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Dive deep into 128 pages of collected history of the Kindred, with dates, sometimes even specified, up to the day! [tho mostly, to the year]
Get inspired by 4858 years of different events! Maybe you'll find a source of memery, maybe your historical interest will light up, I don't know, but I sure WILL want to know the results!!! ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Philadelphia, 1876. Domain wars in the streets. Foul beasts in the sewers. Backstabbers in the halls of Elysium.
For Jacob Shallus, ancilla Prince of Philadelphia, there is never a dull night in the City of Brotherly Love. Embraced into his seat in an act of political expediency, Jacob finds himself at the helm of a vicious undead political establishment long before his due. Surrounded by a legion... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Forged in Streets of Ash and Blood
Step into the shadows of 19th century Birmingham - where sloggering gangs run rampant and the sky is forever blackened by the fires of industry. Once praised as a bastion for enlightened Kindred: the Domain is now a battleground between Camarilla, Anarch and Sabbat gangs. Yet to those undead who feel stifled by Elder autarchy and rigid clan hierarchies,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A historical setting for Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition focusing on boomtowns and the mass migrations that caused them, VAMPIRE: THE WILD WEST swings open the barn doors of an era of radical individualism, rapid technological and sociological change, fantastic wealth, and terrible violence. From shootist Brujah to Toreador madams and Lasombra desperados... V:TWW is unlike anything... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Athens Chronicles
Book Four: Drakon
The Athens Chronicles is an epic series of Vampire: The Masquerade stories taking your characters from the 13th century to the 21st, beginning in the Dark Ages. The five chronicle series this begins will release one new book each month, allowing you to play out the full series... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Boston, Massachusetts, United States 1880 Prince King has done the unthinkable, he's invited all vampires to enter Boston for a festive party. Your coterie will have the chance to dig into the politics of Boston in the 1800s. This offers you a fantastic launching off point for your chronicle. This product is a Chronicle... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Revolutions and Violence, Scuttlers and Scientists, Cotton and Conspiracy
This is Manchester
It’s the year 1880, and in barely a century Manchester has gone from being a small market town to the world’s first and foremost industrial metropolis, where millions toil in the rain and smoke, gangs fight in the slums and pubs, fortunes are made and lost at the Exchange,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Betrayal and bloodlust
Something is very wrong at Whittlock Manor; and suspicions of a greater conspiracy prompt the dispatch of Camarilla vampires to the secluded estate.
Deviltry at Whittlock Manor includes:
A foundational scenario that can be used to plot a full story
Ways to involve the coterie, and to continue the story after the events in this title
NPCs for the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Secrets and blood are the coin of this realm.
Villified by the Church, the persona of Judas Iscariot now serves as the rallying point for a vampiric conspiracy in Victorian London, a siren's call to those who have found that no good deed goes unpunished. The system doesn't reward those who undertake necessary tasks, or follow good form in good faith. Instead, it only seems to exalt those... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
In each era of its long and troubled history Berlin’s twilight denizens are constantly on the brink of falling into darkness and bloodshed.
The Berlin Chronicles are a series of independent scenarios that explore the domain in all three classical settings of VAMPIRE: The Masquerade.
Part Two: Rising Flames shows the metropolis as a hungry Moloch at the end of... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
$9.99 $7.99
 1890... King street in Sherbrooke :
" Lord Hyatt was walking on King’s street. The main street of Sherbrooke. A young city of the province of Quebec founded in 1802 by Gilbert Hyatt, his personal ghoul.
Lord Hyatt sensed that something was very wrong with his main rival in Montreal, the traitor Strathcona. Hyatt knew that money could be made in the east of Montreal with the United... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Clanbook: Lhiannan “Hell, Heaven. It’s all a state of mind baby, the Land drinks our thoughts and spits it out creating any afterlife you choose” Larissa Willains, Lhiannan of Central Park The Crone, Eickos, Jehovah’s first wife. She has many names. Noddists says she is dead. Most cainites and kindred deny her existence. Fools, The Lhiannan... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
On America's most extreme southern side, there has been a forgotten and dangerous kingdom since immemorial times.
In these lands, different supernatural stories lay mixing myths and legends from that place that we call Chile. From the pre-Inca age to the arrival of the Spanish crown, Conquest Chronicles (Cronicas de Conquista) tells a different and secret perspective of the history of Chile, its cultures... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
A Wave Rises in the Sea of Death
In this age of adventure and trade on the high seas, the Childer of Caine are no strangers to the ocean. Few make it their sole habitat - in this world, at least - but the infamous and feared Fleet of Tehom is a notable exception. Basing itself in a monstrosity of esh which oats within the Tempest, this half-Bloodline, half-Sect makes its way through... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Regina Blake races into unknown territory to save her mother from the clutches of the blood sorcerers who have claimed her. But with every step, she enters further into the benighted world of the undead. Her only guides are the seductive Victoria Ash and the mad priest Anatole, but each seems more interested in making her theirs than freeing her mother.
Meanwhile,... [click here for more] |
Crossroad Press Publishing |
Regina Blake is reunited with her mother at last, but it may be too late to save either of them. Amid the glories of Hapsburg Vienna, the two women are subject to the wiles of the Tremere warlocks with only the vampires Victoria Ash and Beckett as dubious allies. A return to London only makes matters worse, as an undead prince dips into madness and threatens to take the Empire... [click here for more] |
Crossroad Press Publishing |
A Tradition of Gothic Literature
A world only lit by gaslight. An epoch of literature that "exposed" vampires to the world. An era of wealth, imperialism, industry and change. For the Kindred, these are the halcyon nights: the last Romantic period of their prominence before the encroaching cynicism of the modern nights pushed them forever from the eyes of suspicious mortals.
It is a glorious... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
 A collection of 20 different types of tokens in 4 styles
For use in grid maps in online RPG games
5 token with iron borders of Victorian age style
5 tokens in green marble background of Masquerade style
5 tokens with green marble bordes of Masquerade style
5 tokens with dark marble bordes of Dark Ages
ALL files... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
$2.00 $1.00
 A collection of 24 different types of tokens in 4 styles
For use in grid maps in online RPG games
6 token with iron borders of Victorian age style
6 tokens in green marble background of Masquerade style
6 tokens with green marble bordes of Masquerade style
6 tokens with dark marble bordes of Dark Ages
ALL files... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Product of April Fools Day 2021!
“It’s what my character would do!”
A solid defense of whatever coterie crushing action you have in mind. But what if I told you, there is a way to bake the justification for your playstyle straight into the system? Introducing the ‘Path of What I was Going to Do Anyway’.
This booklet includes: • Methods... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
 A Gilded Age, A Gaslit Horror
Regina Blake believes her mother to be the victim of murder and conspiracy. Forgoing caution and propriety, she tries to uncover the truth and bring the culprits to justice. With every step, however, she uncovers more and more evidence of a secret world of danger, sensuality and sin. With the beautiful Victoria Ash as her guide, she peels back layer after layer of this... [click here for more] |
Crossroad Press Publishing |
The Domain of Mithras
Fog-shrouded streets conceal a myriad of crimes - but not all of them are a Kindred's doing. In the greatest city of the empire, untold horrors breed in cobbled alleyways and scheme on the estates of the Kindred gentry.
For every exaltation Prince Mithras receives, a myriad of evils fester behind the scenes, and it's only a matter of time before they boil to the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A Setting Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade
Gaslights and Gentlemen
The Victorian era witnesses the birth of the vampire, raising him from a marauding fiend of the night to a figure of gothic eminence. The era's secrets, however, still lurk in the darkness like terrors shrouded by London's fog. Further mysteries await in the night, ready (and waiting...) for... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
By day, London is the greatest metropolis of the 19th century. By night, it is the hunting ground of monsters older than the empire itself. Above it all lurks Prince Mithras, Methuselah of Clan Ventrue and godhead of a cult infecting vampire and mortal alike.
This product includes all three books in the Victorian Age Vampire Trilogy:
Book 1 - A Morbid Initiation
Book 2 - The Madness of Priests
Book... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
 1-Page Interactive Character sheets for Victorian Age Vampre 20th Anniversary Edition created by MrGone.
Notes: Includes the standard character sheet as well as Clan branded versions. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
2-Page Interactive Character sheets for Victorian Age Vampre 20th Anniversary Edition created by MrGone.
Notes: Includes the standard character sheet as well as Clan branded versions. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
 4-Page Interactive Character sheets for Victorian Age Vampre 20th Anniversary Edition created by MrGone. Notes: Includes the standard character sheet as well as Clan branded versions. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Ahora los vástagos también tienen acceso a sus propias Reliquias de Sangre y sus rituales para crearlas y preservarlas. Sin olvidar a las Reliquias Míticas de los Clanes y Líneas de Sangre y sus oscuros secretos.
Los inquisidores de varias religiones disponen de numerosas Reliquias de la Fe para seguir impartiendo justicia divina. Nuevas normas para el Terreno... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Sunset Empires is part of the history of the World of Darkness; therefore nobody gets to play the part of the wholly innocent victim. Everyone takes a role in setting the course of the Victorian Age; everyone must eventually pay the piper.
This book serves as a historical setting, covering the 19th century almost in its entirety, but it also serves as a vehicle to involve characters... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
An Age of Romance and Gothic Elegance
From decadent dinner parties to foggy cobblestone streets, the world of the 19th century remains a place of superstition and mystery, where ancient legends mix with modern penny dreadfuls, and the most scientific minds still explore the spirit realm. Here the Kindred, long since banished to mere folklore, find themselves newly crowned celebrities,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A Gilded Age, A Gaslit Horror
Regina Blake believes her mother to be the victim of morder and conspiracy. Forgoing caution and propriety, whe tries to uncover the truth and bring the culprits to justice. With every step, however, she uncovers more and more evidence of a secret world of danger, sensuality and sin. With the beautiful Vicotria Ash as her guide, she peels back klayer after layer... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Grave Secrets Revealed
Regina Blake is reunited with her mother at last, but it may be too late to save either of them. Amid the glories of Hapsburg Vienna, the two women are subject to the wiles of the Tremere warlocks with only the vampires Victoria Ash and Beckett as dubious allies. A return to London only makes matters worse, as an undead prince dips into madness and threatens to take... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
 A Desperate Search, A Deadly Game Regina Blake races into unknown territory to save her rnother from the clutches of the blood sorcerers who have claimed her. But with every step, she enters further into the benighted world of the d e a d . Her only guides are the seductive Victoria Ash and the mad priest Anatole, but each seems more interested in making her theirs than freeing... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
 Athens Chronicles for V5
Book Four: Drakon
A time travelling romp from the 19th century retun of the Olympic games back to the death of Socrates in ancient Greece. Drakon is a three act Chronicle for Vampire: The Masquerade 5th edition in which the coterie face the greatest threat of the series: the powerful Baali sorceress who seeks to alter the future forever.
The fourth in a five Chronicle... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word files, InDesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Minds Eye Theatre: Vampire By Gaslight for live action Vampire: The Victorian Age products. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
 Ein Comic basierend auf "Vampire: Victorian Age".
Im viktorianischen London regieren Macht, Intrigen und Blut die Straßen. rivalisierende Clans nutzen die politische Instabilität, um das Machtgefüge zu destabilisieren... ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
-Clanbook: Brujah1st Edition
-Clanbook: Brujah 2nd Edition
- Libellus Sanguinis 2: Keepers of the Word ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
-Clanbook: Setite 1st Edition
-Clanbook: Followers of Set 2nd Edition
- Libellus Sanguinis 3: Wolves at the Door ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
-Clanbook: Gangrel 1st Edition
-Clanbook: Gangrel 2nd Edition
- Libellus Sanguinis 3: Wolves at the Door ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
-Clanbook: Giovanni 1st Edition
-Clanbook: Giovanni 2nd Edition ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
-Clanbook: Lasombra 1st Edition
-Clanbook: Lasombra 2nd Edition
- Libellus Sanguinis 1: Masters of the State ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
-Clanbook: Malkavian 1st Edition
-Clanbook: Malkavian 2nd Edition
- Libellus Sanguinis 4: Thieves in the Night ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
-Clanbook: Nosferatu 1st Edition
-Clanbook: Nosferatu 2nd Edition
- Libellus Sanguinis 4: Thieves in the Night ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
-Clanbook: Ravnos 1st Edition
-Clanbook: Ravnos 2nd Edition
- Libellus Sanguinis 4: Thieves in the Night ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
-Clanbook: Toreador 1st Edition
-Clanbook: Toreador 2nd Edition
- Libellus Sanguinis 2: Keepers of the Word
For more information on using these art packs, check out the Storytellers... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
- Clanbook: Tremere 1st Edition
- Clanbook: Tremere 2nd Editon
- Libellus Sanguinis II: Keepers of the Word
- House of Tremere
- Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy
- Blood Sacrifice:... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
- Clanbook: Tzimisce 1st Edition
- Clanbook: Tzimisce 2nd Editon
- Libellus Sanguinis I: Masters of the State
For more information on using these art packs, check out the Storytellers... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
This file includes artwork used for Vampire the Masquerade , Vampire: The Dark Ages and Vampire: The Victorian Age Storyteller Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
- Clanbook:... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire The Victorian Age Storytellers Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
- Victorian Age Vampire Core Rule Book ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Vampire The Victorian Age Storytellers Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
- Victoran Age Vampire Companion
- London By Night ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |