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The Roll of the Damned
For centuries, the Kindred have hidden from the wary eyes of mortals.
Enigmatic creatures, the Kindred's efforts to uphold the Masquerade have often succeeded even beyond their own desires, and a few of the damned in the modern nights even know those outside their immediate domains.
But the long and terrible history of the undead is as broad and sweeping as the myriad... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Domains Long Hidden
Africa has long been a bastion of mystery in the World of Darkness. Finally, the domains south of the Sahara are revealed - and the laws of Western Kindred hold no water here. Out of the Kingdom of the secretive Laibon come the monstrous Guruhi,the atavistic Naglopers and the wise Akunanse - and untold other horrors.
Still Children of Caine?
Created in the tradition of Kindred... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Long Night is Over The diablerie of Saulot, the waking of Mithras, the destruction of Michael the Patriarch, the return of the Dracon - it all means the time of reflection is over. The Inquisition stirs and the time to act is now. Across Europe, monarchs of the night set princes and barons at each other's undying throats. Young vampires take to the field ready to claim their domain and... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Time of Judgement is the final book for the World of Darkness as you know it, and helps you resolve the stories of five different games: Demon, Hunter, Changeling, Mummy and Kindred of the East.
This is the mother of all finales, offering you various scenarios and Storytelling ideas for ending or saving your game world. Are we all doomed, or is there hope for a new beginning? ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
In the Blood Is Power
The Salubri have fallen. Now we are only six, although we do not stand united. Indeed, kings seldom do. But we are the rulers of the night, by divine ordinance and by the power of Caines blood. If the Low Clans have forgotten their place, surely it is time we reminded them. The War of Princes will not end with madmen on thrones!
The Learned and Lordly Dead
The... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Cursed Among the Cursed
Foreigners in the lands of the High Clans. Vassals, serfs, lepers, madmen. The Low Clans have always done the tasks that their lords disdained. But in the wake of the War of Princes, the fallen Cainites question the Divine Right by which the High Clans rule. The low-blooded have seen the world from the underside and they are quite willing to share their revelations.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A Tradition of Gothic Literature
A world only lit by gaslight. An epoch of literature that "exposed" vampires to the world. An era of wealth, imperialism, industry and change. For the Kindred, these are the halcyon nights: the last Romantic period of their prominence before the encroaching cynicism of the modern nights pushed them forever from the eyes of suspicious mortals.
It is a glorious... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
An Age of Terrifying Mysteries
It is a world lit by torch-fires and ruled by superstitions. It is a time before the birth of reason and before humanitys dominion over the world. This dark age is an epoch for castles, nobles, priests and wizards. Treading in the shadows of the world, consorting with demons and monsters, these magicians, holy men, philosophers and pagans wield unfathomable... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Break the Walls Down Kindred society is stagnant, and it favors the priveledged. Elders claim domain over rights that, by their nature, belong to all of Caine's childer. Princes and archbishops alike abuse the very social contract that gives them the power they wield. What's the answer? Open revolution. Bring down the system!
Note: This digital edition includes the PDF and EPUB versions... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Since Biblical times, the get of Caine have prowled the world, hiding from mortals and resigning themselves to the shadows. Throughout the ages, their plans have unfolded and their treacheries have come to fruition. Welcome to the Final Nights — welcome to unlife as a vampire. A collection of essays, character-building options, chronicle suggestions and methods of play, the Vampire Players Guide... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A Setting Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade
Gaslights and Gentlemen
The Victorian era witnesses the birth of the vampire, raising him from a marauding fiend of the night to a figure of gothic eminence. The era's secrets, however, still lurk in the darkness like terrors shrouded by London's fog. Further mysteries await in the night, ready (and waiting...) for... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The end of the millennium is at hand. The Final Nights are here. The proud Camarilla is beset by doubt, betrayal and the rage of its enemies. The Masquerade has worn dangerously thin. Not even the most powerful Justicars are safe. But this is not the end, for the wounded beast is the most dangerous. The elders of the Camarilla will not let their dream die without a fight.
The New Face of the Camarilla... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Sabbat are depraved monsters, reveling in their Damned state and herding the kine like cattle. Or so it would seem to the uninitiated. In truth, the Sabbat wage a secret war on the elders, struggling night after night to free themselves from the tyranny of the dread Antediluvians and the Jyhad itself. But are their tactics effective or simply horrific?
Cast by the Fires of the Packs The Guide... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Land Is Ancient
Mithras of London fancies the Isles as his domain, but the land is far older than even he. Ancient vampires lurk in the fens and wolf-men stalk the moors. The Church has taken hold here, but worshippers of far older gods call upon power that no follower of Christ has ever known. And somewhere beyond the mist the fae laugh, for they were here before any other.
Here... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Heaven's Fury
No matter how many demons we slay, more rise to take their place. No matter how many of their servants we put to the torch, Satan corrupts more. Yet we shall not fall into despair, for God is on our side, and faith can - and shall - move mountains. Let the fiends be the ones to cower, for we are coming, and nothing shall stay our righteous hand. Amen.
Smite... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Mythic Age wanes, its denizens disappearing into the Otherworld, its Quintessential energies drying up. But some refuse to let it go. These magi dare to tread the barren places and twisted paths that still shimmer with ancient power. These old lands still have guardians, though: spirits and secrets that will sorely test those who try to wrest forth their powers.
The Grimoire expands the Dark Ages... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Sunset Empires is part of the history of the World of Darkness; therefore nobody gets to play the part of the wholly innocent victim. Everyone takes a role in setting the course of the Victorian Age; everyone must eventually pay the piper.
This book serves as a historical setting, covering the 19th century almost in its entirety, but it also serves as a vehicle to involve characters... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Shadowed Kingdoms
The peace of the Long Night is over, and we must fight for our very survival. Each of us, the so-called lords of the night, claims domains and influence across this fractured continent. Some of us stand as feudal lords, others as gods, but it is over these lands and these hearts that we do battle. Bloodied Battlefields
Dark Ages Europe... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
In this Age of Darkness
Satan's get infest the world. Blood-drinking demons and savage creatures prey on good Christians or lead them to heresy. Even the Holy Mother Church itself teems with devils in man's flesh. But God Almighty has seen fit to choose some to stand against the tide of darkness. With sword and torch in hand, we search out the evil that lurks in the night.
We are... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Vanguards of the Great Sects
Titles among the Damned arent always primogen or prisci. Somebody has to do the dirty work. From fighting Lupines to hunting rogue Cainites, from enforcing the Traditions to leading a crusade, a few bold vampires step forward to the head of the charge. Those vampires are the unsung champions of the night.
Fighting for Glory and the Cause
The latest in a series of focused... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Eldritch Texts and Kindred Blood
Blood magic, the jealously guarded secret of Clan Tremere, has long been observed with a wary eye. Is it the power of summoned demons? An application of the Blood's mystic properties? The will of spirits? Or is it something else altogether? Only those who master its dark secrets can know.
Hidden Lore Revealed
Blood Magic: Secrets of... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Does a Vampire Have a Soul?
Not all Kindred follow the sacred Path of Humanity. Some forsake their mortal ethics, giving themselves wholly over to the vampire condition. Others abandon the moral struggle altogether - and find themselves in the throes of frenzy. How can the race of Caine steel itself against its murderous impulses?
But For How Long?
By popular demand, Chaining the Beast explores the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
In the world of the Kindred, vampires lurk behind every shadow, planning their machinations and watching their prey. But who watches the watchers? Powerful Kindred from all sects (and none) move among their peers, protecting the Masquerade, interpreting the traditions of Caine, leading the Sabbat against the Antediluvians or subtly pulling strings in the darkness. Who are the most feared and most powerful... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Scions of the Great Clans All Kindred froom neonates to elders accept the primogen as the voices of their clans in a prince's domain. What truly falls under those auspices, however, varies from city to city. From councils of primogen that pull a puppet prince's strings to the coteries of primogen that exist at a prince's whim, the only constant in a primogen's unlife is that politics align against... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Claim Your Birthright
Whether by inheritance, force or divine ordinance, the land is yours to control and its inhabitants yours to command. You might rule over a vast forest, or your word may be law in a city. The resources of the place are yours and the people look to you for guidance and leadership. In the Dark Medieval, land is power. What will you do with yours?
Rule the Dark Medieval
Right... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
To the Victors Go the Spoils
Whether its a Holy War or battle of succession, strife brings opportunity. The inhabitants of the Dark Medieval, mortal and supernatural, are rarely satisfied with what they have. Call it what you like a righteous cause or an ancient grudge war is hell, but the rewards can be worth the risks. Do you have the courage, the intelligence and the skill to lead an army to victory?... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The final installment of the Giovanni Chronicles resolves the mysterious ending of The Sun Has Set, including the significance of the sought-after Sargon Fragment.
The story takes place in some of the most memorable and exciting periods of American history, from the Roaring '20s to the looming terror of the modern nights.
Players get a chance to help or hinder the newest machinations... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Year of the Lotus™ The Kuei-jin, the fiends of Asia, have come forth from the shadows at last, claiming their place among the undead and staking their domains with blood and terror. As the Cathayans spread insidiously throughout the world, conflict and death follow. At last, the vampires of the West confront an implacable foe from the East. The Kuei-jin are more than whispered terrors;... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
High in the Romanian Mountains...
Hidden from time and prying mortal eyes, Hunedoara Castle lurks amid the mists of the Carpathians. Home to a cabal of scheming Inconnu, the castle is the site of hideous rites. Who do these terrible rituals empower? Or, worse, who might they protect?
A Vampiric Conspiracy Broods
Secrets revealed -- Lair of the Hidden... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Forbidden Arcana
The Curse of Caine is a Biblical punishment, handed down by God Himself. Could it be true that a conspiracy of Kindred and mages has found a way to reverse its effects? As the world comes closer and closer to Gehenna, might the Kindred escape their divine fate? Or is it all part of some larger plan? As a title that combines the themes of Mage and Vampire, The Red Sign is a Lovecraftian... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Clan of Rulership
The Ventrue: Manipulators of mortals and leaders of the Kindred. Yet the Ventrues powerful facade hides a myriad of internal struggles, petty rivalries and epoch-spanning vendettas. From the domain of Prince Mithras to the reaches of India, the Ventrue power gambit plays out nightly.
Invisible Intrigues
Created in the spirit of the Giovanni... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
An Age of Romance and Gothic Elegance
From decadent dinner parties to foggy cobblestone streets, the world of the 19th century remains a place of superstition and mystery, where ancient legends mix with modern penny dreadfuls, and the most scientific minds still explore the spirit realm. Here the Kindred, long since banished to mere folklore, find themselves newly crowned celebrities,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
For Every Secrets Answer...
Who killede Baba Yaga? How has the Succubus Club fared after the war with the Chicago Lupines? What have the hunters wrought on Kindred society? How goes the Kuei-jin invasion of the American West Coast? These Mysteries and others await you.
... Another Riddle Arises
A compendium of stories, Nights of Prophecy updates teh numerous... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Chosen or Cursed? God cursed Caine, but also laid His mark upon our Dark Father. We Cainites bear that mark even now. Many undead ignore our responsibility to the Almighty, but som eo fus do God's work here on Earth, night after night, until He sees fit to release us. We are agents of divine justice, mercy and retribution. We are the Faithful. Devils or Angels? In the third of the Road... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Cursed to the Night
Caines Curse is a grand responsibility that we dare not shirk. We have been made into the highest order of being on this Earth and we must accept it. But rulership is not simply a matter of inheritance - it demands will to uphold this dark legacy. You are a vampire, but are you strong enough to be a Scion?
Destined to Rule It
In the second of the Road Books for Dark Ages: Vampire,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Wage of Sin
The followers of the Road of Sin are reviled, sometimes tolerated, and sometimes persecuted. But rare is the Cainite who, his Beast howling for sweet vitae, has not given in to that longing. The Sinners have been soothing that Beast for centuries - they know that mastery of the Beast is an illusion. Only through acquiescence can one be truly free. Only through sin can a Cainite know... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Let Loose the Animal Within
From the earliest nights, we Ferals have stalked our prey. Let others speak of damnation, curses from God and the need for repentance. We know the truth. We are predators. The others delude themselves with civilization, but we see clearly. In the end, they are all sheep awaiting the wolf.
And Hunt Your Prey
In the first of the Road Books for Dark Ages: Vampire, players... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Even the Damned Have Taboos
The rules of the Kindred are many, varied and Byzantine. No two princes interpret the Traditions alike; one bishops treason may be anothers valor. Still, even in such precarious societies, heresies arise and sometimes flourish. From foul diablerie to inhuman codes of morality, some Kindred shock the sensibilities of their fellows.
Forbiddance Begins with Undeath
Sins... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Cursed by the Divine
Faith in the Final Nights sometimes tends to polarize people, and the Kindred are no exception. Despite the cynical lack of faith that all too often characterizes the modern nights, a rare few find strength in reverence of a higher power. For these Kindred, spirituality is often a harrowing road as they are forced to reconcile their undead natures with the tenets... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
One Sect Falls, Another Rises In the wake of the Sabbat's aggressive campaign along the East Coast of the United States, the sect has spread itself too thin. The clever Camarilla took advantage of the Black Hand's disorganization and reclaimed New York City as its own. But with established princes and entrenched elders claiming domains elsewhere, to which Kindred will this new prize fall? ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Oath-Truce fell with the darkening sky
In May, 1230, an eclipse overwhelmed the sky, blurring the lines between day and night. What does this mean in the Dark Medieval World? Ask five people, expect ten answers.
Darkening Sky is a series of five stories for the Dark Ages game lines. You’ll find a story for Fae©, Inquisitor©, Mage©, Vampire©,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Lure of Power
Lucifer turned his back on God and a full third of the Host of Heaven joined him in damnation. Now, a few of those damned wretches behold God's Earth again, called forth from their place of torment by the foolish, the greedy or the desperate. Those who summon demons do not go unpunished - God and His servants see to that. But neither do they go unrewarded.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Oaths of Gold and Iron
You promised us, when we gave you the world to go to war, that you would remember your vows. You promised to leave our sacred places intact, to leave sacrifices for us, to remember us in your songs. You promised that when the War of Seasons ended, you would stand aside for us, the true rulers of the world. You lied.
The Truce Falls with the Blackened Sun
Dark... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Cities are the Kindreds Domain
The Kindred are hidden masters of cities, growing sated on the blood of the vessels within. Their domains are built on the backs of the mortals they prey upon, their fortunes made by proxies, their havens visited by the famous to the infamous. The night belongs to those who can take what it has to offer.
As Well As Their Prisons
A handbook of... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Step into the arena of the night, the stage where the grand danse macabre is played out among the courts of princes and on streets where gutters run with blood. In these nights, as the century spirals to its close, the world seems to go mad. Are the ancient prophecies close at hand or is something unseen at work? Will You Fight or Will You Flee?
Laws of the Night Revised updates Mind's... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
An Epic of Tumult
Dracula stalks the night, Kupala rages beneath the cursed land of Transylvania and Paris burns in revolution. The characters - princes, rebels and everything in between - find themselves amid the flames and besieged by friend and foe alike. Can they survive the terrors of both the supernatural world and the kine? Or will they become so much ash on the wind?
The... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Eight Centuries of Evil
The prophecies of Gehenna continue to unfold. In the darkest corners of Transylvania, Dracula stirs. Halfway across the world, a conflagration destroys an entire clan of Sabbat Cainites. The geomantic web unravels, revealing one of the greatest pieces of the Jyhad. Can the players coterie put aside its differences in time to foil the plot of an Antediluvian? Or has Gehenna... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Kindred hide amongst humanity, eking out their bloodthirsty unlives behind a veil of deception. Yet certain mysteries are obscured from even the most canny, perceptive vampires. Who else stalks the Final Nights? What powers do they wield? What hidden skills do they command? There Are More of Us Than We Know The Vampire Storytellers Companion collects new rules, abilities and bloodlines... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Final Nights Hid a Million Stories From the hidden horrors of the Camarilla to the naked fiendishness of the Sabbat, vampires play at the eternal Jyhad. Elders, ancillae, neonates and... others... prowl the nights. Only one individual knows all the secrets of the World of darkness. Anf They Must All Be Told The role of th Storyteller is a daunting one, and this book is an invaluable... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Hidden Sorcery
While the Tremere have potent magic at their command, Hermetic tradition isnt the only source of mystic power. The ancient ways of Egyptian magic, the Sufic trances of the Middle East, sacrificial Hindu rites and the natural magic of Caribbean craft can all be used to affect the Final Nights. But what are these thaumaturgies capable of?
Or Abandoned Witchcraft?... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |