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 Hottest Victorian Age Vampire, Print, Print
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Victorian Age Vampire

Victorian Age Vampire

A Tradition of Gothic Literature A world only lit by gaslight. An epoch of literature that "exposed" vampires to the world. An era of wealth, imperialism, industry and change. For the Kindred, these are the halcyon nights: the last Romantic period of their prominence before the encroaching cynicism of the modern nights pushed them forever from the eyes of suspicious mortals. It is a glorious...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $16.99

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Victorian Age Vampire: Companion

Victorian Age Vampire: Companion

A Setting Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade Gaslights and Gentlemen The Victorian era witnesses the birth of the vampire, raising him from a marauding fiend of the night to a figure of gothic eminence. The era's secrets, however, still lurk in the darkness like terrors shrouded by London's fog. Further mysteries await in the night, ready (and waiting...) for...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.99

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Vampire by Gaslight

Vampire by Gaslight

An Age of Romance and Gothic Elegance From decadent dinner parties to foggy cobblestone streets, the world of the 19th century remains a place of superstition and mystery, where ancient legends mix with modern penny dreadfuls, and the most scientific minds still explore the spirit realm. Here the Kindred, long since banished to mere folklore, find themselves newly crowned celebrities,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Sunset Empires

Sunset Empires

Sunset Empires is part of the history of the World of Darkness; therefore nobody gets to play the part of the wholly innocent victim. Everyone takes a role in setting the course of the Victorian Age; everyone must eventually pay the piper. This book serves as a historical setting, covering the 19th century almost in its entirety, but it also serves as a vehicle to involve characters...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $13.99

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