Accept no substitutes: Chicago is the city of vampires.
Claim a haven on the Gold Coast. Carve a place of this bustling metropolis for yourself.
Subjugate a handful of the living on Michigan Avenue. Take a few deep drinks from some of the intoxicating vessels we have around here.
Discover the nightlife. Come visit the Succubus Club, the Blue Velvet, or Red Noº 5, if they’ll... [click here for more]
Reality Overthrown!
Their heritage is magic, their quest truth. Every culture has nurtured or condemned them. They lead humanity to the far horizon and beyond. They are mages, the inventors of sorcery, science and faith. For centuries they have battled to define existence and lead humanity to an enlightened age. Now, in an age when technology is humanitys magic, the magicians of... [click here for more]
Against the Odds
The Ascension War sputtered to an end thanks to human apathy. The Council of Nine Traditions now sits on a cusp, as certain mages try once more to re-ignite hope in themselves and others -- not just hope, but a striving for something, anything. Others want things to stay the same, to maintain the current, feeble status quo. This conflict threatens to destroy all... [click here for more]