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 Hottest World of Darkness, PDF, September Settings Sale: Fey Realms
 Hottest Community World of Darkness, PDF, September Settings Sale: Fey Realms
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Kiths of Arcadia

Kiths of Arcadia

Caught between the Wyld Hunt and a mad king... Released in 1996, Arcadia: The Wyld Hunt, a collectible card game, offered Changeling: The Dreaming players a tantalizing glimpse into Arcadia. The game allowed players to create their own character with which to explore the heart of the Dreaming. Most of the character options were those found in Changeling, but intriguingly, a handful never made...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $2.99

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Classic World of Darkness Mixed Game Rules

Classic World of Darkness Mixed Game Rules

Welcome to the World of Darkness! Whether you are a seasoned veteran of the Storyteller System or this is your first foray into the World of Darkness, welcome! I hope you enjoy what I have put together here. Unlike Exalted, the different core books of the World of Darkness were not designed to be used together. While they take place in the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Kithbook Strega

Kithbook Strega

The Hidden Keepers of the Dark Wood No fairy tale is complete without a witch making an appearance, and so out of the ancient Mediterranean come the Strega. Owl-like witches and warlocks who claim kinship with fabled Lilith, they have spread across the globe to claim and protect the hollows of the mystical Dark Wood that are their birthright. Their occult expertise and inborn ability to curse the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $3.99

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Past is Prologue

Past is Prologue

Those Who Forget Their History The firstborn were not the first beings to emerge from the Mists. The dark — formless and insubstantial, untainted by Weaving — were its original inhabitants. Eons ago, the fae fought the dark for the right to determine the nature of the world. The fae won and imprisoned the dark for all eternity. Are Doomed to Be Annihilated...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $3.99

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It always struck me as strange that the Kitsune were included as an aspect of Werewolf the Apocalypse. They seemed to be so much more than mere werecreatures. Their connection to humanity always spoke to me as more of dreams than Rage. This text is my effort to bring them fully into the ranks of the Dreaming. I truly hope you enjoy my depiction of them, which was drawn from research and pop...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $1.99

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Roots of Legend

Roots of Legend

For as long as there have been faeries there have been enchanted woods. Although rare today these enchanted places still exist, and are some of the greatest bastions of magic in the Autumn World. Strange gallain mingle with werewolves and ghosts. Magical plants hold the key to brewing powerful elixers, and the Heart of the Wood calls out to the wonder and terror inside ever human soul. In this...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $12.27

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As a child, I was fascinated by the idea of those colorful and ephemeral fairies seen in folklore and literature. I asked myself then how would these balls of energy would look in the World of Darkness, and what it would be like if they latched onto ideas, to passions. Their obsessive and single minded focus became paramount to their ultimate dream. The Sprites were subsequently born from a...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $1.99

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By Banner Bound

By Banner Bound

By Banner Bound takes a look at nobility from several angles. Inspired by banner houses as presented in the Changeling Players Guide it also asks, if someone is exiling houses to the autumn realm, who is that someone. Also, the idea of older courts was hinted at in the Changeling the Dreaming 20th anniversary edition core book that is expanded upon and given to the Thallian of the Sidhe, answering:...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $5.99

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Draco: The Hoarding (for Mage, Changeling, or Werewolf)

Draco: The Hoarding (for Mage, Changeling, or Werewolf)

Our myths are populated by them. Ancient, powerful, elemental monsters, hard of scale, strong of wing, sharp of tooth, and most importantly, hoarders of valuable treasure. It starts as a simple hunger: a desire for conspicuous consumption, an aspiration to financial success, a base coveting of whatever others hold dear. You want a bigger house, a fancier car, a more expensive TV, your neighbor's wife....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $3.99

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Gifted & Talented

Gifted & Talented

Originally run on the Onyx Path Twitch in Fall 2019, now you can run this short Changeling: the Dreaming chronicle for your own troupe!  Budget cuts loom, and with them the prospect of cutting Ivywild High School's extracurricular programs. This is bad enough, but one of them - the Gifted & Talented program - just happens to be where the school's changelings gather in their own tiny...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $5.49

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50 Chrysalis Manifestations

50 Chrysalis Manifestations

Wonderful Weird Manifestations These are prompts you can use to show the intense presence of Glamour welling up for the incoming Chrysalis. The “birth” of a new Changeling is never quite normal. These events can be for one-shot games, filler sessions when the main story needs a breather, or even jumping points for a whole new campaign.  Have fun! ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $1.00

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Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Storyteller's Screen

Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Storyteller's Screen

Judge us not by our seemings for we are never what we appear. Come hither, changelings and join the dream-dance, lest the winter come and the Dreaming pass into memory.   Recall your heritage! Let the games begin!   Twenty years ago, White Wolf published Changeling: the Dreaming, the fifth of their promised five game-lines that together comprised...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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C20 Cup of Dreams (Part 4 of the Immortal Eyes Saga)

C20 Cup of Dreams (Part 4 of the Immortal Eyes Saga)

Two decades ago, sidhe changeling Morgan Daniels watched her oathmates cross through Silver’s Gate and enter the faerie homeland of Arcadia. Now no longer a childling, Morgan hears a call, letting her know it is time for her friends to come home.  In Arcadia, Morgan’s oathmates engage in a battle to return to Morgan and the Mortal Realm they left behind. A new quest awaits them, one for the elusive...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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World of Darkness: Time of Judgment

World of Darkness: Time of Judgment

Time of Judgement is the final book for the World of Darkness as you know it, and helps you resolve the stories of five different games: Demon, Hunter, Changeling, Mummy and Kindred of the East. This is the mother of all finales, offering you various scenarios and Storytelling ideas for ending or saving your game world. Are we all doomed, or is there hope for a new beginning? ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $17.99

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Bygone Bestiary

Bygone Bestiary

  Everyone Loves a Monster  Break free from the shackles of humanity with a blast of dragon fire. Take flight with wings of bright feathers and leave the mundane world behind. Monsters are the products of imagination; theyre not real or are they? Dreams take shape in the hidden places of the world, and beyond the Earth itself. Unicorns, dragons, goblins theyre all too real. You just need to know...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides

World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides

  The Blood-Dimmed Tide Is Loosed Not all of the World of Darkness fearsome denizens haunt the cities or stalk the woods. At the bottom of wine-dark seas lurk ancient horrors unknowable to humanity, creatures that prowl the fringes of a world wholly unlike our own. And sometimes hunger drives these creatures to swim upward in search of prey. And Everywhere the Ceremony of Innocence Is Drowned World...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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