The Kiasyd are a bloodline of Kindred from all clans transformed by the Hedge. These Wyrd Kindred must make their way in unlife twice damned; once by Vitae, and once more by the strange embrace of Arcadia. Find inside tips and story hooks for Vampire, The Requiem characters, and Vampire- Changeling The Lost cross over games. Included are ten new disciplines, five NPC Kiasyd, and much more for your... [click here for more]
English and French versionPocket Character Sheet
This minimalist A5 sheet is designed either for one-shots or for players enjoying light rules. It is compatible with the first and second edition of the Chronicles of Darkness series. It omits secondary statistics (Speed, Merits, Beats, etc.) to simplify and speed up the game. It is inspired by the creation... [click here for more]
This file includes all of the Indesign files and graphics needed to create products in the style of Requiem for Rome Second Edition.
More from None More Dark:Bloodlines: The AgelessStrange Shades: MekhetBetter Feared: NosferatuFalse Gods: VentrueSin Again:... [click here for more]
An integrated feeding, territory and masquerade tracking system for for Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition LARP. Can be used in any other VtM or VtR setting with trivial changes. Some references are to setting specific entities, and can be easily ignored. Take what you like, ignore the rest, and season to taste.
Blood and Feeding
As written in Vampire the Requiem 2nd Edition, feeding can be done one... [click here for more]