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W20 Icons of Rage

W20 Icons of Rage

Every Garou has a story.  Some stories are brief. They unfortunately end with an inexperienced werewolf rushing in to face more than they can handle. As the Apocalypse approaches, these stories are depressingly common.   Most stories are longer. They tell of werewolves who grow into their roles, who perform their duties, who live and die in honorable service...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $6.99

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Deviant: The Renegades

Deviant: The Renegades

Remade You woke up…different. Someone changed you; on a slab, an operating table, an altar. By luck or by fate, you escaped. Now you’re hunted by the ones who made you, and they hold all the cards but one: they don’t know that a fire burns within you because of what they did. They don’t know that you’re hunting them. Broken The Divergence stripped you...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $24.99

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Mummy: The Curse Second Edition

Mummy: The Curse Second Edition

I wield the might of gods, the powers of the elements, control over the living and the dead, and yet I cannot tell you my name. It is unknown to me, in a darkened corner of my memory, and I do not know when illumination shall reach me.   I awoke in this ancient tomb, a crack in its roof introducing fresh air for the first time in what feels like centuries. At my feet, three broken...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $24.99

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W20 The Apocalyptic Record

W20 The Apocalyptic Record

Allow me to tell you the tale of the werewolf who went rushing into battle without heeding the advice of their sept Elders.   Oh, wait. I can’t. That werewolf died and left no tales behind to tell.   Instead, let me tell you the tale of the werewolf who remained in his camp, chronicling stories of other werewolves’ great deeds.   Oh, I...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $29.99

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W20 Changing Breeds

W20 Changing Breeds

Changing Breeds for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition is here! Everything you need to play any of the other werecreatures of the World of Darkness, including the Lost Breeds. Creatures of the Wild The Garou are not the only changing creatures to stalk the world. Other shapeshifters hunt in places where wolves do not tread, from sun-lost seas...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon

Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon

You’ve got it into your head that there can’t be much worse than you. You’re a monster, a feral animal, barely controlled and just snapping at unfortunate bastards who cross your path. Well, newsflash, buster: there’s far worse out there than your hairy hide. We are mutation. We are forced devolution. We are throwbacks and beings so ancient you wish mommy Luna had kept a lid on us. You’ve...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Time is Come Round: The Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart

Time is Come Round: The Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart

The world suffers from illness. It shivers and shudders as the Contagion takes hold. In Houston, Texas, a woman has gone missing and you’re the ones to find and rescue her. But all is not what it seems. Prepare to draw back the curtains and peek backstage.   Welcome to the Chronicles of Darkness. A world like our own, but uglier, more brutal — infinitely more dangerous. This...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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W20 Book of the Wyrm

W20 Book of the Wyrm

Coils of the Corruptor From the Umbral realm of Malfeas to the boardrooms of Pentex and its subsidiaries, minions of the Wyrm plot to kill Gaia. Warped fomori, monstrous Banes, and Wyrm-tainted shapeshifters lash out at the world with acidic claws. The Maeljin Incarna steals the easily forgotten, ignored, or missed to populate their perverse realms. Factories belch smoke that blackens...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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W20 Umbra: The Velvet Shadow

W20 Umbra: The Velvet Shadow

Beyond the Material Only foolish werewolves believe that they can win the war against the Wyrm in the physical world alone. Some use the Penumbra as a shortcut, a staging ground, or as a way to set traps for spiritually-aware foes. Others take Moon Bridges to the Realms of the Near Umbra, seeking powerful spirit magics or a concentration of the Wyrm’s forces headed to attack Gaia....   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition

Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition

The need to hunt burns in your heart and in your soul. To chase down prey with your blood pumping fire through your body. Yesterday you didn’t know what that felt like, but today you’re sitting in a room with the bodies of your family and you need to hunt. You are a human, a wolf, a killer, a monster. The ultimate predator. You must...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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W20 Shattered Dreams

W20 Shattered Dreams

The Wars of Rage In the mists of prehistory, the werewolves worked alongside the other Changing Breeds to safeguard Gaia against the many threats to Her existence. The werewolves’ pride and their great Rage drove them to murder their cousins, leaving two Changing Breeds extinct and Gaia’s children forever broken. Millennia later, the twin lures of colonialism and conquest once...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Chronicles of Darkness: Hurt Locker

Chronicles of Darkness: Hurt Locker

"Of course it hurts. Everything hurts. If you're alive, you hurt. Don't think of yourself as bleeding out; think of yourself as more alive." Horror is all about the stakes. And most commonly, pain, injury, and death are those stakes. Hurt Locker is all about the stuff that hurts. We talk why it hurts, how it hurts, and how to deliver pain at your table beyond just rolling the dice and marking...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras Companion

Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras Companion

Always Another Secret The Chronicles of Darkness stretch back to the beginning of human civilization, and perhaps further. When people fearfully peered into the darkness past their campfires, the Begotten were looking back. When they opened their mouths and spoke, attaching sound to meaning, the Awakened bound those words in power and light. When humanity was forming tribes, werewolves...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Beast Player's Guide

Beast Player's Guide

"You know what’s out there? No, you don’t. Stop trying to list them off. Yeah, yeah, you’ve met the vampires and the werewolves and the ghosts and so forth, but you haven’t seen a hundredth of what’s really there. Look, I’m not shaming you. I’m trying to make a point. You don’t know. You never will. There’s no complete picture, no magic moment where you see the whole truth and...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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The Pack

The Pack

The wolf must hunt, but it cannot hunt alone. Your hunts need the talents and instincts of other werewolves to slaughter the most dangerous prey. Your hunting grounds and families need the watching eyes of those with the blood of the Wolf of the spirit of the Moon. Your pack needs grounding in the world, humans who provide their contacts, expertise, and support. A pack is not a pack without a totem,...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $9.99

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Demon Storyteller's Guide

Demon Storyteller's Guide

Does the mouse in the maze think: “Today I shall try a different route. Go left instead of right. Chew through a wall. Refuse to run.”? Does it? I think not.  I think the mouse runs because it only knows the maze. It follows the corridors like a charge following a circuit. It knows all routes lead to the same end. You know it, too. You left,...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition Condition Cards

Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition Condition Cards

Part of the Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition rules, Conditions add an additional layer of consequence and reward to certain actions in the Chronicles of Darkness. Various things within the course of a game can cause Conditions. These include exceptional successes, supernatural abilities, and really any situation where the Storyteller thinks they can be used to...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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The Idigam Chronicle Anthology

The Idigam Chronicle Anthology

On the hunt, your blood races. When something hunts you, it runs cold. Your blood carries the future of Uratha and the burning fire of kuruth. It’s powerful, but ultimately transient. You know things in your bones. They change with your forms but stay strong. The power of your teeth and claws comes from your bone. It runs deeper than blood, a slow power that doesn’t fade. So you hunt. It’s...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Buch des Wyrms als PDF

Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Buch des Wyrms als PDF

Die Windungen des Verderbers Vom Umbrareich Malfeas bis zu den Sitzungssälen von Pentex und seinen Tochterfirmen planen die Schergen des Wyrm, Gaia zu töten. Verzerrte Fomori, monströse Plagen und vom Wyrm befleckte Gestaltwandler schlagen mit ätzenden Klauen nach der Welt. Die Maeljin-Incarna stehlen jene, die schnell vergessen, ignoriert oder verloren sind, um ihre abartigen...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  $22.18

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Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Umbra - Der samtene Schatten (PDF) als Download kaufen

Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Umbra - Der samtene Schatten (PDF) als Download kaufen

Jenseits der materiellen Welt Nur närrische Werwölfe glauben, dass sie den Krieg gegen den Wyrm nur in der physischen Welt gewinnen können. Einige nutzen das Penumbra als Abkürzung, als Sammelstelle oder als Möglichkeit, Fallen für Feinde zu stellen, die keine Sicht für das Spirituelle haben. Andere nehmen Mondbrücken in die Reiche des Nahen Umbra, suchen mächtige Magie oder eine Konzentration...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  $22.18

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Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Zerbrochene Träume (PDF) als Download kaufen

Werwolf - Die Apokalypse - W20-Jubiläumsausgabe - Zerbrochene Träume (PDF) als Download kaufen

Die Kriege des Zorns In der Prähistorie arbeiteten die Werwölfe an der Seite der anderen Gestaltwandler, um Gaia vor den vielen Bedrohungen ihrer Existenz zu bewahren. Der Stolz der Werwölfe und ihr großer Zorn trieb sie dazu, ihre Vettern zu ermorden, so dass zwei Völker der Gestaltwandler ausstarben und Gaias Kinder für immer gebrochen waren. Jahrtausende später brachte die doppelte Verlockung...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  $22.18

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