The Skeins of Progress, Technology & Permanence She is the mistress of technology, the queen of science. Her servants skitter across the Pattern Web of the entire world, fortifying the walls between spirit and flesh. Hers are the powers of invention and stasis alike; hers is the force of conformity and order. And she is utterly, completely and irrevocably out of her mind.
Spinning... [click here for more]
In the world of the Kindred, vampires lurk behind every shadow, planning their machinations and watching their prey. But who watches the watchers? Powerful Kindred from all sects (and none) move among their peers, protecting the Masquerade, interpreting the traditions of Caine, leading the Sabbat against the Antediluvians or subtly pulling strings in the darkness. Who are the most feared and most powerful... [click here for more]