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By Night Studios returns with a new series of Merits, Techniques, and Dramatic Systems, as well as updates to our previous material. Find new ways to flesh out your character and chronicle with these quarterly releases from our Volume II material!
Talk with us more at https://discord.gg/7Xf25HV ... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
By Blood It Is Done
Bound by their masters' blood, ghouls serve the undead and fight their battles in the shadows. Dragged, seduced, or forced into the night, ghouls live at the whims of their masters--for better or for worse.
By Blood It Is Made Anew
Revenants are twisted and unique. They have vampiric powers and extended life, as well as a form of the Beast all... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
In the deepest crimson depths of their being, raw power waits to be brought to the surface. Through their force of will, Kindred can drag this power kicking and screaming into the open to perform miraculous feats and twisted blasphemies. These rituals have been developed to direct and focus this new force, unconstrained by the structure of the known Disciplines. As such, only one word has been seen... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Most mortals turn away from the darkness that preys upon them, going about their lives in despair of the Damned and the evils they visit upon the world. But a precious few wage a personal war to shine light on those shadows and diminish them, like solitary candles shining in the night. The path of the hunter is lonely and fraught with danger, at once beset by the monsters they hunt and looked upon... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Tear down the tyrants!
Paint the streets with the blood of Princes and Archbishops!
With Anarch domains increasing their hold over new territories every night, the Kindred can no longer afford to consider Movement an unruly mob of wayward childer. As the doomed tactics of the past have made way for a sleeker, wiser Anarch Movement, the nights are numbered for outmoded elder vampires... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
It's a new night!
Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade is a new edition of a classic game that draws on more than two decades' worth of material from the iconic World of Darkness setting. The rules are designed and adapted specifically for the Live Action Roleplay environment, while maintaining the fidelity of the original game. Whether you're a veteran player or discovering live-action... [click here for more] |
By Night Studios |
$19.99 $14.99
The Time to Rage...is NOW!
Mind's Eye Theatre: Werewolf The Apocalypse is a new edition of a classic game that draws on more than two decades' worth of material from the iconic World of Darkness setting. The rules are designed and adapted specifically for the Live Action Roleplay environment, while maintaining the fidelity of the original game. Whether you're a veteran player or discovering... [click here for more] |
By Night Studios |
You can find all the rules available digitally at the By Night Studios website but as requested by the community we are also proud to make a watermarked PDF version available.
This is the ultimate expansion to the ultimate edition of Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire the Masquerade.
We thank you for supporting V2! This book does NOT include V2: Issue 1 rules. This book goes with the core BNS rules... [click here for more] |
By Night Studios |
$19.99 $14.99
Songs of the Sun
Each dawn reveals new wonders to Gaia’s shapeshifting children. Each time Helios rises above the horizon, they face a new day of uncovering secrets, unveiling duplicity, and standing strong for the good of Gaia and those she claims as Her own.
Songs of the Moon
Each dusk brings new dangers well. The Changing Breeds do not have the strength of... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Most mortals turn away from the darkness that preys upon them, going about their lives in despair of the Damned and the evils they visit upon the world. But a precious few wage a personal war to shine light on those shadows and diminish them, like solitary candles shining in the night. The path of the hunter is lonely and fraught with danger, at once beset by the monsters they hunt and looked upon... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Storyteller Secrets is a collection of original essays, guidance, design notes, advice, how-tos, recommendations and, yes, secrets to help Storytellers of Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade get the most out of their games. ... [click here for more] |
By Night Studios |
One Night, Many Stories.
Seven plotlines, dozens of NPCs, and multiple player handouts: Blood & Betrayal is a complete scenario for Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade.
It contains everything that you need to prepare, manage, and run all the stories from the Blood & Betrayal premiere event hosted at the L.A.... [click here for more] |
By Night Studios |
Vampires in the Edwardian Era.
Noble families with ancient lineages rule this gilded age. The vampires seek shelter in powerful mortal houses to endure the tumult of world-shaking events. It is whispered that this little community in Yorkshire contains a secret that dates back to the Roman occupation of Great Britain and the terror that chased them from these shores.
This complete... [click here for more] |
By Night Studios |
In den tiefsten blutroten Tiefen ihres Wesens wartet rohe Macht darauf, an die Oberfläche gelassen zu werden. Mit ihrer Willenskraft können die Kainskinder diese Macht mit großer Anstrengung hervorzerren, um wundersame Taten und verdrehte Lästerungen zu vollbringen. Diese Rituale entstanden, um die neue Kraft zu lenken und zu konzentrieren, ohne Behinderung durch die Struktur der bekannten Disziplinen.... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Mit Blut wird es vollbracht
Gebunden durch das Blut ihrer Herrn dienen Ghule den Untoten und schlagen ihre Schlachten in den Schatten. Verschleppt, verführt, in die Schatten getrieben, leben Ghule nach den Launen ihrer Meister – auf Gedeih und Verderb.
Mit Blut wird es erneuert
Wiedergänger sind verzerrt und einzigartig. Sie haben vampirische Kräfte und ein verlängertes Leben... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Stürzt die Tyrannen!
Badet die Straßen im Blut von Prinzen und Erzbischöfen!
Mit jeder Nacht wächst der Einfluss anarchischer Domänen auf neue Territorien, und so können die Kainskinder es sich nicht länger leisten, die Revolte als nur einen einfachen Mob aus missratenen Kindern zu betrachten. Die überholten Taktiken der Vergangenheit sind einer schlankeren, weiseren Anarchenrevolte... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
It's a new night!
Mind's Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade is a new edition of a classic game that draws on more than two decades' worth of material from the iconic World of Darkness setting.
Whether you're a new player checking out Mind's Eye Theatre for the first time, or a veteran who is curious about the new edition, this Quickstart Guide will help... [click here for more] |
By Night Studios |
Die meisten Sterblichen wenden sich von der Dunkelheit ab, die ihnen auflauert, und leben in einer verzweifelten Furcht vor den Verdammten und dem, was sie der Welt antun. Doch ein paar wenige führen einen sehr persönlichen Krieg, um Licht in die Schatten zu werfen und sie zurückzudrängen wie einsame Kerzen in der Nacht. Der Weg des Jägers ist einsam und voller Gefahr, zugleich bedrängt von den... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |