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World of Darkness: Time of Judgment

World of Darkness: Time of Judgment

Time of Judgement is the final book for the World of Darkness as you know it, and helps you resolve the stories of five different games: Demon, Hunter, Changeling, Mummy and Kindred of the East. This is the mother of all finales, offering you various scenarios and Storytelling ideas for ending or saving your game world. Are we all doomed, or is there hope for a new beginning? ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $17.99

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World of Darkness: Mafia

World of Darkness: Mafia

This Thing of Ours Like the supernatural denizens of the World of Darkness, the men of respect are damned in their own unique way. Beholden to tradition, threatened by ethics and forced by their nature to remain outside the society that sustains him, the modern mobster is every bit as compelling a character as the most monstrous creature of the night. La Cosa Nostra Gangster stories are a popular...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Revised Edition)

Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Revised Edition)

The Signs are upon us. The Earth burns. The waters bleed. The humans unleash hunger and disease and bloodshed. They breed poison and hatred. The world dies. Only we can see the final Signs. The Eye of the Wyrm has opened. The Nation has splintered. The End Times are here. There is nothing left but War. And none left to fight but us. Note: The Black & White print editions of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $16.99

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Werewolf Translation Guide

Werewolf Translation Guide

Have you always wanted to include lupus Garou in your Forsaken game? Or perhaps the Hunters in Darkness into your Apocalypse game? This guide will help you translate the feel and core elements from each version of Werewolf into the other game system and background. This book includes: Translations of all of the tribes and auspices between versions of Werewolf Conversions for the breed rules into...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $3.99

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Werewolf Storytellers Handbook Revised

Werewolf Storytellers Handbook Revised

Song of the End Times From the secrets of the highest-ranking elders to the cryptic lore of the Triat; from the blasphemous libraries of the Black Spiral Dancers to the hidden wisdom of animals - the world of Werewolf is full of concealed lore. Now this lore is about to be revealed - but only to one person with the responsibility to use it wisely. Tales of the Last Generation...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $15.99

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Werewolf Storytellers Companion

Werewolf Storytellers Companion

A World Full of Enemies So many different problems plague the Garou. They must defend two different worlds from violation. They must contend not only with the forces of the Wyrm and the Weaver, but also with the rival denizens of the World of Darkness. How much can they honestly be expected to bear? A Book Full of Help The Werewolf Storytellers Companion contains tons of extra information...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $4.99

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Victorian Age Vampire: London by Night

Victorian Age Vampire: London by Night

The Domain of Mithras Fog-shrouded streets conceal a myriad of crimes - but not all of them are a Kindred's doing. In the greatest city of the empire, untold horrors breed in cobbled alleyways and scheme on the estates of the Kindred gentry. For every exaltation Prince Mithras receives, a myriad of evils fester behind the scenes, and it's only a matter of time before they boil to the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.98

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Victorian Age Vampire: Companion

Victorian Age Vampire: Companion

A Setting Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade Gaslights and Gentlemen The Victorian era witnesses the birth of the vampire, raising him from a marauding fiend of the night to a figure of gothic eminence. The era's secrets, however, still lurk in the darkness like terrors shrouded by London's fog. Further mysteries await in the night, ready (and waiting...) for...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.99

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Victorian Age Vampire

Victorian Age Vampire

A Tradition of Gothic Literature A world only lit by gaslight. An epoch of literature that "exposed" vampires to the world. An era of wealth, imperialism, industry and change. For the Kindred, these are the halcyon nights: the last Romantic period of their prominence before the encroaching cynicism of the modern nights pushed them forever from the eyes of suspicious mortals. It is a glorious...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $16.99

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Vampire: The Masquerade - Revised Edition

Vampire: The Masquerade - Revised Edition

They stalk in the shadows, moving gracefully and unseen among their prey. They are the blood-drinking fiends of whispered legends - Kindred, Cainites, the Damned. Above all, they are vampires. Their eternal struggle, waged since the nights of Jericho and Babylon, plays itself out among the skyscrapers and nightclubs of the modern world. But the vampires\' grand Masquerade is imperiled, and the night...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $17.97

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Vampire Translation Guide

Vampire Translation Guide

Have you always wanted to include the Ravnos into your Requiem game? Or perhaps the Invictus into your Masquerade game? This guide will help you translate the feel and core elements from each version of Vampire into the other game system and background. This book includes: • Translations of all of the clans between versions of Vampire • Suggestions and ideas on how...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $3.99

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Vampire Storytellers Handbook - Revised Edition

Vampire Storytellers Handbook - Revised Edition

The Final Nights Hid a Million Stories From the hidden horrors of the Camarilla to the naked fiendishness of the Sabbat, vampires play at the eternal Jyhad.  Elders, ancillae, neonates and... others... prowl the nights.  Only one individual knows all the secrets of the World of darkness.   Anf They Must All Be Told The role of th Storyteller is a daunting one, and this book is an invaluable...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Vampire Storytellers Companion Revised

Vampire Storytellers Companion Revised

The Kindred hide amongst humanity, eking out their bloodthirsty unlives behind a veil of deception. Yet certain mysteries are obscured from even the most canny, perceptive vampires. Who else stalks the Final Nights? What powers do they wield? What hidden skills do they command? There Are More of Us Than We Know The Vampire Storytellers Companion collects new rules, abilities and bloodlines...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Vampire Players Guide - Revised Edition

Vampire Players Guide - Revised Edition

Since Biblical times, the get of Caine have prowled the world, hiding from mortals and resigning themselves to the shadows. Throughout the ages, their plans have unfolded and their treacheries have come to fruition. Welcome to the Final Nights — welcome to unlife as a vampire. A collection of essays, character-building options, chronicle suggestions and methods of play, the Vampire Players Guide...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.99

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Vampire by Gaslight

Vampire by Gaslight

An Age of Romance and Gothic Elegance From decadent dinner parties to foggy cobblestone streets, the world of the 19th century remains a place of superstition and mystery, where ancient legends mix with modern penny dreadfuls, and the most scientific minds still explore the spirit realm. Here the Kindred, long since banished to mere folklore, find themselves newly crowned celebrities,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Umbra (Revised)

Umbra (Revised)

The Invisible World The spirit world may be invisible to human eyes, but the Garou know that it's even more important than the physical realm. The Umbra contains the sum of all existence, whether the stark horror of the Abyss or the fleeting hope of the Summer Country. Dare to explore the reaches of the spirit world alongside the werewolves. Step into the Umbra. The Guidebook to All Creation...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tribebook: Wendigo (Revised Edition)

Tribebook: Wendigo (Revised Edition)

Hearts of Ice Their anger is not hot, but cold as the frozen North. They have endured pain enough to kill a thousand nations, but they refuse to die. They are the chosen of the cannibal spirit, the tribe of winter, the last of the Pure Ones. They are the Wendigo, and woe to anyone who crosses these warriors' path. The Wolves of Winter The Revised Tribebook series closes not with a...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tribebook: Uktena (Revised)

Tribebook: Uktena (Revised)

Seekers after the Forgotten They follow the great water-serpent Uktena, the strange totem of mystical wisdom. They have imprisoned countless evil spirits and learned volumes of magical lore. There are no greater sorcerers among the werewolf tribes -- but the Uktena have not gained such wisdom without cost. There is always a price. Masters of the Forbidden The Revised Tribebooks take...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tribebook: Stargazers (Revised)

Tribebook: Stargazers (Revised)

Journey to the East They come out of the East in search of wisdom, but found only strife. Now they have discovered that their homeland is no longer the refuge it once was, and that they ahve lost too much and gained too little. The wisest and most mystical of Garou tribes must now struggle to find its center and reclaim its heritage, before it falls apart. Is it already too late? At What...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Tribebook: Silver Fangs (Revised)

Tribebook: Silver Fangs (Revised)

We Silver Fangs claim the Death Wolf as our ancestor, for his blood is stronger in our veins than in any other bloodline. The purity of our fur shows this. We also follow his example to lead and act where others shirk their duties. Remember, no other animal would act to save Gaia at the risk of its own life - except for Wolf. If for no other reason, this sacrifice alone would allow the Silver Fangs...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tribebook: Silent Striders (Revised)

Tribebook: Silent Striders (Revised)

The Curse of the Wanderers Once, at the beginning of history, they fought a great war - and they lost. They were cast out from their homeland of Egypt long ago, cursed to never find rest. Since that time, they have wandered lonely roads by moonlight, hunting their prey in search of revenge. And now that the End Times are here, the Silent Striders may be on their way home. Children of the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised)

Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised)

The Gathering Storm For countless centuries, they have endured the rule of weaker Garou. They have sacrificed their own honor to further the goals of the Garou Nation, and received nothing but scorn in return. They have fought battles nobody else was willing to fight, and made allies that nobody else would approach. Now they are ready to come into their own. The balance of power is about to...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tribebook: Red Talons (Revised)

Tribebook: Red Talons (Revised)

Bloody Claws of Vengeance There are monsters in the wilderness, monsters that want the entire human race scourged from the face of the Earth. These creatures have been counting humanity's sins against Nature since the beginning of civilization, and they are ready to exact bloody revenge. Unfortunately for humanity, they have what seems to be divine sanction to invoke their wrath. They are the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tribebook: Glass Walkers (Revised)

Tribebook: Glass Walkers (Revised)

Fang, Claw and Bullet Not all werewolves are creatures of the wild. Some stalk the city streets, hunting their prey in back alleys and boardrooms. Technology is their ally and computers are their slaves. When the war erupts in the city streets, they'll be ready to fight with tooth and claw, with electricity and glass. They are the Glass Walkers. Skating the Weaver's Webs The fifth...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised)

Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised)

Warriors Bred and Born They are the most fearsome tribe of werewolves on the battlefield, the warrior tribe of a warrior race. They hold no virtue higher than strength, and no tribe can claim to be stronger. They are ferocious, cunning and bold. And they are also, perhaps, Gaia's last hope - because nobody else is courageous enough to make the sacrifices that they may yet have to make. They...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tribebook: Fianna (Revised)

Tribebook: Fianna (Revised)

Fight for Glory, Strive for Wisdom They laugh louder and weep harder than any other tribe. They fight as though they've already accepted their own deaths, but do their best to live life to the fullest. They treat their foes with no mercy, and they treat their families with enduring love. They make bloodthirsty enemies, but outstanding friends. They are the Children of the Stag, the Fianna....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tribebook: Children of Gaia (Revised)

Tribebook: Children of Gaia (Revised)

The Hand That Offers Peace There is no peace in the World of Darkness©, but the Children of Gaia would change that. From the tribe's origins in Mesopotamia to their hidden efforts in the war-torn modern world, the Children have always tried to promote healing and unity. As werewolves, they know it's their duty to fight the last battles of the Apocalypse, but...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.98

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Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (Revised)

Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (Revised)

Down and Dirty For any werewolf, life is a struggle to survive - to the Bone Gnawers, that struggle's ten times tougher. Cities are full of vampires and sociopaths, their Kin are picked on and ignored by other humans, and the rest of the Garou Nation treats them like garbage. But that's okay. The Bone Gnawers are damn hard to kill, and they've learned to do whatever it takes to hang...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tribebook: Black Furies (Revised)

Tribebook: Black Furies (Revised)

My Sister's Keeper Since the dawn of civilization, the Black Furies have been a tightly-knit sisterhood, united by bonds of blood, spirituality and conviction. They are the guardians of the Wyld, the champions of women, the wrath of Gaia. They consistently produce some of the greatest warriors and wisest mystics known to the Garou Nation. But as the Final Days draw to a close, the Furies find...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Transylvania Chronicles IV: The Dragon Ascendant

Transylvania Chronicles IV: The Dragon Ascendant

Eight Centuries of Evil The prophecies of Gehenna continue to unfold. In the darkest corners of Transylvania, Dracula stirs. Halfway across the world, a conflagration destroys an entire clan of Sabbat Cainites. The geomantic web unravels, revealing one of the greatest pieces of the Jyhad. Can the players coterie put aside its differences in time to foil the plot of an Antediluvian? Or has Gehenna...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Transylvania Chronicles III: Ill Omens (WW2813)

Transylvania Chronicles III: Ill Omens (WW2813)

An Epic of Tumult  Dracula stalks the night, Kupala rages beneath the cursed land of Transylvania and Paris burns in revolution. The characters - princes, rebels and everything in between - find themselves amid the flames and besieged by friend and foe alike. Can they survive the terrors of both the supernatural world and the kine? Or will they become so much ash on the wind? The...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts (rev)

Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts (rev)

The Space-Mind Continuum The youngest magical Tradition is the most vibrant and the most irreverent. Virtual Adepts dont waste time delving into ancient grimoires or contemplating their navels. Theyre too busy surfing the razors edge of the next zeitgeist. They dont follow trends, they make them. By the time the mainstream catches up to their latest idea, theyve moved on to new frontiers of space...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Verbena (rev)

Tradition Book: Verbena (rev)

The Wild Magic of the Witches The Verbena witches are heir to the secrets of the druids, the power of nature, and the wisdom of the Great Goddess and the Horned God. Theirs is the rage of the storm, the resilience of the oak and the cunning of the fox. But charmed they're not. Amoral as nature itself, Verbena covens gather in moonlit groves, working magic to hasten the return of the old ways. Untamed,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Sons of Ether (rev)

Tradition Book: Sons of Ether (rev)

Archeologists of the Unknown Defectors from the monumental halls of the Technocracy, the Sons of Ether are the avante garde of true Enlightened Science, decoding the ciphers of nature and supernature through direct observation and experimentation. Unlike their former brethren, they don't shut out the weird or the strange, anomalous sightings or alien visitations. They seek them out to prove them...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Tradition Book: Order of Hermes (rev)

Tradition Book: Order of Hermes (rev)

Since the fall of Rome, the wizards of the Order of Hermes have imposed their potent will on the Tapestry of reality, discovering, shaping and ordering the secret forces of the cosmos. Much of the modern world’s image of magic itself comes from the Order’s lore, filtered through sensationalistic minds. But the truth is even more sensational, for Hermetics don’t merely cast spells and summon demons....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Hollow Ones (Rev.)

Tradition Book: Hollow Ones (Rev.)

Narcissism and Absinthe? Somewhere in the limbo between Tradition and Craft, the Hollow Ones walk their own way. They don't need anyone else's acceptance, and they sure as hell don't need anyone telling them how to go about their business. Other mages dismiss them as juviniles and junkies. And yet, even Traditionalists can be wrong... and the Hollow Ones have a very wide network indeed. Underestimated...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Tradition Book: Euthanatos (Rev Ed.)

Tradition Book: Euthanatos (Rev Ed.)

Killers and Thugs.... From necrotic practices in ancient India to modern wheels of chance, the Euthanatos move among all places where fate hangs in the balance. Self-appointed judges and executioners, they seek to keep harmony in the cosmic cycle. But who judges them, and where do their responsibilities truly lie? Only the most careful equilibrium can stave off a descent into the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Tradition Book: Dreamspeakers (rev)

Tradition Book: Dreamspeakers (rev)

The Drumbeat of the World As spirit-talkers and shamans around the world, the Dreamspeakers have the keenest insight into the nature of the Umbra - and with their ties to the primordial pulse, they understand why they are more than mundane flesh. Even when marginalized or thrust into categories of convenience, the Dreamspeakers recognize the trials of the modern age as simply one more test in the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Cult of Ecstasy (rev)

Tradition Book: Cult of Ecstasy (rev)

Hedonists and Sensualists Alternately shunned and courted, derided and admired, the Cult embodies the pioneering spirit of the Traditions, but also the dark underbelly of intemperance. In their quest to break through old preconceptions, cultists reach for tomorrow by dancing on the razors edge of excess. But will this vision open new futures or trap them in sybaritic futility? The Cults sex, drugs...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Celestial Chorus (rev)

Tradition Book: Celestial Chorus (rev)

Wherever the Soul Shines Persecuted for their faith, called heretics for their belief in One face of the divine, blamed for the Inquisition and divided by their disparate visions of Heaven, the Celestial Chorus perseveres nonetheless. One Song, the very pulse of Creation itself, reverberates through their hearts. With this faith they hope to bring humanity into communion with the divine, but this...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Akashic Brotherhood (rev)

Tradition Book: Akashic Brotherhood (rev)

  Enlightenment is a Jewel Reflecting Everything  Warriors and sages, the mages of the Akashic Brotherhood bring thousands of years of martial prowess and philosophy to the Traditions. The Warring Fists discipline their minds and hone their bodies to perfection. As the Akashic Record tells, however, one must fight for true virtue without being consumed by violence. How can young mages battle for...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Time of Thin Blood

Time of Thin Blood

When the blood of Caine will be weak The Curse of Caine has existed for so long, it has finally begun to weaken. Elders' blood, passed from one childe to the next for generations, no longer holds the potency it once had. Too many childer have been Embraced in the Final Nights - and reckoning must come for these illegitimate vampires. If it does not, the world may end. Gehenna...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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The Ventrue Chronicle

The Ventrue Chronicle

The Clan of Rulership The Ventrue: Manipulators of mortals and leaders of the Kindred. Yet the Ventrues powerful facade hides a myriad of internal struggles, petty rivalries and epoch-spanning vendettas. From the domain of Prince Mithras to the reaches of India, the Ventrue power gambit plays out nightly. Invisible Intrigues Created in the spirit of the Giovanni...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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The Red Sign

The Red Sign

Forbidden Arcana The Curse of Caine is a Biblical punishment, handed down by God Himself. Could it be true that a conspiracy of Kindred and mages has found a way to reverse its effects? As the world comes closer and closer to Gehenna, might the Kindred escape their divine fate? Or is it all part of some larger plan? As a title that combines the themes of Mage and Vampire, The Red Sign is a Lovecraftian...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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The Beast Within Revised

The Beast Within Revised

Unseen. The Kindred Move Among Us Not merely mad beasts of lonely hunters, the vampires of the World of Darkness who call themselves The Kindred because of the blood that elementally binds them together, are dnagerously organized and cunning. They hide behind a plan they call the Masquerade so that they do not draw the attention or ire of mortals, and the society this masquerade obscures...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $3.99

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The Art of: Werewolf the Apocalypse

The Art of: Werewolf the Apocalypse

Red in Tooth and Claw Nine feet of killing power. The sleep lines of a predator. The fangs and claws of a monster. The ancient weapons of a millennia-old culture. The Trappings of shamanism. The Tools and weapons of the modern world. It's impossible to look on a Garou and see it for anything other than what it is - one of Gaia's Warriors, a fusion of man and beast that's greater than...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.95 $7.99

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The Art of Mage the Ascension

The Art of Mage the Ascension

REALITY OVERTHROWN! Their heritage is magic, their quest truth.  They lead humanity to the far horizon and beyond.  They are mages, the inventors of sorcery, science and faith.  For centuries, they have battled to define existence and lead huamnity to an enlightened age.  Now in an age when technology is humanity's magic, the magicians of yesteryear's mystic Traditions fight for survival...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $7.99

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The 1000 Hells

The 1000 Hells

The Hell of the Upside-Down Sinners All of Asia's Kuei-jin share a common experience - the agony of torture after death in one of the Thousand Hells. Beyond pain, beyond the end of existence, their very souls are flayed for their sins in the living world. Only the most powerful escape to rise again as vampires, but not even they can forget their suffering. The domains of the Yama Kings wait...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Sunset Empires

Sunset Empires

Sunset Empires is part of the history of the World of Darkness; therefore nobody gets to play the part of the wholly innocent victim. Everyone takes a role in setting the course of the Victorian Age; everyone must eventually pay the piper. This book serves as a historical setting, covering the 19th century almost in its entirety, but it also serves as a vehicle to involve characters...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $13.99

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Succubus Club: Dead Man's Party

Succubus Club: Dead Man's Party

Everyones Invited The Damned are solitary monsters, contriving elaborate social situations for themselves to deny the prominence of the Beast. Parties and other social affairs from graceful soirees to brutal Sabbat ritae are the foundation of undead reputation. Hosting such affairs, whether as a pack priest or as a nascent prince, can be as arduous a process as claiming a domain. The Beautiful...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $7.99

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