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Step back into the Dark Ages...
...into a time when the clans, high and low, battle for blood and power.
Welcome to The Cainite Conspiracies
This collection of short stories inspired by the 20th Anniversary edition of Vampire: The Masquerade Dark Ages features tales by Vampire developers such as Justin Achilli, Eddy Webb, David A. Hill, Jr., and... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
“Bring me the fairest girl in all the town,” the Crone croaked. She held out a thin hand, with too-long fingers counting too many digits, and skin dry and cracked like parchment. “And then you, my dear, can go home.”
Four seasons, four novellas. The stories of the Sleepy Hollow freehold take place over the course of a year, and the characters are changed forever as a result.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
What does the Technocratic Union agent see through those reflective lenses? How many hours of interrogation footage, archives of dossiers, gone over one more time, again and again? What song of Enlightened trigonometry beams before their eyes the trajectory of the reality deviant, or the fastest route to cover in a firefight? Imagine vast mugshot archives of unmutual hackers, “magick” grifters,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Passion. Loss. Laughter. Fear.
Truth is a paradox, especially when magick is involved. To get beyond illusions of reality, then, a person must reach beyond what we think is possible and find what’s really there.
Set in the award-winning world of Mage: The Ascension, the 17 tales featured in this collection span from the bizarre humor of “The Theogenesis Gimmick”... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Something Stirs…
The fabric of reality is cracking. Fissures appear in thin air, glowing with balefire. Something is scratching on the other side, pressing, beginning to break through….
The Wyrm’s corruption finds its way into the hearts of humans and Garou alike. Even an ultra-rational techno-cratic scientist can fall sway to its lies. Channeling his hate and resentment... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Two decades ago, sidhe changeling Morgan Daniels watched her oathmates cross through Silver’s Gate and enter the faerie homeland of Arcadia. Now no longer a childling, Morgan hears a call, letting her know it is time for her friends to come home.
In Arcadia, Morgan’s oathmates engage in a battle to return to Morgan and the Mortal Realm they left behind. A new quest awaits them, one for the elusive... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Twenty-five years of Vampire: The Masquerade Twenty-five years of storytelling, adventure, and exploration. In celebration, we bring you eighteen authors that explore the evolution and development of the world of Vampire. From tales of wanton diablerie to the fulfilling of centuries-old religious vows, lover’s sacrifices, and searches for truth. Peel apart the layers and discover... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Garou’s ancient struggle against the corruption of the world continues on, year after year, blow after blow. The names of the fallen outnumber the living. Their enemies are legion: vile subsidiaries of Pentex, Inc.; mutated Black Spiral Dancers; creatures warped beyond imagination by the taint of the Wyrm; and even, tragically, their own pride, long-held vendettas, and explosive rage.
They... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Food is Life
We are what we eat. As mages throughout history have realized, the foods that sustain our bodies sustain enlightenment as well. Such foods become extensions of the people and cultures that create them. Now Brother Oliver Lyon, Knight Templar and a humble baker’s son, travels around the world hunting the Fallen and gathering fine recipes along the way.
Enchanting... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Savannah is under siege.
For 20 years the minions of the Wyrm have threatened the Coastal Empire, checked only by the courage and cunning of the Shadow Lords. Every year, the septs of the Southern Protectorate send young warriors to aid in the defense and to prove their mettle in the pressure cooker of the port city.
It’s not enough.
Every night, the Wyrm grows stronger, its forces... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
When Nisal Theras, a Water Aspect Dragon Blooded, is sent on an expedition into the Threshold with Cathay Ineril as her secretary, he is thrust into a web of political intrigue surrounding their charge, Ragara Oremy.
Oremy carries a sacred family artifact back to his home satrapy, and there are those who would kill to get it. Theras and Ineril must protect Oremy before his enemies find the artifact.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Songs of the Sun
Each dawn reveals new wonders to Gaia’s shapeshifting children. Each time Helios rises above the horizon, they face a new day of uncovering secrets, unveiling duplicity, and standing strong for the good of Gaia and those she claims as Her own.
Songs of the Moon
Each dusk brings new dangers well. The Changing Breeds do not have the strength of... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Unseen. The Kindred Move Among Us
Not merely mad beasts of lonely hunters, the vampires of the World of Darkness who call themselves The Kindred because of the blood that elementally binds them together, are dnagerously organized and cunning. They hide behind a plan they call the Masquerade so that they do not draw the attention or ire of mortals, and the society this masquerade obscures... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Novia Claro made him up to cover her own tracks while she investigates the murders of Hushanti's priests in Nexus. He's a convenient ruse, a rumor to spark the people's imaginations, distract them from her actions, and nothing more... until the day he bursts forth from the river and offers Novia his help.
Now he's hunted by several Dragon-Blooded, and Novia has to figure out whether she can trust... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Palym thought she and her best friend Xiao were on an adventure. They had left their rural home in search of something greater, but neither could have anticipated the monster's attack their first day in the city. Before she knew it, Palym was swept into a world beyond her wildest imagination, the world of the Sidereal Exalted and Yu-Shan.
Where will the road of this Chosen of Journeys take her? And... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Most mortals turn away from the darkness that preys upon them, going about their lives in despair of the Damned and the evils they visit upon the world. But a precious few wage a personal war to shine light on those shadows and diminish them, like solitary candles shining in the night. The path of the hunter is lonely and fraught with danger, at once beset by the monsters they hunt and looked upon... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
"Decea bore the gifts and markings of the Elemental Dragon of Air, and clarity was her birthright. She stopped imposing forms on the clouds of her mind, and allowed her thoughts to wander, that she might better see the true shape of the world."
When the Dragon-Blood Decea finds herself fiunexpectedly in the small fishing village of Elknell, she quickly realizes something is amiss... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
When the Sidereal Velta and the Dragon-Blooded Lani arrive in Whitewall to investigate the shocking murder of a god, they find a mystery that points to Velta’s past in the city.
As the pair follows the god slayer’s trail, they find an increasingly bizarre set of circumstances outside the confines of fate.
Something more is happening in Whitewall, and they must get to the bottom of it before the... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Idun is a Lunar Exalt determined to retrieve her dead mentor’s stolen artifact.
Moth is an Infernal Exalt bent on revenge against his family’s murderer.
The two make an unconventional duo as they seek out the same Solar Exalt who has wronged them both.
A new Exalted novella made possible by the backers of the Exalted: Essence crowd-funding campaign.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
When Jiddan, The Seeker, receives a commission to uncover a fabled city, it seems like just another job with her Alchemical partner, Bulwark.
When the Liminal, Amira, asks to join to find her missing partner, things get infinitely more complicated. Now the Circle find themselves embroiled in a plot to unseal an ancient evil.
They must delve into each others' pasts and retrieve more than just a lost... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |