorial. In these lands, different supernatural stories blend, mixing myths and legends from the place we call Chile. From the pre-Inca age to the arrival of the Spanish crown, Chronicles of Conquest (Crónicas de Conquista) tells a different and secret perspective of the history of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Bielefeld Files

Bielefeld Files

(This book is a short April Fools Project for 2024) THEY have been lying to you. THEY don’t want you to unravel the truth. And worse yet, THEY make you laugh about it. A Joke gone too far The Bielefeld Files is a setting book for crossover-adventures between Changeling: the Dreaming and Mage: The Ascension...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Brasil em Fúria

Brasil em Fúria

Fúria Ardente como Brasas Por incontáveis séculos, a Nação Garou ignorou as terras do Brasil, acreditando que o lugar pertencia aos vários metamorfos que aqui habitavam. Porém, ocultos como a lenda que os trouxe até aqui, os Garou se estabeleceram e fixaram suas raízes. Utilizando-se de uma miríade de novos espíritos e segredos dessa rica terra, os Garou travam suas batalhas...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Utopia: the Living Nightmare

Utopia: the Living Nightmare

Ever wonder what the future would be like if Pentex took over the world? Then look no further! Down here in Utopia (a nuclear fallout shelter), we have millions of people, and they all want a piece of the Wyrm...and you! Utopia: the Living Nightmare is a Chicago-sized city completely funded by Pentex and miles below the Earth's surface. One-in-ten people are a fomor, and the other nine wish they could...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Lobisomem Idade das Trevas W20

Lobisomem Idade das Trevas W20

Monstros à Luz das Tochas No lúgubre cenário do Medievo Sombrio, onde superstições e medos ancestrais tecem a trama da vida cotidiana, uma figura lendária assombrava os recantos mais obscuros da mente humana: o lobisomem. Em Idade das Trevas W20, você joga com uma dessas criaturas, disposta a proteger seu território daquilo que de pior o inferno cuspiu: a...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Rage Across Vancouver Island

Rage Across Vancouver Island

Off the coast of British Columbia lies one of the last bastions of Gaia. Covered in thick, old-growth boreal rainforests, Vancouver Island is as unique as it is fragile. Even here, the Wyrm and its armies of smog-choked machines seek to clear-cut the ancient forests and leave tar and barren earth in their place. Here, among cedars and firs hundreds of years old or more, the Garou and their Fera cousins...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Enoch: A Paradise of Heresies

Enoch: A Paradise of Heresies

What if the Fallen were not seen as evil?  What if they surrounded themselves by faithful mortals and then convinced them that the demons were actually angels from heaven?  And what if they were able to do this for centuries without interference from the outside world?   Welcome to Enoch!   Enoch is a collection of magically hidden islands in the Atlantic Ocean.  The people there worship eighteen...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Capital by Night

Capital by Night

O PURGATÓRIO FICA NA TERRA... A Capital. Durante séculos, o principado português colonial controlou o que hoje compõe milhões de mortais que se aglomeram em um espaço urbano decrépito. A podridão e corrupção são reflexos diretos de seus líderes que, sedentos por poder e pelo sangue dos inocentes, exploram e consomem cada vida mortal.  Na Capital, ou você é o predador,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Sangue Nativo

Sangue Nativo

Sangue Fervente no Coração da Terra Explore os lugares onde nem mesmo os Garou ousam: os recantos secretos do Povo Onça, as profundezas abissais onde os Rokea nadam, as entrincadas teias de engodo e perversão das Ananasi, os parlamentos dos Corax, os lamaçais do povo Réptil ou as colônias infestadas de pestilência e loucura onde os Ratkin disputam com os aberrantes homens-barata...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Rage Across Pindorama: A W20 setting for Brazil

Rage Across Pindorama: A W20 setting for Brazil

Rage Across Pindorama: A W20 setting for Brazil  Explore the ruins of a Quilombo; become a part of a secular fera Cold War in the tropics; Discover the secrets of the Amazon. Brazil in incredible detail!  A refreshing new look on the fera of Brazil, from north to south, coast to interior. Discover a entire new continent of adventures! Rage Across Pindorama includes: •    A entire new setting...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Caldene (for Hunter the Reckoning)

Caldene (for Hunter the Reckoning)

Caldene - Town for Hunter the Reckoning (5th) Small town in Alberta Cananda  Brief overview with tons of plot ideas and some npcs to use with the area. You could easily insert it into any cold-temperate or sub-arctic area, or indeed use it with Hunter the Vigil, Mage the Ascension or Werewolf the Apocalypse. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Dark Kingdom of Ticum

Dark Kingdom of Ticum

In immemorial times the spirits of the dead native to South America resurfaced in the Deep, the Invisible Domains, in the form of animals that represented ancestral totems or mere reflections of the most intimate nature of the dead in question, such ancestral souls headed Upstream to the Ancestral Lands of the different indigenous peoples, in the Domains of the Great Natural Spirits, among which the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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O Reino Sombrio de Ticum

O Reino Sombrio de Ticum

Em tempos imemoriais os espíritos dos mortos nativos da América do Sul ressurgiam no Fundo, os Domínios Invisíveis, na forma de animais que representavam totens ancestrais ou meros reflexos da natureza mais íntima do morto em questão, tais almas ancestrais rumavam Rio Acima até as Terras Ancestrais dos diferentes povos indígenas, nos Domínios dos Grandes Espíritos Naturais, entre os quais,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Dark Ages Middelfart

Dark Ages Middelfart

NOTE: This is an Aprils Fool product. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. — Willian Shakespeare; Hamlet, Act 1, Scene iv     Located on the Little Belt strait between Funen and Jutland, Middelfart is a growing and prosperous town. But an ill wind blows in across the Belt and a miasma hangs over the city. Prince Fjarting of Clan Nosferatu, in life a bastard son of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Garras en México

Garras en México

La vida en un país rico en historias y vida es toda una aventura para el Garou que se atreva a viajar (o nacer) en el territorio mexicano. Una prueba del sabor al sur del Río Bravo. Sinopsis El presente texto intenta construir el contexto del México contemporáneo para los cambiaformas, partiendo y modificando la propuesta de Tales Of The Trails, suplemento para el Viejo Oeste de World of Darkness,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary Edition Templates

Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary Edition Templates

Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition is coming to Storytellers Vault! This download includes all of the Indesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary Edition for the Storytellers Vault community content program. For more information on creating and publishing your own Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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León Nocturno (Cuarta Edición)

León Nocturno (Cuarta Edición)

El Primer requisito de la inmortalidad es la muerte León, España, una pequeña ciudad del noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Poblada desde la fundación del reino homónimo con un puñado de Vástagos, la historia completa de los Hijos de la Noche se había visto completamente ignorada por todos, hasta ahora. Recuperamos...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Y lloverá fuego

Y lloverá fuego

Un módulo para el juego Vampiro: la Mascarada  El poder de hacer llover fuego del cielo y convertir cualquier Nueva Sodoma en un vacío estéril. Un don superior a cualquier disciplina o artefacto vendido con un apretón de manos por una oscura figura. Descubre la ciudad anarquista de Gdansk (Polonia), sus habitantes, con sus luchas de poder intrigas y conflictos....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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León Nocturno (Edición Camarilla de Bolsillo)

León Nocturno (Edición Camarilla de Bolsillo)

"El primer requisito de la inmortalidad es la muerte" León, España, una pequeña ciudad del noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Durante los primeros años del siglo XXI, la Camarilla ha conseguido arrebatar el control de la ciudad al Sabbat, pero no por ello han sido unos años tranquilos. Tras un intento de traer la paz, el Príncipe Ricardo de Costanza fue asesinado...   [click here for more]
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