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A Capital. Durante séculos, o principado português colonial controlou o que hoje compõe milhões de mortais que se aglomeram em um espaço urbano decrépito. A podridão e corrupção são reflexos diretos de seus líderes que, sedentos por poder e pelo sangue dos inocentes, exploram e consomem cada vida mortal.
Na Capital, ou você é o predador,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
The Opacus Cactus Rally awaits!
A call has gone out through the Society of Ether that a contest will be held in the sleepy West Texas town of Opacus. It’s to be a contest of enlightened engineering and skill, an automotive race through off-road tracks and hill country. A sizable research grant has been offered to the winner, and several Etherites have answered that call...
Treachery, Metal,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
How far is too far? A big question when playing a game that can get as serious as most World of Darkness Chonicles tend to be. This little sheet can spare you and your players a lot of heartache by making sure noone is pushed further then they enjoy to be. All this for the low price of free if you want it to be.
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White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Mark Your Next Hive Dive on the Calendar!
The perfect companion piece for any Werewolf game!
A comprehensive calendar chronicling the Garou Lunar Year for 2021 – 2022, beginning in March of 2021 and running through April of 2022. Includes info on each lunar month and each month’s celestial patron, as well as over 75 Seasonal Rites, celestial events, and holidays!
Compatible... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This supplement contains a premade Sept of Bone Gnawers in the city of Tacoma Washington for storytellers that do not have a lot of time to build one. In addition to detailed characters the supplement also contains a character relation graphic, spirits, resources, and several story ideas. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
The Character Creation Expansion Pack is our first offering to the Storyteller's Vault.
Within its pages you will find 5 new Backgrounds, as well as more than 50 new Merits and Flaws for use with Vampire The Masquerade Revised Edition. All have been written to match the literary and visual style of the core rule book, and have all been extensively tested over the course of many, many campaigns. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Dizer que a não-vida na Capital é complexa e atribulada é dizer pouco. Pelas noites, durante décadas, cadáveres que se consideram deuses desfilam pelas ruas sujas ou se escondem em coberturas luxuosas, procurando tecer as tramas do cenário político e social da Capital.
Agora, um fio desse tecido escapou e se rompeu... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
O Guia de Termos para Mago: A Ascensão contém:
• Dezenas de verbetes dos mais variados assuntos e de fácil consulta.
• Referências cruzadas para termos tanto do Conselho das Nove Tradições quanto para a Tecnocracia.
• Material abrangindo todas as edições e de meta-enredo neutro.
• Um complexo verbete da Umbra e suas diferentes camadas partindo da... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
How far is too far? A big question when playing a game that can get as serious as most World of Darkness Chonicles tend to be. This little sheet can spare you and your players a lot of heartache by making sure noone is pushed further then they enjoy to be. All this for the low price of absolutley free.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
This is a free sample of the next upcoming book Blood Magic Compilation!
With over 1700 downloads this supplement has come to help a number of folks get the juices flowing.
It is a gesture of good will to all the great folks out there supporting the ST Vault and those who are still getting their toes wet so to speak in this exciting new community.
This supplement contains the necessary information... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Bem vindo, filhote, a Lobisomem: o Apocalipse, um jogo de histórias de horror selvagem. Nas páginas a seguir está o conto dos Garou, uma orgulhosa raça de lobisomens que vive fora da sociedade humana e enfrenta uma desesperada guerra por sua sobrevivência. Ao terminar de ler essas páginas, você terá aprendido algo sobre os Garou – e conseguirá jogar interpretando um lobisomem.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
O título é uma prévia ...sobre o canídeo endêmico do Cerrado brasileiro, confundido com um lobo, é ou foi um tipo para tornar brasileiro o Lobisomem / Lobo trazido nas histórias e lendas de outras sociedades. ...é prévia para um conjunto de obras sobre outros tipos animais brasileiros, bem como uma cosmovisão social e regional diferente. O Lobo-Guará tem previsão... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Assurez-vous que vos joueurs sont d'accord avec les horreurs qui les attendent. Cette fiche vous aidera.
Comment utiliser la feuille :
1. Proposez à chaque joueur d'un jeu à venir de remplir une copie de la liste de contrôle du consentement avant le début du jeu. (Cela peut être fait dans... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Finally! A Custom Character Sheet for Werewolf: the Savage Age!
Weaponized Ink is offering players and fans of our Werewolf the Savage Age line custom character sheets that refelect the art and setting changes found the the Savage Age. Enjoy!
A Note on Pay What You Want: Please consider dropping a dollar or two if you... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
In some games, the acts of hunting and feeding are glossed over, while in others, they are a central part of the story. Presented here are 10 feeding surprises that can be inserted into any game, whether the hunt is an integral and dramatic part of the story or whether it is usually handled quicker and more abstractly. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Before exalting to become the Sword of Heaven referenced by the Loom of Fate as the Dragon Banner of the Burning Sun, Nellens Pulgaris served as a scale lord in the fledgling Nellens Home Legion. A routine morning meeting with his talon lord reveals some significant history of the still-mortal dynast, already destined for greatness, though yet to be chosen by the greatest of Incarnae.
This... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Denizens of Malfeas produce all sorts of curious souls and monstrocities however each of them have a tale; especially those who hold the title of Citizen within Hell itself. Beztup is one such individual. In entry for my Scrolls of the Strange and Mighty, Beztup is a unique Blood Ape who mingles in the affairs of Hell and Creation itself. No less mighty than his kin, this erymanthus has... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word and InDesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Black Dog Game Factory. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
These basic rules for the Dark Ages line are intended to allow players to use any of the core supplementary rulebooks (Dark Ages: Mage, Dark Ages: Werewolf, Dark Ages: Inquisitor and Dark Ages: Fae) without having to purchase Dark Ages: Vampire.
These rules have been excerpted from Dark Ages: Vampire, but have had most of the vampire-specific information and rules removed. They contain only... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word, InDesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Dark Ages: Mage ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word and Indesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Exalted 3rd Edition. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Alchemicals symbols and logos for use with your Exalted Storytellers Vault products. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Original photos (1) that have had filters added to them/ been edited to achieve various styles. Please feel free to use as you wish, whether it be for game sessions or even as stock art for something you want to sell on here. You can edit the pictures however you want, though please don’t bundle them for resale. We hope you enjoy. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Original photos (5) that have had filters added to them/ been edited to achieve various styles. Please feel free to use as you wish, whether it be for game sessions or even as stock art for something you want to sell on here. You can edit the pictures however you want, though please don’t bundle them for resale. We hope you enjoy. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A pair of new weapons for Exalts who favor the adage of 'Bigger is Better', this small write-up includes two distinct weapons; the Direlance Gyhominad, an Artifact 5 lance made for both Dragonblooded and Solars, while the Grand Daiklave Glorybringer lends it's talents to the reborn Solar Exalted. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Hunter's Armory Demo Collection features 24 weapons from the first four editions of the Hunter's Armory, ready to be used in your chronicles and character.
Other titles from Mana Verde Game Design:
... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Kindred of the East Storytellers Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
- Dharmabook: Devil Tigers
- San Francisco By Night ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word, InDesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Kindred of the East (VtM 2nd & 3rd Edition) ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word, InDesign files, fonts, and graphics to create Dharmabook products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Kindred of the East (VtM 2nd & 3rd Edition) ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Welcome to the Kindred of the East Storytellers Vault Style Guide. This guide exists to help you create new material for the Kindred of the East setting of Vampire: The Masquerade.
This guide is designed to help writers of any level of experience contribute work to the World of Darkness setting. The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate how to apply the correct tone and respect to a part of the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the InDesign files, fonts, and graphics to create Legacy/Clanbook products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom (VtM Revised/3rd Edition) ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word files, fonts, and graphics to create Legacy/Clanbook products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom (VtM Revised/3rd Edition) ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the InDesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom (VtM Revised/3rd Edition) ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom (VtM Revised/3rd Edition) ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Graphics for use with your Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom projects ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Welcome to the Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom Storytellers Vault Style Guide. This guide exists to help you create new material for the Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom setting of Vampire: The Masquerade.
This guide is designed to help writers of any level of experience contribute work to the World of Darkness setting. The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate how to apply the correct tone and respect... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Voici la trilogie des Parques parue dans les numéros 3,5 et 6 de D20 magazine (aujourd'hui disparu).
Ce PDF contient la trilogie complète composée de:
Partie 1: Clotho
Partie 2: Lachésis
Partie 3: Atropos
"Conteurs préparez vous à descendre dans les tréfonds de la perversion. Vos joueurs vont être... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Make your monster. Be your monster.
4-page fillable character sheets for clans of the young and brash Les Amis Noirs Faction of The Darkest Timeline.
Includes character sheets for clans Azaneali, Giovanni, Goratrix and Gratiani, based on the 4-page fillable Revised edition character sheets by the amazing Mr. Gone.
The Darkest... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Make your monster. Be your monster.
4-page fillable character sheets for clans of the ancient and mercurial Leviathan Faction of The Darkest Timeline.
Includes character sheets for clans Boukephos, Calypso, Kiasyd, Montani, Tubalcain, and Sybil, based on the 4-page fillable Revised edition character sheets... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Reality Overthrown!
Their heritage is magic, their quest truth. Every culture has nurtured or condemned them. They lead humanity to the far horizon and beyond. They are mages, the inventors of sorcery, science and faith. For centuries they have battled to define existence and lead humanity to an enlightened age. Now, in an age when technology is humanitys magic, the magicians of yesteryears mystic... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word and Indesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Mage: The Ascension 3rd Edition. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Mage: The Ascension Storytellers Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
- Mage: The Ascension 3rd Edition Core Rule Book ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Graphics and Logos for use with your Storytellers Vault Mage: The Ascension projects ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Welcome to the Mage: The Ascension Storytellers Vault Style Guide. This resource will assist you in creating new material for the horror roleplaying game, Mage: The Ascension, across its various editions and incarnations.
Whether you are new to writing work for other readers, or even if you’re an established writer working freelance contracts on roleplaying games, you will find this... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Symbols and Spheres for use with your Storytellers Vault Mage: The Ascension. Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade and Mage: The Dark Ages projects ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word and InDesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for 3rd Edition Tradition & Convention Books. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Mage: The Dark Ages Storytellers Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
- Dark Ages: Mage
-Dark Ages: Mage Grimoire ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade Storytellers Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
- Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade Core Rule Book
- The Sorcerers Crusade Companion ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes artwork used for Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade Storytellers Vault products.
Art in this art pack was originally published in the following products:
- Castles and Covenants
- Crusade Lore
- Infernalism
- Order of Reason
- The Artisans Handbook
- The Swashbucklers Handbook
- Witches and Pagans ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This file includes all of the Word, InDesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of the Storyteller's Vault for Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade 1st Edition. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |