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The Hedge

The Hedge

Once upon a time, you fled through the Thorns, wanting nothing more than to get away, to get home.    But the place you ran through along the way was more than just the brambles that catch and tear. The Hedge is home to hobgoblins and faerie creatures, a source of wonders and delights even as it’s home to snarling, snapping briarwolves.   You just had to...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $16.99

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Tome of the Pentacle

Tome of the Pentacle

No one can do it all alone. Anyone who tells you they have all the answers is Lying. Throughout the millennia, the mages of the Pentacle Orders have gathered – to share knowledge, to protect one another, to seek Mysteries, and to push back against the servants of the Lie. But it didn't happen all at once, or without struggle. Nothing good ever does. Tome of the Pentacle includes:...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $17.99

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Kith and Kin

Kith and Kin

You can’t predict a changeling by their kith. We’re not so easily defined.   But we are connected to others who fashioned themselves the same way. You meet another Playmate’s eye and know you share something no one else can understand. In a way, you’re kin.   This is the Lost struggle. Did They take me apart so thoroughly that putting me back together...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $16.99

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Killing Time: A Jumpstart for Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition

Killing Time: A Jumpstart for Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition

Far from the city, isolated from their parents, teenagers get bored. Tudor Plaza, the local mall, closed permanently in 2012 and has taken on the character of the creepy house local kids dare each other to go into on Halloween. It’s not surprising that the high school cheerleading team decided to play at exploring the occult at the abandoned mall, but now seven have disappeared, the authorities...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $4.99

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