By Blood It Is Done
Bound by their masters' blood, ghouls serve the undead and fight their battles in the shadows. Dragged, seduced, or forced into the night, ghouls live at the whims of their masters--for better or for worse.
By Blood It Is Made Anew
Revenants are twisted and unique. They have vampiric powers and extended life, as well as a form of the Beast all... [click here for more]
Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras reveals the world throughout its long and storied past.
Chronicles of Darkness stories stretch back to the beginning of human civilization — and perhaps further. The Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras collections reveal the world throughout its long and storied past.
Now you can get all of the Changeling: The Lost Dark Eras originally published... [click here for more]
Mit Blut wird es vollbracht
Gebunden durch das Blut ihrer Herrn dienen Ghule den Untoten und schlagen ihre Schlachten in den Schatten. Verschleppt, verführt, in die Schatten getrieben, leben Ghule nach den Launen ihrer Meister – auf Gedeih und Verderb.
Mit Blut wird es erneuert
Wiedergänger sind verzerrt und einzigartig. Sie haben vampirische Kräfte und ein verlängertes Leben... [click here for more]