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Capital by Night

Capital by Night

O PURGATÓRIO FICA NA TERRA... A Capital. Durante séculos, o principado português colonial controlou o que hoje compõe milhões de mortais que se aglomeram em um espaço urbano decrépito. A podridão e corrupção são reflexos diretos de seus líderes que, sedentos por poder e pelo sangue dos inocentes, exploram e consomem cada vida mortal.  Na Capital, ou você é o predador,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Fireball Run

Fireball Run

The Opacus Cactus Rally awaits! A call has gone out through the Society of Ether that a contest will be held in the sleepy West Texas town of Opacus. It’s to be a contest of enlightened engineering and skill, an automotive race through off-road tracks and hill country. A sizable research grant has been offered to the winner, and several Etherites have answered that call... Treachery, Metal,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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World of Darkness RPG Consent Checklist (A4)

World of Darkness RPG Consent Checklist (A4)

How far is too far? A big question when playing a game that can get as serious as most World of Darkness Chonicles tend to be. This little sheet can spare you and your players a lot of heartache by making sure noone is pushed further then they enjoy to be. All this for the low price of free if you want it to be. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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2021-2022 Garou Lunar Calendar

2021-2022 Garou Lunar Calendar

Mark Your Next Hive Dive on the Calendar!  The perfect companion piece for any Werewolf game! A comprehensive calendar chronicling the Garou Lunar Year for 2021 – 2022, beginning in March of 2021 and running through April of 2022. Includes info on each lunar month and each month’s celestial patron, as well as over 75 Seasonal Rites, celestial events, and holidays! Compatible...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Character Creation Expansion Pack

Character Creation Expansion Pack

The Character Creation Expansion Pack is our first offering to the Storyteller's Vault. Within its pages you will find 5 new Backgrounds, as well as more than 50 new Merits and Flaws for use with Vampire The Masquerade Revised Edition. All have been written to match the literary and visual style of the core rule book, and have all been extensively tested over the course of many, many campaigns. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Septs of the Pacific Northwest: Sept on the Hill

Septs of the Pacific Northwest: Sept on the Hill

This supplement contains a premade Sept of Bone Gnawers in the city of Tacoma Washington for storytellers that do not have a lot of time to build one. In addition to detailed characters the supplement also contains a character relation graphic, spirits, resources, and several story ideas.   ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Caça do Caçado - Capital by Night

Caça do Caçado - Capital by Night

NO CARNAVAL, AS MÁSCARAS CAEM - E SE QUEBRAM...    Dizer que a não-vida na Capital é complexa e atribulada é dizer pouco. Pelas noites, durante décadas, cadáveres que se consideram deuses desfilam pelas ruas sujas ou se escondem em coberturas luxuosas, procurando tecer as tramas do cenário político e social da Capital.     Agora, um fio desse tecido escapou e se rompeu...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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O Guia de Termos para Mago: A Ascensão

O Guia de Termos para Mago: A Ascensão

           O Guia de Termos para Mago: A Ascensão contém:  • Dezenas de verbetes dos mais variados assuntos e de fácil consulta.  • Referências cruzadas para termos tanto do Conselho das Nove Tradições quanto para a Tecnocracia.  • Material abrangindo todas as edições e de meta-enredo neutro.  • Um complexo verbete da Umbra e suas diferentes camadas partindo da...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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World of Darkness RPG Consent Checklist (Letter)

World of Darkness RPG Consent Checklist (Letter)

How far is too far? A big question when playing a game that can get as serious as most World of Darkness Chonicles tend to be. This little sheet can spare you and your players a lot of heartache by making sure noone is pushed further then they enjoy to be. All this for the low price of absolutley free. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Occult Tome

Occult Tome

This is a free sample of the next upcoming book Blood Magic Compilation! With over 1700 downloads this supplement has come to help a number of folks get the juices flowing. It is a gesture of good will to all the great folks out there supporting the ST Vault and those who are still getting their toes wet so to speak in this exciting new community. This supplement contains the necessary information...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Lobisomem Kit Introdutório

Lobisomem Kit Introdutório

Bem vindo, filhote, a Lobisomem: o Apocalipse, um jogo de histórias de horror selvagem. Nas páginas a seguir está o conto dos Garou, uma orgulhosa raça de lobisomens que vive fora da sociedade humana e enfrenta uma desesperada guerra por sua sobrevivência. Ao terminar de ler essas páginas, você terá aprendido algo sobre os Garou – e conseguirá jogar interpretando um lobisomem....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Questionnaire d’assentiment pour Jeux de rôle (Monde des Ténèbres)(A4)

Questionnaire d’assentiment pour Jeux de rôle (Monde des Ténèbres)(A4)

Assurez-vous que vos joueurs sont d'accord avec les horreurs qui les attendent. Cette fiche vous aidera. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment utiliser la feuille : 1. Proposez à chaque joueur d'un jeu à venir de remplir une copie de la liste de contrôle du consentement avant le début du jeu. (Cela peut être fait dans...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Lobo Guará

Lobo Guará

O título é uma prévia     ...sobre o canídeo endêmico do Cerrado brasileiro, confundido com um lobo, é ou foi um tipo para tornar brasileiro o Lobisomem / Lobo trazido nas histórias e lendas de outras sociedades.     ...é prévia para um conjunto de obras sobre outros tipos animais brasileiros, bem como uma cosmovisão social e regional diferente.     O Lobo-Guará tem previsão...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Werewolf the Savage Age Custom Character Sheet

Werewolf the Savage Age Custom Character Sheet

Finally!  A Custom Character Sheet for Werewolf: the Savage Age!   Weaponized Ink is offering players and fans of our Werewolf the Savage Age line custom character sheets that refelect the art and setting changes found the the Savage Age.  Enjoy!   A Note on Pay What You Want: Please consider dropping a dollar or two if you...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Aubriot [ESP]

Aubriot [ESP]

EDICIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Dicen que la maldad no necesita razones, sino propósitos. Cuando la joven Joanne es castigada por su padre, no parece muy preocupada. Sin embargo, alguien ha observado sus pecados y está dispuesto a darle un castigo mayor a esa chiquilla cruel y despiadada. Los demonios existen y Joanne está a punto de descubrirlo... y ser parte de ellos. ¿Sirve de algo...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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