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A city as large as Chicago requires more than a surface study to find out its secrets.
Princes, Primogen, and all those other Kindred with titles and notoriety may claim to uphold the Masquerade, but they delight in the undead fame and status. There are others, well-hidden, with deeper secrets, darker ambitions, and elusive sects buried in Chicago and its surrounding towns and cities.
Chicago contains... [click here for more] |
Renegade Game Studios |
How dreadful, how perverse, how malicious would a Kindred faith need to be, to be considered “forbidden”?
Within this book you will learn of religions stricken from the records of vampire scholars. Within, you shall find a collection of beliefs, some pernicious enough to collapse domains, others so focused that they possess only a handful of coteries the world over. ... [click here for more] |
Renegade Game Studios |
It’s ever been a loaded word among vampires. Jyhad is in force everywhere from lofty, perfumed Elysium to cloying, smoke-filled blood feasts. Jyhad’s the eternal game played by elders, Methuselahs, and worse — it’s the agenda of beings so utterly beyond humanity, one such as yourself could scarcely understand its movements.
Luckily for you, you’ve picked up a copy... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
What motivates an undead body to go on walking, talking, plotting, and biting?
The Hunger is an obvious motivation. It drives all vampires to commit foul acts in the name of sustenance.
The Beast, too, gives a Kindred drive. Whether in fear of the Beast within or in attempts to master it, that constant nagging growl makes an undead monster march on. ... [click here for more] |
Renegade Game Studios |
When you have already experienced death, why have faith?
If you accept that you and everyone like you is cursed by God, why cling to His word?
When you return from the other side as a blood-drinking monster, what purpose serves belief?
Kindred build and are drawn to faiths for myriad reasons. The exertion of power over a flock. Satisfying... [click here for more] |
Renegade Game Studios |
It’s a mistake to think of vampires as simple parasites that latch on to an unlucky victim and drain them until they drop. No, they’re not ticks.
They’re spiders.
Kindred lure victims into their webs and form a ring of protection and sustenance around themselves. And spiders, like vampires, are cunning. They ensnare the small and the weak, but some... [click here for more] |
Renegade Game Studios |
Do you know who considers faith among the dead a trivial concept — or worse, a new one?
Dullards and con artists.
These vampires want you to believe that religion is a new phenomenon among Kindred. They want you to believe only vampires on the periphery subscribe to the worship of higher powers or seek a greater cause.
They want you... [click here for more] |
Renegade Game Studios |
It’s 1242. The Mongol army crushed Baghdad, then Russia under its heel, then moved on to devastate Poland and Hungary. The Holy Roman Empire stood to war with the Papacy. The second Lombard League wielded the word of the Pope and fought off Frederick II.
The War of Princes rages. Patricide looms. Young powers look up the ladder to the next rungs, and see stagnation and hypocrisy. They see targets.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Vampire: The Masquerade exploded into hobby games in 1991 and inspired a generation of fans the likes of which the game industry had never seen before or since. The cultural significance Vampire left on not just the gaming world but on modern vampire-related pop culture can be seen and felt at virtually every turn and in every medium today.
Vampire: The Masquerade - 20th Anniversary... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Clans are not the only vampires that strut, if I might steal from the Bard, upon this great stage of fools. There are the errant Kindred inaccurately collected under the sobriquet of “bloodlines.” While their role in the eternal conflict between the childer of Caine is small, it is often incredibly impactful.
As such, I provide this corollary to my original study.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Travel the long roads and deep seas in search of power and experience danger, or tackle the wilderness to hunt monsters and face death. Settlements large and small dot the black expanse with the promise of sanctuary, life, and community. These bastions of civilization present cold comfort, when playing host to vampire warlords and sadistic Cainite faiths. Whether led by a Prince, a coordinated belief,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Lore of the Clans
My sire always told me, “There’s no instruction manual for being dead, strákur.” I believed her, because she was older and smarter than me, and we value knowledge if nothing else. Many sires spill a lot of poison into the ears of their childer, telling them the One True Way to be a vampire. Some vampires don’t even bother, kicking their errant progeny to the streets... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Marcus Verus, the vampiric Prince of Chester, secretly prepares to go into torpor. Should his plans be made public, the Prince knows the wolves — both real and imagined — would launch an attack, threatening all within his domain.
That's where you come in.
Legacy of Lies includes:
Basic rules for players... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Step back into the Dark Ages...
...into a time when the clans, high and low, battle for blood and power.
Welcome to The Cainite Conspiracies
This collection of short stories inspired by the 20th Anniversary edition of Vampire: The Masquerade Dark Ages features tales by Vampire developers such as Justin Achilli, Eddy Webb, David A. Hill, Jr., and... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
By Blood It Is Done
Bound by their masters' blood, ghouls serve the undead and fight their battles in the shadows. Dragged, seduced, or forced into the night, ghouls live at the whims of their masters--for better or for worse.
By Blood It Is Made Anew
Revenants are twisted and unique. They have vampiric powers and extended life, as well as a form of the Beast all... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
In the deepest crimson depths of their being, raw power waits to be brought to the surface. Through their force of will, Kindred can drag this power kicking and screaming into the open to perform miraculous feats and twisted blasphemies. These rituals have been developed to direct and focus this new force, unconstrained by the structure of the known Disciplines. As such, only one word has been seen... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
We Deal in the Truth.
Every interaction, every fight, every clandestine meeting, it’s all about the truth. The truth hurts. The truth kills. But in the end, the truth protects. The truth shapes the world. Shape the world with us.
The Tal’Mahe’Ra, the Black Hand, plays the long game. They’re fighting a war of millennia, and the stakes could never be higher than they are tonight.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Every occult order worth its weight has a library of mystic truths. But the truly wondrous, truly frightening truths require you look deeper. That you delve in long, lost places. These, my friend, are those long, lost places.
— Creidne
The Tome of Secrets is a treatment of numerous topics about Cainites and stranger things in the Dark Medieval World. It’s... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Running a one-night game of Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition? Wanting to start up a new chronicle, but your players aren’t sure what to play? Looking for some examples of how to use the material in Lore of the Clans?
Thanks to our generous Kickstarter backers, these thirteen ready-made characters cover each of the vampire Clans. Each character is provided with background,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
For the first time, the Book of Nod has been restored with new files that perfectly replicate the first edition, but cleaned up so that the text can all be read, and many previously-lost details of the art are finally able to be discerned.
Legends of the Undead
The first vampires remember their first nights, but do not speak of them. Others... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Even The Book of Nod speaks of her but little. She is Lilith, the Dark Queen, the Harlot of the Damned. It was she, some whisper, who taught Caine his shadowed gifts. And it is she, the legends continue, who will rise to herald the Final Nights, the great Gehenna.Come, childer, and hear the Dark Mothers tale.
Embraces Her Children for the Final Nights
A Book of Nod-style tome of vampire myths and... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Can a Prince command a Priscus?
How have the Anarchs fared during the modern nights?
Can the Harpies declare a boon null?
These questions and more secret details of the Kindred condition have their answers within the V20 Companion. A complementary sourcebook detailing some of the finer points of being undead, this is the first supplement released in support... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Most mortals turn away from the darkness that preys upon them, going about their lives in despair of the Damned and the evils they visit upon the world. But a precious few wage a personal war to shine light on those shadows and diminish them, like solitary candles shining in the night. The path of the hunter is lonely and fraught with danger, at once beset by the monsters they hunt and looked upon... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
There are some threats that transcend a local Prince's domain and become enemies of every Kindred in the Camarilla. These Anathema become targets of a global Blood Hunt for their crimes. Not just political enemies, the monsters on the Red List have been named enemies of the entire Camarilla by the Justicars.
Dread Names, Red List explores the Camarilla's "Most Wanted" List, naming... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Tear down the tyrants!
Paint the streets with the blood of Princes and Archbishops!
With Anarch domains increasing their hold over new territories every night, the Kindred can no longer afford to consider Movement an unruly mob of wayward childer. As the doomed tactics of the past have made way for a sleeker, wiser Anarch Movement, the nights are numbered for outmoded elder vampires... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
One Sect Falls, Another Rises In the wake of the Sabbat's aggressive campaign along the East Coast of the United States, the sect has spread itself too thin. The clever Camarilla took advantage of the Black Hand's disorganization and reclaimed New York City as its own. But with established princes and entrenched elders claiming domains elsewhere, to which Kindred will this new prize fall? ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Twenty-five years of Vampire: The Masquerade Twenty-five years of storytelling, adventure, and exploration. In celebration, we bring you eighteen authors that explore the evolution and development of the world of Vampire. From tales of wanton diablerie to the fulfilling of centuries-old religious vows, lover’s sacrifices, and searches for truth. Peel apart the layers and discover... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
It's a new night!
Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade is a new edition of a classic game that draws on more than two decades' worth of material from the iconic World of Darkness setting. The rules are designed and adapted specifically for the Live Action Roleplay environment, while maintaining the fidelity of the original game. Whether you're a veteran player or discovering live-action... [click here for more] |
By Night Studios |
$19.99 $14.99
 This book will allow player characters to choose a sire that is somewhat fleshed out and extant. Choosing someone who doesn’t have any background or who isn’t already in the game might cause extra work for already tired storytellers.
Alternately, the storyteller might use this book to populate a game with NPCs who present themselves to ghoul or mortal PCs. This would allow the PCs to choose... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A Tradition of Gothic Literature
A world only lit by gaslight. An epoch of literature that "exposed" vampires to the world. An era of wealth, imperialism, industry and change. For the Kindred, these are the halcyon nights: the last Romantic period of their prominence before the encroaching cynicism of the modern nights pushed them forever from the eyes of suspicious mortals.
It is a glorious... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Complete Book of Nod Has Been Found
A young Cappadocian receives a mysterious invitation to a fear-shrouded monastery. There he finds fragments of the original Book of Nod in a language that has been dead for thousands of years. Who has led him to this place? What has he uncovered? And why has he been chosen to transcribe the words of one who could be Caine himself?
Who Found it and Why?
Written... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Blood Sorcery and Blood Bonds
From her first night among the Kindred, the neonate Tremere leads a double unlife. Bound not only by the traditions of the Camarilla but by those of her clan, the Tremere must find a place for herself in her own hierarchy and in the deadly world of vampires. Learn the magic of the Tremere and the rigors of earning status in the clan.
The Ways of Warlocks
As part of... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A History of Evil
From the antitribu who forged the Sabbat to dreaded Dracula himself, the Tzimisce have carved an indelible place for themselves among the society of the Damned. The modern nights have caught up with these monsters, however, who have fallen from their place as masters of hoary estates to degenerates bound by the callous whims of the Sabbat.
The Flesh-Twisted Fiends
As the next... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Throw Open the Gate of Ceoris
High in the Transylvanian Alps sits Ceoris, the home of Tremere and his Usurpers. From its battlements they plot against magi and Cainites alike, send their Gargoyle slaves against the Tzimisce and increase their power nightly. One of the most secret and protected places in Cainite world, Ceoris shelters Tremere himself as well as teh most powerful and ambitious... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Cold Passions Inflame
More than just a simple clan of artists, the Toreador helped found the Camarilla and have extensive dealings with the mortal world. More than any other Kindred, they feel the damnation of the Embrace, as it extinguishes the flame of creativity for which they long. But what passions inspire the Toreador after they receive the Embrace?
The Undead Find Their Muse
As part of... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Unseen. The Kindred Move Among Us
Not merely mad beasts of lonely hunters, the vampires of the World of Darkness who call themselves The Kindred because of the blood that elementally binds them together, are dnagerously organized and cunning. They hide behind a plan they call the Masquerade so that they do not draw the attention or ire of mortals, and the society this masquerade obscures... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Children of the Revolution tells the stories of noteworthy or notorious Kindred of the modern nights whose Embraces came in times of unrest, rebellion, or open revolution. The circumstances of these revolutions might have been mortal or undead, martial or cultural. These Kindred joined the ranks of the Damned under tides of war or cultural upheaval, and their blood bears the mark of change... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
When the ashes cool, all that remains is dust...
Gary, Indiana is a dying city. Its population has halved itself in 40 years, many of its buildings are burned husks, its citizens are disenfranchised and out of work, and even its predators have fled. Of the many Kindred who once hunted this small Midwestern city, only a handful remains. Modius, the Prince of Gary, continues his long... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Oaths of Gold and Iron
You promised us, when we gave you the world to go to war, that you would remember your vows. You promised to leave our sacred places intact, to leave sacrifices for us, to remember us in your songs. You promised that when the War of Seasons ended, you would stand aside for us, the true rulers of the world. You lied.
The Truce Falls with the Blackened Sun
Dark... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Born of Darkness
Saulot has fallen, and to what end? The demon Kupala rages in his ancestral home at whose behest? Beneath the dead soil of Transylvania pulses an undying heart, but for how long? The prophecies of Gehenna are coming to fruition in the Dark Medieval world. Only those who would defy destiny itself can stem the dark tide of the final nights
Bearers of Unholy Light
Dark... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Born of Darkness
The Final Nights have twisted the nobility of the Keepers clan, turning them into the aristocrats of that diabolical sect. Their legacy of shadows eclipses the light thrown by their packs ritual fires. But are the Lasombra truly the esteemed leaders of the Sword of Caine or do they simply abuse it to serve their own ends?
The Lords of the Sabbat
As the next entry in the revised... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Noblesse Oblige Capitalists, aristocrats, crusaders and criminals: the Ventrue have assumed the prestigious but demanding role of leaders. Forever in the line of fire, they have sacrificed their own comfort for the good of all Kindred. Or is this all an empty ruse that excuses their excess and greed? the proud history and black secrets of the clan reveal the truth.
Clanbook: Ventrue includes: The... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
May You Gain the Notice of Those in High Places For centuries the exotic realm of Asia has defied the Kindred's incursions. Those few Children of Caine dwelling in Asia whisper of the monstrous Cathayans--the shadowy vampires native to the East. For too long the Cathayans have lain like sleeping dragons, allowing the Kindred a facade of omnipotence. Now, the new Age is at hand; Yin-daggers... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Eldritch Texts and Kindred Blood
Blood magic, the jealously guarded secret of Clan Tremere, has long been observed with a wary eye. Is it the power of summoned demons? An application of the Blood's mystic properties? The will of spirits? Or is it something else altogether? Only those who master its dark secrets can know.
Hidden Lore Revealed
Blood Magic: Secrets of... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Most mortals turn away from the darkness that preys upon them, going about their lives in despair of the Damned and the evils they visit upon the world. But a precious few wage a personal war to shine light on those shadows and diminish them, like solitary candles shining in the night. The path of the hunter is lonely and fraught with danger, at once beset by the monsters they hunt and looked upon... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Sabbat are depraved monsters, reveling in their Damned state and herding the kine like cattle. Or so it would seem to the uninitiated. In truth, the Sabbat wage a secret war on the elders, struggling night after night to free themselves from the tyranny of the dread Antediluvians and the Jyhad itself. But are their tactics effective or simply horrific?
Cast by the Fires of the Packs The Guide... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Descended from the God of the Underworld
The sands of Egypt conceal a frightening menace a cult of vampires dedicated to their fallen lord. The Followers of Set are scattered all over the world, seducing mortals into cults and enslaving other Kindred through their own vices. Yet the Setites do not exist for excess alone: They gather secrets from the darkness that spawned them, secrets that can... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Blood and Betrayal
Embraced by a fallen clan during nights long past, the Giovanni have always had ambition. Now they bring that ambition to bear on a world they would claim for themselves. With vast wealth, the ability to command the spirits of the dead, and a strict familial hierarchy, the greatest enemy to stand against Clan Giovanni is itself.
The Curse of Caine Stolen
As the next entry in... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Oath-Truce fell with the darkening sky
In May, 1230, an eclipse overwhelmed the sky, blurring the lines between day and night. What does this mean in the Dark Medieval World? Ask five people, expect ten answers.
Darkening Sky is a series of five stories for the Dark Ages game lines. You’ll find a story for Fae©, Inquisitor©, Mage©, Vampire©,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Roll of the Damned
For centuries, the Kindred have hidden from the wary eyes of mortals.
Enigmatic creatures, the Kindred's efforts to uphold the Masquerade have often succeeded even beyond their own desires, and a few of the damned in the modern nights even know those outside their immediate domains.
But the long and terrible history of the undead is as broad and sweeping as the myriad... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |