These are the final days- The signs are clear: Even our pups know That this is the age of the Apocalypse!Werewolf the Apocalypse roared into hobby games in 1992, inspiring a generation of fans to stand up and howl their defiance at a corrupted world in a battle they knew they were doomed to lose. WtA presented the Garou: creatures at once both man and wolf, and filled with... [click here for more]
May You Gain the Notice of Those in High Places For centuries the exotic realm of Asia has defied the Kindred's incursions. Those few Children of Caine dwelling in Asia whisper of the monstrous Cathayans--the shadowy vampires native to the East. For too long the Cathayans have lain like sleeping dragons, allowing the Kindred a facade of omnipotence. Now, the new Age is at hand; Yin-daggers... [click here for more]
These are the final days - The signs are clear: Even our pups know That this is the age of the Apocalypse.
The Homids have Corrupted the Earth Destroyed the Trees Slaughtered the Beasts Choked the Air Poisoned the Soil Clogged the Waters Unleashed the Eternal Fire
Now, the Wyrm rises To eclipse the Moon Devouring all within its grasp, Hunting the hunters.
There is no garden to which we can flee.... [click here for more]
Prepare yourself for for a shocking journey into the depths of immortal evil.
The living dead have walked among us for centuries. Their feuds firing humanity's bloodiest wars. Now learn the secrets of the most powerful vampires, and the origins of their ancient hatred.
Who's Who Among Vampires: Children of the Inquisition is set in the world of Vampire: the Masquerade. ... [click here for more]
Werwolf – Die Apokalypse ist zurück! Gut 20 Jahre, nachdem die Werwölfe erstmals auch in Deutschland erschienen, kehren die Garou wieder – und sind noch zorniger als je zuvor. In der neuen Jubiläumsausgabe von Werwolf – Die Apokalypse schlüpfen die Spieler in die Rollen von Gestaltwandlern, die sich selbst als Krieger gegen die Gräuel der modernen Welt betrachten. Sie kämpfen gegen gewissenlose... [click here for more]
Welcome to the Werewolf: The Apocalypse Storytellers Vault Style Guide. This resource will assist you in creating new material for the horror roleplaying game, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, across its various editions and incarnations.
Whether you are new to writing work for other readers, or even if you’re an established writer working freelance contracts on roleplaying games, you will find this guide... [click here for more]
Welcome to the Definitive White Wolf Storytellers Vault Style Guide. The contents of this guide will help you create new material for the horror and fantasy roleplaying games World of Darkness, Chronicles of Darkness, and Exalted.
You may be completely new to creating material for other readers to use and enjoy, or perhaps you are an established content creator; whatever your level of experience,... [click here for more]
Welcome to the World of Darkness Storytellers Vault Style Guide. The contents of this guide will help you create new material for the horror roleplaying games set in the World of Darkness, as well as the numerous game lines that expand on playing particular monsters.
You may be completely new to creating material for other readers to use and enjoy, or perhaps you are an established content creator;... [click here for more]