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C20 Cup of Dreams (Part 4 of the Immortal Eyes Saga)

C20 Cup of Dreams (Part 4 of the Immortal Eyes Saga)

Two decades ago, sidhe changeling Morgan Daniels watched her oathmates cross through Silver’s Gate and enter the faerie homeland of Arcadia. Now no longer a childling, Morgan hears a call, letting her know it is time for her friends to come home.  In Arcadia, Morgan’s oathmates engage in a battle to return to Morgan and the Mortal Realm they left behind. A new quest awaits them, one for the elusive...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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World of Darkness: Time of Judgment

World of Darkness: Time of Judgment

Time of Judgement is the final book for the World of Darkness as you know it, and helps you resolve the stories of five different games: Demon, Hunter, Changeling, Mummy and Kindred of the East. This is the mother of all finales, offering you various scenarios and Storytelling ideas for ending or saving your game world. Are we all doomed, or is there hope for a new beginning? ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $17.99

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Bygone Bestiary

Bygone Bestiary

  Everyone Loves a Monster  Break free from the shackles of humanity with a blast of dragon fire. Take flight with wings of bright feathers and leave the mundane world behind. Monsters are the products of imagination; theyre not real or are they? Dreams take shape in the hidden places of the world, and beyond the Earth itself. Unicorns, dragons, goblins theyre all too real. You just need to know...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides

World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides

  The Blood-Dimmed Tide Is Loosed Not all of the World of Darkness fearsome denizens haunt the cities or stalk the woods. At the bottom of wine-dark seas lurk ancient horrors unknowable to humanity, creatures that prowl the fringes of a world wholly unlike our own. And sometimes hunger drives these creatures to swim upward in search of prey. And Everywhere the Ceremony of Innocence Is Drowned World...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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