Take Back The Night
For centuries, supernatural powers have reigned, warring among themselves, culling the human herds and lashing out from the shadows. The creatures of the night have held court since before the dawn of history.
Nothing lasts forever.
From the throng of humanity, individuals emerge who know the truth. They know monsters exist. Enough is enough. The forces of darkness... [click here for more]
Choose Your Friends Wisely
In the Savage West, everybody's got a grievance, and everybody's totin' iron - or silver - and we don't mean coins! Know who's watchin' your back 'cause we're talkin' life and death here: day-to-day life on the frontier and ways you can avoid day-to-day death there. All sorts, from sodbusters to Sioux warriors, from Silent Striders to Iron Riders, can use the wisdom... [click here for more]
Dead Things Walk the Earth...
Your neighborhood isn't the only place crawling with zombies, bloodsuckers and ghosts. They're all over the world! Fortunately, so are hunters. We fight monster everywhere. But unless hunters can unite, our weapons, knowledge and tools will be lost with each of us. Together we stand, divided we fall.
They Better Run
The Hunter Survival Guide is... [click here for more]