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A Tradition of Gothic Literature
A world only lit by gaslight. An epoch of literature that "exposed" vampires to the world. An era of wealth, imperialism, industry and change. For the Kindred, these are the halcyon nights: the last Romantic period of their prominence before the encroaching cynicism of the modern nights pushed them forever from the eyes of suspicious mortals.
It is a glorious... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Domains Long Hidden
Africa has long been a bastion of mystery in the World of Darkness. Finally, the domains south of the Sahara are revealed - and the laws of Western Kindred hold no water here. Out of the Kingdom of the secretive Laibon come the monstrous Guruhi,the atavistic Naglopers and the wise Akunanse - and untold other horrors.
Still Children of Caine?
Created in the tradition of Kindred... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Look, it's simple:
See that fat lick over there? With the backpack? When he steps onto the black asphalt of the parking lot, he's mine. Until then, he's in the fields, where any vampire can take him. I am the lord of this ground, and the penalty for poaching from me is you must drink from me. When you drink the kine that walk on my ground you drink from me. — Sycorax, Lady of the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Glory Reigns Above The living world is civilized by the vision and the power of Rome. But not all that walks is living, and not all that falls will die. We Do Not Live. We are but shadows and worms, consigned to the earth and shamed by our incompletion. But We Are Creatures of Rome And that which is not conquered by the children of Romulus shall submit to his brother's get.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Whispers carry the stories through the generations. So unreal that people no longer believe. "Legend." They do not realize that legends can be more real than real. Truths From the Tales We’ve all heard the stories. Alligators live in the sewers. Kidney thieves prowl the cities. Chant “Bloody Mary,” and she appears. These are urban legends. In the World of Darkness,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Resurrection Man — to use a byname of the period — was not to be deterred by any of the sanctities of customary piety. It was part of his trade to despise and desecrate the scrolls and trumpets of old tombs, the paths worn by the feet of worshippers and mourners, and the offerings and the inscriptions of bereaved affection. To rustic neighbourhoods, where love is more than commonly tenacious,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
“Ordinary people don’t know it, but the world is shrouded in lies. Immerse yourself in them, and you discover that there are lies within lies. There are things in our world, monsters hiding among us, lurking in the shadows, preying upon us. But there also beings who are us and who are not us, people born or “blessed” to move objects with their minds, to read our innermost thoughts, to... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Blood, Drugs and Conquest in the New World They say the blood sacrifices never stopped. They say pyramids underneath Mexico City house vampire cults. They say werewolves prowl the border with the U.S. They say mage society self-destructed there, and now foreign treasure-hunting wizards are plundering the country’s artifacts. They say a lot of things. Find out the truth for yourself.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
"The Exarchs are real. The Dethroned Queen, cast out of the Heavens by wiser gods than she, proves they’re real. You can doubt her existence, but doing so only proves your ignorance. The Dethroned Queen was real. Soon you’ll see. Soon you’ll get it. Then you’ll believe." — Jonah Reed, Seer of the Throne, prior to his execution This book includes:
A... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
An Invincible Legacy Patterning itself after the glory of Rome's Kindred society and the ages of kings that followed, the Invictus stands as a model covenant, one immune to the passage of time. But how well do ancient ways mesh with the Damned of the modern world? On whose backs is the Ivory Tower's foundation built? A Covenant Guide for Vampire: The Requiem
Details the history,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Beyond Undeath Visionaries among the Damned, members of the Ordo Dracul seek to transcend the curse of vampirism. Devoting themselves to hoary experiments and the philosophies of their leader, Dracula, the Dragons of this covenant seek to discover what lies beyond the Requiem. A Covenant Guide for Vampire: The Requiem™ * Details the history, hierarchy and goals of the Ordo Dracul... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
I am God's holy monster, the drinker of mankind. For so long, I could not see the role I would play, because I looked for it with human, mortal eyes. So I put forth the truth in these pages, for you who seek as I have sought. I am not some godless beast who stalks beneath the dark grandeur of sanctity. I am the grandeur. I am sanctified.
- The Testament of Longinus
Lancea Sanctum... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
A collection of six stand-alone scenes for Vampire: The Requiem, designed by Will Hindmarch.
Use these scenes to play out moments of vampiric frenzy, whether you expected them to happen or not. Each scene is presented with a potential cause of frenzy in mind — a sudden wound, an infuriating betrayal, a gluttonous euphoria — but the heart of each scene really lies in those dramatic moments after... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This story about consequences, murder, lies, and the ethics of guilt pits players against the tangled motives of vengeful vampires. Does it compound the sin of a crime to benefit from it? Is it a new sin to deny a victim her vengeance, when you’re guilty of the crime she’s avenging? Will you hold onto your Humanity by accepting punishment or use your own sins for personal gain in the Danse Macabre?... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The Player's Guide to the Requiem for Vampire: The Requiem The Prince is the master of the city, but he has named you lord of your territory. It's up to you and your cohorts to maintain the Masquerade, influence mortal lives and pass judgment on the Kindred who dwell in your shadow. Are you a tyrant or a saint? Will you pull the Prince's strings or become the Prince yourself? A... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Two nights among the undead.
They say an infamous old vampire is buried in an overgrown old cemetery outside the city. But his hiding spot was lost, even by his own cult...until tonight.
You've got the only known clues to his whereabouts, a sealed box containing something of his that'll supposedly wake him up, and one night to find his grave, dig him up and bring him back to the city.
A... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
To Frankie that quarter-moon sky looked darker and all the iron apparatus of the El taller than ever. The artificial tenement light sweeping across the tracks made even the snow seem artificial, like snow off a dime-store counter. Only the rails seemed real, and to move a bit with terrible intent. — Nelson Algren, The Man With The Golden Arm When a new neighbor moves into the characters'... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
"We don't worship the same gods, you and I, but we're more alike than you think. Together, we are keeping something alive - something that has lived for thousands of years despite the wavering faith of mortal men. The old gods are not dead. They live within us. We give them life, warm blood, and they keep us from death. That's our covenant, our promise. Everything else is fashion." - Gwenyth... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.
- Joseph Contrad, Under Western Eyes
In the Harvesters, the characters are pitted against a group of kidnappers that prey upon the forgotten people and sell them off to the highest bidder. They visit upon those lost souls any torment that pleases them, so long... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
"My story is the same as every vampire's: blood, pain and the dance. Only thing that makes me special is the way I tell it." -- Rembrandt, The Vampire of Druid Hill This book includes: * Guidelines for new and old Storytellers alike, making it easy and exciting to create your own unique Vampire chronicles * New ways to play Vampire, including new game mechanics and optional rules to redefine... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
They Win. They Always Win. The Ventrue — ancient kings and cutting-edge moguls — have a simple reputation. They win. They always win. They are known as Lords, and across all the World of Darkness, wherever you find vampires, you’ll find Ventrue behind them, pulling the strings. Ventrue: Lords over the Damned includes:
• Learn the true, secret history of the Ventrue... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
ENnie Nominee Best Art, Cover Best Writing Best Adversary/Monster Product
You don't believe me? You think I am lying? You think I would lie to my Prince about something like this? Seven did this to your people liege. Here, tonight, the truth was in this room. It stood here and cut up your subjects - my sire! - to speak to us, and still you doubt it? Seven is real. This is the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Strange Bedfellows
The Kindred are solitary predators, yet something within compels them to seek out others of their kind. Whether formed as a social faction, a cult of heretics, a consortium of conspirators or as an exercise in safety in numbers, a coterie of Kindred is no strange thing to see after sunset. How, then, do its members reconcile their bestial urges with the demands... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
"Oppenheimer was no mage, but how can you say he wasn't a wizard? I'm sure he'd never seen any Watchtower or Atlantis god-king or any of your other old myths. But he conjured up something the world had never seen before and changed this Earth forever. No mage had ever done what he did, but we consider ourselves the Awakened people. I'll bet you anything that when he saw the flash, he woke up, whether... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This free companion kit contains larger versions of the nine map segments that appear in Damnation City, pp. 184–195, plus two bonus maps.... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Interested in using our Storytelling Adventure System format for your own chronicles? Then download this free SAS Support Kit. It has a few pages of suggestions on how to write stories in the SAS format (culled from the same document that White Wolf freelancers get to write our professional SAS stories), and dozens of sheets and forms for you to print up and fill out, covering all of the World... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Interested in using our Storytelling Adventure System format for your own chronicles? Then download this free SAS Support Kit. It has a few pages of suggestions on how to write stories in the SAS format (culled from the same document that White Wolf freelancers get to write our professional SAS stories), and dozens of sheets and forms for you to print up and fill out, covering all of the World... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Das Storytelling Adventure System (kurz: SAS) ist eine Reihe von Geschichten im PDF-Format für die verschiedenen Storytelling-Spielreihen. Stellen Sie sich ein SAS-Produkt vor wie einen Baukasten für eine Geschichte, fast als hätten sie bei Ikea ein neues Möbelstück gekauft und es in einem flachen Karton nach Hause transportiert. Sie öffnen ihn, weil Sie darauf brennen, Ihrer Gruppe als Erzähler... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |