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Clanbook: BAALI 5th Edition

Clanbook: BAALI 5th Edition

Bringing the devilish clan of demon worshippers kicking and screaming into Vampire the Masquerade: 5th Edition. Providing the reader with ample tools for Players and Storytellers alike, allowing one to integrate the infernal powers associated with this ancient clan into your World of Darkness. In these pages you'll find: Character creation guide including archetypes, a clan bane, and compulsion...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Presence Remastered

Presence Remastered

For the community: Today I made my 100th sale with the various books I have so far. This is a great milestone for me as I never thought I would get this far. To show my appreciation I have made this book a pay as you want so that anyone can download it.  This is also the last "Common Discipline" I will make beofre I go onto Clan specific ones, Amalgams and Blood Sorcery. If you do think the book is...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Werewolf: Life, Death, and Between

Werewolf: Life, Death, and Between

As flowers bloom from rubble, so too does the long lost Tribe of the Grave Criers, followers of Crow known for taking empathetic mercy too far in the eyes of the Garou Nation.  A brutal conflict does not always need violence, and the Grave Criers approach problems as mediators, supporting an equilibrium that they often try to spin in the favor of their cause.  Included with a new Tribe are Gifts...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Lost At Sea

Lost At Sea

Even after escaping abduction from the sea-dwelling True Fae of Arcadia, some Changelings can't quite shake the call of the sea. Lost at Sea offers a dual court system of High and Low Tide courts, fourteen nautical-related contracts including new regalia of Harp, and a new kith, Merfolk, for your Changeling the Lost chronicle.  ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary Edition Templates

Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary Edition Templates

Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition is coming to Storytellers Vault! This download includes all of the Indesign files, fonts, and graphics to create products in the style of Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary Edition for the Storytellers Vault community content program. For more information on creating and publishing your own Vampire: The Classical Age 20th Anniversary...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Skin Dancer Gifts

Skin Dancer Gifts

The Skin Dancer tribe have in many ways gotten the short end of the stick. They are a terrifying new enemy for both the Garou nation and the Black Spiral Dancers with all the potential in the world to become memorable antagonistis or anti-heroic protagonists. But in the game as it stands today they only have two tribe gifts, leaving them not only substantially weaker than their opponents in the game...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Occult Tome

Occult Tome

This is a free sample of the next upcoming book Blood Magic Compilation! With over 1700 downloads this supplement has come to help a number of folks get the juices flowing. It is a gesture of good will to all the great folks out there supporting the ST Vault and those who are still getting their toes wet so to speak in this exciting new community. This supplement contains the necessary information...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Cartas de Dons Manual

Cartas de Dons Manual

CARTAS DE DONS Poderes do Espírito e da Fúria! Os Dons são alguns dos maiores poderes dos Garou na luta contra a Wyrm; e agora eles estão na palma de suas patas! Cartas de Dons são uma rápida e divertida referência para o seu Lobisomem: O Apocalipse RPG. Afie suas garras, invoque a proteção de Luna e não deixe nenhum Maldito em pé! ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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A new discipline for Vampire the Masquerade focusing on firearms and their mythical role in the World of Darkness. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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12 Talens

12 Talens

As the title suggests, this book contain 12 talens for use in Werewolf: the Apocalypse. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Dark Apostasy Loresheet

Dark Apostasy Loresheet

A slight update to a Loresheet present in Clanbook: Baali 5th Edition. This is a very brief, free, teaser for our upcoming re-release of said Clanbook, which will include an update to the currently free Clanbook Baali, and also an expanded Deluxe edition with additional content. Currently set to release near the end of October. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Disziplinskarten V5 deutsch

Disziplinskarten V5 deutsch

Disziplinskarten für Vampire die Maskerade 5 Edition auf deutsch zum selbst ausdrucken. z.B. auf das Trägerpapier von spielematerial de, dann muss man nicht mal mehr schneiden. Bitte Read me lesen. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  Pay What You Want

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Fuck your totem!

Fuck your totem!

This is a small collection of totem spirits for packs of Garou that have chosen a path less often tread. The totems here are outrageous, popcultury, trashy, freudian or all of the above at once. They are mostly meant for Glass Walkers, Bone Gnawers or otherwise non-traditional packs. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Gyhominad and Glorybringer

Gyhominad and Glorybringer

A pair of new weapons for Exalts who favor the adage of 'Bigger is Better', this small write-up includes two distinct weapons; the Direlance Gyhominad, an Artifact 5 lance made for both Dragonblooded and Solars, while the Grand Daiklave Glorybringer lends it's talents to the reborn Solar Exalted. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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THE MASQUERADER - Issue 1, sep 2019

THE MASQUERADER - Issue 1, sep 2019

The Masquerader is a free online magazine reviewing and showcasing Storyteller's Vault titles for Vampire: The Masquerade.  This month, September 2019, we take a look at: Bloodlinebook: Fleet of Tehom Bordeaux by Night Storyteller's Guide  Beckett's Vampire Folio Omnibus And we provide a free preview article from The Toreador Handbook. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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