A Valiant Desperation. A Corrupting Hunger. An Unending Rage.
Three different game lines come together in an epic, interconnected collection of chronicles for World of Darkness 5th Edition! Fear, Fangs, and Fury brings a coterie of vampires, a cell of hunters, and a pack of werewolves to the isolated and deeply troubled town of Cross, Missouri. Here the rich line their pockets... [click here for more]
The sixth volume comes with 39 amazing and iconic historical firearms, ready to be used in your chronicles and characters. All statistics are presented with as much information as possible so you can make the most of it in any edition published by the World of Darkness. Play Werewolf, Vampire, Hunter’s Hunted or even Mage on the the Wild West scenario!
27 Revolver and Pistols;
12 Rifles and Shotguns;
Sketches... [click here for more]
"Blood and Snow" is a oneshot adventure module for Hunter the Judgment V5 set in December 2022 in Walworth County, Wisconsin.
Urban legends are a genre of popular narrative or myth that are narrated as true events or authentic experiences, but often turn out to be invented stories or exaggerated retellings of actual events. The protagonists of these stories are often "a friend of... [click here for more]
"Blood and Snow" è un modulo per una avventura Oneshot per Hunter il Giudizio V5 ambientata nel dicembre del 2022 nella contea di Walworth County, Wisconsin.
Le leggende metropolitane sono un genere di narrazione o mito popolare narrati come eventi realmente accaduti o esperienze autentiche, ma spesso si rivelano come storie inventate o rielaborazioni esagerate di eventi realmente... [click here for more]