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Fireball Run

Fireball Run

The Opacus Cactus Rally awaits! A call has gone out through the Society of Ether that a contest will be held in the sleepy West Texas town of Opacus. It’s to be a contest of enlightened engineering and skill, an automotive race through off-road tracks and hill country. A sizable research grant has been offered to the winner, and several Etherites have answered that call... Treachery, Metal,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Feuille de personnage Loup-Garou l'Apocalypse W20

Feuille de personnage Loup-Garou l'Apocalypse W20

Feuille de personnage en Français sur 4 pages pour Loup-Garou L'Apocalyspe W20 (Edition 20ème Anniversaire). ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Cartas de Dons Manual

Cartas de Dons Manual

CARTAS DE DONS Poderes do Espírito e da Fúria! Os Dons são alguns dos maiores poderes dos Garou na luta contra a Wyrm; e agora eles estão na palma de suas patas! Cartas de Dons são uma rápida e divertida referência para o seu Lobisomem: O Apocalipse RPG. Afie suas garras, invoque a proteção de Luna e não deixe nenhum Maldito em pé! ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Feuille de personnage Mage l'Ascension M20

Feuille de personnage Mage l'Ascension M20

Feuille de personnage en Français sur 4 pages pour Mage l'Ascension M20 (Edition 20ème Anniversaire) ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Feuille de personnage Vampire la Mascarade V20

Feuille de personnage Vampire la Mascarade V20

Feuille de personnage en Français sur 4 pages pour Vampire la Mascarade V20 (Edition 20ème Anniversaire). La fiche est prévue pour des statistiques jusqu'à 5ème génération. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Andras skördar skära

Andras skördar skära

Skadan är snart gjord... En tumme spräcker ett öga medan en girig tunga slickar i sig blod. Ett par ord förstör ett liv. Något rör sig i mörkret med kallt hat i hjärtat. Ett avtal sluts mellan en levande och en död kvinna. En vänskap upprätthålls år efter oräkneligt år. Blod skuras klumpigt bort från en vägg med hjälp av klorin och en toaborste. sent...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Blood:Lust Euroslut 1: Nice Sampler

Blood:Lust Euroslut 1: Nice Sampler

Jenna Vaughan-Mills. Short, sharp, sweary and highly sexual; a prisoner of life as a minion to kindred. To several kindred. She has a reputation to maintain… …and you should always do what you’re best at. That means returning to Europe. But she still can’t head to Spain, as the Marsites may mean her harm, so she has to go somewhere else – straight back into the orbit of the notorious assassin...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Blood:Lust Jenna Does Harvard 1.5: Nights to Remember Sampler

Blood:Lust Jenna Does Harvard 1.5: Nights to Remember Sampler

Jenna Vaughan-Mills. Short, sharp, sweary and highly sexual; a prisoner of life as a minion to kindred. To several kindred. Jenna and the Zantosas Moonlighting in Boston in the service of the prince, she finds her ties to the old world aren’t always to her advantage as one of her previous masters – as important as they get - has work for her. What could happen when a ghoul of notorious appetites...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Blood:Lust Jenna Does Harvard 1: the Boston Sex Party Sampler

Blood:Lust Jenna Does Harvard 1: the Boston Sex Party Sampler

Jenna Vaughan-Mills. Short, sharp, sweary and highly sexual; a prisoner of life as a minion to kindred. To several kindred. Sexing in the City! Fleeing at speed from her previous domain, Jenna is introduced to the joys of Boston and its suburbs. Can she settle in safely while avoiding the malign interest of the local Giovanni subfamily? Can she succeed in the tasks she’s set? And how much trouble...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Blood:Lust Jenna Does Harvard 2: Failure to Integrate Sampler

Blood:Lust Jenna Does Harvard 2: Failure to Integrate Sampler

Jenna Vaughan-Mills. Short, sharp, sweary and highly sexual; a prisoner of life as a minion to kindred. To several kindred. A square peg in a round hole Sometimes being competent just isn’t enough. Jenna might be good, but navigating the schemes of elder vampires may require even more than she’s capable of, especially when the “fucking” Giovanni are involved. Can she extricate herself from...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Blood:Lust Sampler Collection [BUNDLE]

Blood:Lust Sampler Collection [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Blood:Lust Euroslut 1: Nice Sampler Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: PDF Jenna Vaughan-Mills. Short, sharp, sweary and highly sexual; a prisoner of life as a minion to kindred. To several kindred. She has a reputation to maintain… …and you should always do what you’re best at. That...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Blood:Lust Second-Best Would be a Luxury Sampler

Blood:Lust Second-Best Would be a Luxury Sampler

Jenna Vaughan-Mills. Short, sharp, sweary and highly sexual; a prisoner of life as a minion to kindred. To several kindred. Jenna goes to the English West Country to spend some time with a Gangrel, Dom, and his ghoul, H. The earliest activities of Jenna Vaughan-Mills in the V20 continuum. Content warning: language Content warning for the completed narrative: language, sexual...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Deprerador y Presa [ESP] + extras

Deprerador y Presa [ESP] + extras

Una noche de fiesta va a determinar quién es la depredador y quién la presa. Depredador y Presa es un comic de VtM (20 aniversario). Advertencia: Sangre y violencia. Personajes, arte e historia por KaramzinovArt. Versión en español, incluye anotaciones y making off del cómic, así como el relato original en el que se basa el cómic. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Onyx Path 2021-2022 Publishing Brochure

Onyx Path 2021-2022 Publishing Brochure

Dare To Walk The Onyx Path This brochure contains: An intro letter from Rich Thomas, founder of Onyx Path Publishing, that describes the Onyx Path business model and how the company is moving forward with new projects. A look at the Onyx Path Publishing projects by game line. Art previews from upcoming books and more! ...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing   FREE 

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Predator and Prey [ENG]

Predator and Prey [ENG]

A night party will determine who is actually the predator and who is the prey. Predator and Prey is a VtM (20th anniversary) comic. TW: Blood, violence. Characters, art and story by KaramzinovArt. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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V20 Vampire Character sheets

V20 Vampire Character sheets

A collection of 17 Vampire 20th anniversary edition character sheets (4 page form fillable) These are artistically designed to spiff up your character. These sheets are based on character sheets by Chris "Mr. Gone" Leland, with his kind permission. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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