Unliving CitiesA V5 City Building Supplement Unliving Cities – A V5 City Building Supplement acts first and foremost as an assistive tool for STs in creating settings within their Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition games.
This supplement includes:
Summaries of how cities belonging to major Sects might “look” and “behave” – covering Camarilla, Anarchs, Sabbat,... [click here for more]
Welcome to Shadow City
Take a trip to the Pacific Northwest and visit the city of Seacouver. A city of two-and-a-half million people nestled around Bellingham Bay, just south of Canada. A city stuck in the shadow of its more important neighbours.
A city that does not exist.
This book describes a wholly imaginary city created to serve as the setting for a Storyteller’s... [click here for more]
City Worksheet created especially for cities controlled by the Camarilla, containing a description of titles; fields for images of the city, description of neighborhoods, domains, zones of interest for members and a lot of interesting things.
Special cover
Pages: 28 (already in booklet format)
Fully interactive
Sheet Aspect: A3 landscape (420x297mm) and Tabloid (11x17 pol.)
Print... [click here for more]
Forjada nos primórdios da colonização portuguesa na América do Sul e mantida incólume desde então, a corte do Recife é um verdadeiro bastião da Camarilla em um território ameaçado por Metamorfos e Anarquistas, e vigiado pelo misterioso Inconnu. Durante sua fundação, a Camarilla Recifense contou com a diplomacia e o carisma do Toreador Luiz de Alcântara Matado, que transformou a cidade... [click here for more]
Sobre a cidade se esconde lendas e mitos. Desvende, descubra. Nesse livro trago diversas informações de dentro e fora do meta plot. Mente aberta. ... [click here for more]
Caldene - Town for Hunter the Reckoning (5th)
Small town in Alberta Cananda
Brief overview with tons of plot ideas and some npcs to use with the area.
You could easily insert it into any cold-temperate or sub-arctic area, or indeed use it with Hunter the Vigil, Mage the Ascension or Werewolf the Apocalypse. ... [click here for more]
490 après Jésus Christ. L’empire romain s’est écroulé sous le poids des invasions barbares. Les provinces les plus excentrées comme la Bretagne connaissent à leur tour les incursions meurtrières des Angles, des Jutes et autres Saxons en quêtes de nouvelles terres à conquérir.Mais ces sauvages détruisant tout sur leur passage trouvent face à eux un... [click here for more]