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I'm not much for philosophy, but I do know this: There's no going back, and the Others don't give a damn about your pain.
So have a drink!
Eat that cake!
Steal a kiss!
The only real revenge for what they've done to us is to live happily ever after, despite it all — no, because of it.
They may have changed you, but this is your second chance. What... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Revised Edition
"The Blood changes.
It finds new veins; it pumps through fresh hearts.
It gets smarter.
And old Blood?
It never stops learning."
— Farnaz Milner, Sangiovanni Caporegime
The dead aren’t static. Each Kindred clan can mold its Vitae into new and dreadful shapes, and these bloodlines offer... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Lore of the Ancients
Neonates who thirst for the power displayed by their elders are inspired by tales of the Antediluvians—if they ever really exist(ed). Their deeds go far beyond even what diablerie, with all its risks, might achieve. Certain Kindred who study this lore have developed ways to approximate their forebears' long-forgotten expressions of the Blood in their own.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
We've met before, but this is the last time.
You owed a debt of blood the moment you stepped into my woods, Little Red, and the Big Bad Wolf never forgets what she's due.
What, you think that's no fair?
Oh, pet, there are no rules but the ones I make with tooth and claw.
I always play fair, though. The game's... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
We've met before and will again.
You'll see me under neon lights with a drink in my hand and your name on my lips.
You'll find me lounging on a chaise with nothing but your eyes upon my body.
You'll catch me in the seat across the aisle, and pacing by your office door, and watching from your bedroom mirror.
And... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
We’ve met before — you just don’t know it.
You’ve walked these halls, you’ve sipped my wine, you’ve let me peel back the layers of your mind.
You wouldn’t believe the things I learned or the things we did.
It’s coming back, isn’t it? The fear, the hate, the broken will?
Perfect.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
We’ve met before, you and me.
Sure we have!
I was the panic when they left you all alone.
I was the shame when they said they didn’t love you.
I was the hate when you brought down the knife.
I’m every ugly thing you’ve ever done or been, and I have so much more to teach you.
— Dottie Tonner, Necropolis Underqueen... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
We plot our intrigues in the dark, pretending the All Night Society works as the day.
But politics are just a game to keep the Beast in check.
Blood is devotion.
Blood holds more weight than a Prince, or a Dragon, or a God.
Open your veins and see.
— Chloe the Coyote, Bohagande Mystic
This book is a companion... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Walk the line between light and shadow. Stand as Luna's arbiter. Protect the balance of the pack and the world beyond.
Wardens of the Moon provides expanded options for the Elodoth, the Half Moon werewolves of Werewolf: The Forsaken. This supplement empowers Storytellers and players alike to delve deeper into the role of the Elodoth as the Judges in Uratha society.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Throughout the realms, ghosts, spirits, angels, and goetic beings lurk, channeling strange abilities to allow them to take control of parts of the wider world.
Ephemeral Influence provides Storytellers and players alike with example uses of these strange Influences, and provides tools for other denizens of the darkness to tap into these strange sources of power themselves. It includes:... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Looking for the revised version? Get it here!
The Blood changes.
It finds new veins, it pumps through fresh hearts.
It gets smarter.
And old blood?
It never stops learning.
This supplement includes:
Updated mechanics for 10 first edition bloodlines including the Alucinor, the Nahualli, and the Sangiovanni
A... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Third Eye is a 2nd Edition update of Second Sight, providing a mechanical update to the powers and abilities of Psychics, Thaumaturges, and other mortal magic users, as well as various rules and systems for making use of them.
Second Sight: Third Eye features:
Second edition rules for many of the psychic powers and thaumaturgical rituals found... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Playing as a Vampire requires knowledge of your gifts. The "Ultimate Discipline Compendium" is precisely the weapon that your Elders will need to manipulate the Jyhad, that your Ancillae will use to defend themselves against the creatures of the night, and that your Neophytes will master to serve as soldiers in this eternal war that the immortal's wage.
The Guide contains completely revised rules... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Humankind has been fascinated with death since the beginning.
Where do we go? What becomes of us? For some, the answers to these questions can be found through the touch of the supernatural. This book presents a number of options for allowing mortals to interact with the spirits of the dead. Some of these options have been collected from earlier books and updated or clarified, while others are new,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Thank you to all who helped us reach #1 on the store front! Vampires, their powers are vast and varied, no two Kindred are truly alike in how they express their powers of Caine. Within this book see even more uses for the blood!
Combination Discipline Compilation includes: • This book details over 100 new combination disciplines! • Combination disciplines for both Clans and Bloodlines.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Blood Sorcery: Rites of Damnation takes the systems presented in Blood Sorcery: Sacraments and Blasphemies, and updates them for 2nd edition, expanding upon the improvised ritual systems provided in every way. There’s more Themes, more rituals, more options, and more systems defined for it, and of course, more Risk to enacting these dark magics.
It includes:
A complete redevelopment... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
"Lighting the Match is a Dark Eras book for Promethean: The Created, detailing the beginings of Promethean existence and the rise of the first Lineage: The Lightning Brothers during the Paleolithic Era of Africa.
This book contains
A small exploration of the Prometheans of Paleolithic Africa.
One new Lineage
A different interpretation of the Refinements.
Four new Bestowments
Rules... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Life is power in a dying world.
The City withers. We grow stronger.
We wield our stolen might in myriad and brutal ways.
For the Kindred, all starts and ends in a pool of blood.
Disciplines are a seductive gift: often a swift solution to a Kindred's nightly woes. They are invocations of her will and the dreadful threat of her ire. The power fantasy of vampirism and that fantasy's... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Far from the static creatures many claim them to be, Kindred are masters of experimentation. Their seemingly small set of Disciplines to call upon can be made into a multitude of new talents and abilities with a little work to fashion them into new Devotions.
Devotion to Power includes over 60 new and updated Devotions for use by Kindred, including those using only commonly known... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Thank you to all who helped us reach #1 on the store front! The Tzimisce are known for their experiments and their cold cruelty when it comes to furthering their own knowledge of fleshcrafting. Many have heard tale of the wicked things a Fiend has performed on others both mortal and Kindred alike. The drive to evolve and become something more has driven many Tzimisce to great lengths... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Thank you to all who helped us reach #1 on the store front! Elder vampires, the source of many myths and legends regarding vampires of the world. They wield powers sometimes only fit for the gods. Their cold and calculating minds are ever thinking of the future. Within this book you’ll find a number of ways Elders exert their control over those of the weaker Generations.
Now... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
“Whisper your dream to me, childe, so I may write it across the stars in blood”
Blood Sorcery isn’t like mortal magic. The rituals are more visceral, the alterations on the world more obvious, and the effect on the caster themself more dire. It calls upon the power of Vitae in strange ways, far-flung from the more instinctive Disciplines most Kindred manifest. But... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
In the eyes of the Renegades, every conspiracy is a tightly managed organization comprised of faceless human monsters willing to commit any atrocity to advance its malevolent agenda. It is an oppressive structure bent on dominance through transgression. The Devoted are its brainwashed zealots and lab rats, its muscle and middle-managers, its magnum opuses and messiahs. Whether they do so blindly or... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Forget the cloistered sorcerer, dabbling with the elements in his private sanctum. Forget the alchemist, dabbling with pseudoscientific baubles in a messy laboratory. Forget the blood-witch, drawing on the dwindling lifeforce of her victims.
The true path to power comes from calling upon the essence of the unknown.
A Deal With Darkness contains:
• Updated Pact systems for second... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Lost emerge from maddened Arcadia not wholly human; composed of raw elements and even stranger stuff, they are all also deeply emotional. Divided into Courts that correspond with seasons as well as emotions, they learn to harvest Glamour from mortals. But they are not limited to just fueling their Contracts and powering their Tokens; emotions can be used to work magic similar to that found... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Phantom Gasser is a sourcebook for Chronicles of Darkness.
The Mad Gasser of Mattoon is an urban legend going back to the 1940s in the town of Mattoon, Illinois. He is said to be a phantom who releases a noxious gas on his victims, feeding on their fear and panic.
This miniature supplement provides stats for the original gasser, as well as a copycat spirit who... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A new sourcebook of kiths, contracts and True Fae for use with Changeling: The Lost 2e, Wyrd Tides collects these offerings that relate to literal tides of the ocean, tides of time, tides of emotion and other expressions of this theme in a Year of the Tide release.
Inside you'll find:
* 8 new kiths for use in your Chronicles.
* 3 True Fae that prowl the Arcadian seas, their Titles and suggestions... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Awake the hidden gifts in the blood of the Kindred!!!
Discover nine new fearful Disciplines for Vampire: Ananse, Berserkergang, Chulorvitis, Diabolitas, Bloody Blade, Humanism, Cityscape, Sanguimalia and Thaumivorism.
Any benefit por my part will go to the investigation of A.L.S. (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
Thank you!!! ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A booklet for Mage: the Awakening which explores the Thyrsus Path and offers new playable options. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A booklet for Mage: the Awakening which explores the what it means to be a Thrysus in three different eras of history along with three ways the magic of the Thrysus expresses itself in the fallen world.
This booklet contains
A small exploration of three eras of history as it pertains to the Thyrsus
A new Legacy
A new Proximus Dynasty
A new Bound
... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Thyrsus are the Mages attuned with the realm of constant struggle.
In this book you will find
More exploration of what it means to be a Thyrsus
An analysis of the Thyrsus Yantras andsSymbolism
More Vows!
... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Mages on the Acanthus path draw their power from the Realm of Arcadia. As such, they take on many qualities associated with fey creatures such as odd, unpredictable behavior, wanderlust, and a certain immaturity. These traits are drawn from the fey of the Seelie court, who celebrate Summer, life, joy, and creativity. For most Acanthus mages, this is a perfect fit. The Nightwalkers, however, feel the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Everything that exists has a reflection in the world of the Shadow, it is said. When new ideas and technologies are introduced in the physical realm, they birth new spirits to accommodate them. Only the rarest of concepts or creations bring about the birth of a truly new spirit. Most are simply older spirit forms, redressed to fit the new iteration of their platonic state.
Pain, Rage, and... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
In this book you'll find:
Updated rules for Tooth and Claw to Hunter the Vigil Second Edition.
A re-imagining and update of the Merrick Institute conspiracy and Dreamscape Endowment.
Updated rules to the Compacts, Merits, and Tactics of Tooth and Claw.
New Endowments for the other conspiracies.
Requires the use of Hunter the Vigil Second Edition. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Fae magic is all about making a deal. But not every deal needs to be signed in blood and written into the cosmos. Sometimes, reality itself can be convinced to bend just a little, giving up a small amount of its stability to the influence of Arcadia.
Arcadian Arbitration contains:
• A system for “Enchantment,” allowing changelings and other fae creatures to influence reality... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
"They promised your body would heal. They promised your life would return. Now you're learning the truth, you won't heal. Your body won't ever truly be human, what you will be is Lost. But you may become stronger."
The body is a power all on its own. Whilst many Lost may wish to make pledges with their bodies to return back to their human form, to pretend to be normal, but the marks Arcadia... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Obcasus Rites are a useful, if not always wholly reliable source of power for the Begotten, calling upon the Dark Mother and their own nature to enact change upon the world. Still, Obcasus Initiates are almost always found in at least small numbers within a Hive.
Mother’s Magic is a Beast: the Primordial supplement which includes 12 new Obcasus Rites for use... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Uratha must change and adapt on the hunt. An Auspice might bind the People to a given role on the hunt, but that role is not so easily defined. In this book are presented two alternate Moon Gifts for the Elodoth and Irraka, the Judge's Moon and the Thief's Moon, along with one Merit each to compliment these new roles. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Study new secrets from the blood magic!!!
Discover 8 new Thaumatugies: Path of Murder, Ghouldom, HEAVY METAL Sorcery, Mentorius, Oniroterror, Path of Vis, Terrae and Greenery.
Learn about new Combined Disciplines: Green Arsenal, Cyberleech, Psychotropic Fruit, Personal Liberation, Create Family of Revenants, Vegetable Parasite, Elixir of Strength... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The world shivers in invisible frequencies, unseen maggots writhing just beneath its skin.
Ghosts, spirits, and worse beings yet all press against the flesh of reality and slither through its cracks, hungering for the life and vitality of the living world. For most vampires, these nightmare beings are inexplicable phenomena that cannot be understood, only survived; but for some Kindred,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Mirrors are more than just a place to check your hair or your air guitar technique. Behind every Mirror. Behind every reflecting window. Under every still pond. Behind every chrome bumper... lies another world. In Myths and Fairy Tales Mirrors are often a mystical thing-- half of this world and half of another. Reflections are not simple images, they're windows into every world that is, that ever might... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Thank you to all who helped us reach #1 on the store front! Gaia’s Last Hope
Gifts, the tools of the Garou, are mighty tools of spiritual design, they are vast in their types and how they’re used can also alter them. Guardians of Gaia, the Garou are tasked with protecting the planet they call home from both the Wyrm and humans. With the Gifts that Gaia has bestowed them... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Grimoire, spellbook, tome, codex, vade mecum…
This is primarily designed with the player in mind. Each page provides space for a player to list all the yantras, dice penalties, effects, Reaches, mana costs, and more. Some may be true rotes, and others could be commonly used Creative Thaumaturgy. Regularly used modifiers and total dice pools can all be listed on the pages, reducing time at the table... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
"We Make the Old and Broken Into Something Better"
Take part in a Legacy both contemporary and ancient beyond time, harkening back to the times of Atlantis (allegedly) but newly founded, the Ebon Phoenix. A Moros legacy tied to no particular Order, delve the soul and mind of their subjects, acting as spiritual mentors in the modern era or psychiatrists of old.
As seen in The... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
In the spirit of Oadenol’s Codex, Skaritha’s Codex I is a resource that contains new artifacts, thaumaturgical procedures, and exotic components including:
Grafts of Postponed Putrescence
Womb of the Elemental Dragons
Animate Twig Golem
Blood Berry Jam
Bubbled Water
Glass Fire
... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Storyteller's book of forbidden secrets of the blood. Close examinations of the Vitae's ways, why Beasts are territorial, and new Blood-studies for the knowledge-hungry vampires. Everything accompained with tips to help you storytell every twist and a bunch of suggestions to tweak and adapt the rules to your own liking.
Here you'll find
Seven Vitae related Twists for you to... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Occultists fall down the rabbit hole, and pray they never hit the ground.
Occultists is a game of Magic, Wonder and Desperation. Of Discovering a world of power and mystery right around the corner and hidden in the shadows. Pick up this book if you wish to wield Knowledge Manifest, Awe your fellows, Sway the wary, and craft your very own miracles. ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
A world of lore and legend was collected by Samuel Haight and his acolytes. The majority of it was thought to be lost after his passing and the Garou’s successful campaign against the Skinwalkers.
However, lost knowledge always has a way of resurfacing and those who seek power, especially the darkest power, will root it out from wherever it hides.
These resources reflect the lost discoveries of... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
In the spirit of Oadenol’s Codex, Skaritha’s Codex II is a resource that contains new artifacts, thaumaturgical procedures, and exotic components including:
Essence and Willpower batteries (Essence & Will stones)
A way for ghost-blooded to retain necromancy after death (Shadowlands Altar of Po Consumption)
Variants of fire pearl ammunition
Game mechanics for yellow jade (and... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A world of lore and legend was collected by Samuel Haight and his acolytes. The majority of it was thought to be lost after his passing and the Garou’s successful campaign against the Skin Dancers.
However, lost knowledge always has a way of resurfacing and those who seek power, especially the darkest power, will root it out from wherever it hides.
In this edition, readers are introduced to the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |