The end of the millennium is at hand. The Final Nights are here. The proud Camarilla is beset by doubt, betrayal and the rage of its enemies. The Masquerade has worn dangerously thin. Not even the most powerful Justicars are safe. But this is not the end, for the wounded beast is the most dangerous. The elders of the Camarilla will not let their dream die without a fight.
The New Face of the Camarilla... [click here for more]
You've Heard the Rumors
Before the Impergium before the Mythic Ages before the Sundering before there was a World of Darkness there was something else. And now it is revealed, at last. Come adventure in the Second Age of the World, the fantastic world of the Exalted.
Now Play the Game
Though thematically related to the modern-day World of Darkness, Exalted begins a whole new line of fantasy products... [click here for more]
Wolf-time, Raven-time Death Rides the Waves
From out of the north they come, relics of centuries past but deadlier than anything that has ever sailed the seas. For even in the enlightened year of 1197, when true Vikings are just a bloody rumor of the past, there are still knorrs filled with true sons of Odin and Thor, waiting for a chance to loot, pillage and slaughter.
The Coasts Will Never Be... [click here for more]
The Hell of the Upside-Down Sinners
All of Asia's Kuei-jin share a common experience - the agony of torture after death in one of the Thousand Hells. Beyond pain, beyond the end of existence, their very souls are flayed for their sins in the living world. Only the most powerful escape to rise again as vampires, but not even they can forget their suffering. The domains of the Yama Kings wait... [click here for more]
Song of the End Times
From the secrets of the highest-ranking elders to the cryptic lore of the Triat; from the blasphemous libraries of the Black Spiral Dancers to the hidden wisdom of animals - the world of Werewolf is full of concealed lore. Now this lore is about to be revealed - but only to one person with the responsibility to use it wisely.
Tales of the Last Generation... [click here for more]
This Is the Way the Underworld Ends
Charon returns. The Smiling Lord unleashes his ultimate weapon - and his ultimate treachery. The Ferrymen fulfill an ancient promise. Necropoli are besieged by the Jade Empire. Stygia faces its greatest threat ever as chaos shakes the Labyrinth to its foundations and unleashes the Sixth Great Maelstrom. It is the Empire of the Dead's darkest hour... [click here for more]
Visit an Age of Wonder and Terror
The year is 1197. It is the Fourth Age of the World, and much that is beautiful or holy is dying. Cainites and other monsters take new steps along the Silk Road, while in the Middle Kingdom, the Wan Kuei rage against the heavens. It is a time of majesty and fear, of magic and blood and it beckons you.
Enter a World That Is Not Your Own
World... [click here for more]