The world is ill. You have everything to lose through its sickness. Loss. Change. Chaos. Your own blood will rebel against you. Your own herd.
Your own loved ones. Do not believe that just because you’ve had a hundred years on this earth, you’ll be exempt. Just because you were ignorant of it until now does not make you immune. Your waking to the reality of this... [click here for more]
Hidden from Mortal Eyes...
Freeholds, concealed by their Glamour from the eyes of mortals, are places of splendor that dot cities and countrysides across the Earth. Any site where changelings gather may become a freehold, ancient glens containing natural wellsprings of Glamour still exist today.
Enter a Realm of Fantasy!
Freeholds and glens are fonts of Glamour, places where wondrous and magical... [click here for more]