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Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition

Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition

I tell you this: We are Divinity.  Reality is ours to bend. To subvert. To command. We have that power – all of us.  Not everyone knows what to do with it, or uses it well. Most of us never realize just what it is we are or how much we can do.  Those of us who do well, some of us are monsters. Manipulators. Parasites. Tyrants. Fanatics.  And the rest of us never see that monster...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $29.99

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Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition

Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition

These are the final days- The signs are clear: Even our pups know That this is the age of the Apocalypse!   Werewolf the Apocalypse roared into hobby games in 1992, inspiring a generation of fans to stand up and howl their defiance at a corrupted world in a battle they knew they were doomed to lose. WtA presented the Garou: creatures at once both man and wolf, and filled with...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $29.99 $24.99

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M20 The Book of Secrets

M20 The Book of Secrets

More Than Magick For mages who think they have everything, this trove of treasures expands upon the wealth of material presented throughout Mage: The Ascension’s 20th Anniversary Edition. New Traits, new rules, essays, answers, information… the Secrets are revealed within.  Enter the Annex Building upon the M20 core rulebook, this Book of Secrets...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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M20 How Do You DO That?

M20 How Do You DO That?

A Practical Guide Mage: The Ascension’s flexible and ambitious Sphere system has provided many questions and debates for over 20 years. Here, now, in this book, we answer the eternal question How Do You DO That? with hundreds of reality-altering feats – puppetry and possession, elemental command, martial arts prowess, illusions, and far, far more – all presented...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle

Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle

The world is ill. You have everything to lose through its sickness. Loss. Change. Chaos. Your own blood will rebel against you. Your own herd. Your own loved ones. Do not believe that just because you’ve had a hundred years on this earth, you’ll be exempt. Just because you were ignorant of it until now does not make you immune. Your waking to the reality of this...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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W20 Changing Ways

W20 Changing Ways

The Garou Nature The Garou are warriors of Gaia. Part human, part wolf, and part spirit they look like what humans think of as werewolves but are so much more. Though most come into the world as humans or wolves, that state does not last. Wolf-born gain a spark of human intelligence after their Change, while those born to humans must cope with the instincts of a hunter, and the burning...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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W20 Changing Breeds

W20 Changing Breeds

Changing Breeds for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition is here! Everything you need to play any of the other werecreatures of the World of Darkness, including the Lost Breeds. Creatures of the Wild The Garou are not the only changing creatures to stalk the world. Other shapeshifters hunt in places where wolves do not tread, from sun-lost seas...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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W20 Book of the Wyrm

W20 Book of the Wyrm

Coils of the Corruptor From the Umbral realm of Malfeas to the boardrooms of Pentex and its subsidiaries, minions of the Wyrm plot to kill Gaia. Warped fomori, monstrous Banes, and Wyrm-tainted shapeshifters lash out at the world with acidic claws. The Maeljin Incarna steals the easily forgotten, ignored, or missed to populate their perverse realms. Factories belch smoke that blackens...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Chronicles of Darkness

Chronicles of Darkness

Keep walking. Eyes straight ahead. Don’t look back. In the shadows and between the cracks of our everyday lives hide the Chronicles of Darkness. Here lurk creatures of ancient myth and urban legend. Here lie the graves of angels and the bunkers of secret government programs. Here every malformed horror you’ve ever seen out of the corner of your eye...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Mage the Awakening 2nd Edition

Mage the Awakening 2nd Edition

The world is a Lie. Humanity is cursed into a prison of Sleep, ignorant of the wonder and danger all around them. Ground down into slavery to masters they’ll never see, beset by a plague of cares to distract them from the Truth. Magic. You were like them, once, but now you are Awakened. You see the world beneath the Lie’s skin, and the Mysteries beckoning you...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Skin Dancers Tribebook

Skin Dancers Tribebook

There is no tribe more infamous than the Skin Dancers, as they represent the greatest failures of the Garou Nation, the most lethal enemies are those who live in your own home. The Tribe is mainly composed of victims turned into victimizers. Exploring a world of frustration and family conflict, the Forbidden Tribe offers you the option of playing an anti-hero where everyone has turned against you just...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.50

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Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition

Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition

The need to hunt burns in your heart and in your soul. To chase down prey with your blood pumping fire through your body. Yesterday you didn’t know what that felt like, but today you’re sitting in a room with the bodies of your family and you need to hunt. You are a human, a wolf, a killer, a monster. The ultimate predator. You must...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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M20 The Art of Mage: 20 Years and More

M20 The Art of Mage: 20 Years and More

For over 20 years, the artists of Mage: The Ascension have conjured spirits and constructed hypertech that can transform reality on a whim.  Within this retrospective, those artists and images depict the ever-changing face of magick. From the debut edition to the twenty-first century, this book explores the people behind the pictures, the process of putting such books together, the story behind...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $4.99

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W20 White Howlers Tribebook

W20 White Howlers Tribebook

Everyone knows the story of the White Howlers. Garou so prideful they threw themselves into the maw of the Wyrm, hoping to kill it from within. They didn’t kill it, and it didn’t kill them. However, the White Howlers should be remembered for their past as well as what they became.   But that isn’t their story.   The White Howlers suffered through the Great...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $11.99

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W20 Shattered Dreams

W20 Shattered Dreams

The Wars of Rage In the mists of prehistory, the werewolves worked alongside the other Changing Breeds to safeguard Gaia against the many threats to Her existence. The werewolves’ pride and their great Rage drove them to murder their cousins, leaving two Changing Breeds extinct and Gaia’s children forever broken. Millennia later, the twin lures of colonialism and conquest once...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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W20 Art of Werewolf the Apocalypse

W20 Art of Werewolf the Apocalypse

The Art of Werewolf: The Apocalypse A Visual Guide to Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition Violence is an art form, if it’s practiced, perfected, and put on display. That’s what we tell ourselves when we cut servants of the Wyrm into slices. We celebrate their destruction, but how that destruction is delivered is the art.   Shifting from Lupus to Homid and everywhere...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $4.99 $2.00

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W20 Rage Across the World

W20 Rage Across the World

Walking the World The Garou fight their war against the Wyrm throughout the world. Werewolves fight a deadly three-sided war in the Amazon, facing both the Wyrm’s forces and native shapeshifters who do not appreciate the Garou’s incursion. In Cairo, the Arab Spring provides cover for the werewolves’ enemies, but also opportunity and hope. In Iberia and America, the plight of...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $12.99

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Mage en version facile

Mage en version facile

Traduction française de Mage Made Easy: Advice From that Damn Guy Traduction autorisée par Satyros Phil Brucato. "Mage ? Version FACILE ? Depuis près de 30 ans, Mage : L'Ascension a ravi certains et déconcerté d'autres. D'une échelle qui va de l'intime à l'épique, ce "jeu aux possibilités...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.64

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The Pack

The Pack

The wolf must hunt, but it cannot hunt alone. Your hunts need the talents and instincts of other werewolves to slaughter the most dangerous prey. Your hunting grounds and families need the watching eyes of those with the blood of the Wolf of the spirit of the Moon. Your pack needs grounding in the world, humans who provide their contacts, expertise, and support. A pack is not a pack without a totem,...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $9.99

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W20 Art of Changing Breeds: A Visual Guide to the Fera

W20 Art of Changing Breeds: A Visual Guide to the Fera

The Art of Changing Breeds compiles the sketches, art notes, and alternate color approaches that went into the creation of the art depicting the shapeshifters featured in W20 Changing Breeds. Each Fera gets a section with down to earth commentary by art director "Mirthful" Mike Chaney, and contains a selection of various stages showing the changes and development...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $4.99

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Guide to the Technocracy

Guide to the Technocracy

Embracing Science for All Mankind We are the Greatest scientific minds of the world. We influence every aspect of human society. We protect the Earth from the aliens without and the deviants within. Through order, science and technology, our conventions shape the course of the furure and catalog the wonders of the cosmos. We are there whenever someone uses a tool. We create the advancements...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $15.99

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Book of the Weaver

Book of the Weaver

The Skeins of Progress, Technology & Permanence She is the mistress of technology, the queen of science. Her servants skitter across the Pattern Web of the entire world, fortifying the walls between spirit and flesh. Hers are the powers of invention and stasis alike; hers is the force of conformity and order. And she is utterly, completely and irrevocably out of her mind. Spinning...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Mage: The Ascension (Revised)

Mage: The Ascension (Revised)

 Reality Overthrown! Their heritage is magic, their quest truth. Every culture has nurtured or condemned them. They lead humanity to the far horizon and beyond. They are mages, the inventors of sorcery, science and faith. For centuries they have battled to define existence and lead humanity to an enlightened age. Now, in an age when technology is humanitys magic, the magicians of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $17.99

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Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes

Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes

Sure, you can do what you want, feed from the locals, and go back to hiding in your lair when you’re done.  You may think you’re safe there, it sure feels safe.  But, you aren’t the only thing connected to the Primordial Dream, and no lair is safe from what lurks beyond.  Don’t fool yourself. — Naomi Walker, Ugalla A Night Horrors Sourcebook for...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $12.99

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Bygone Bestiary

Bygone Bestiary

  Everyone Loves a Monster  Break free from the shackles of humanity with a blast of dragon fire. Take flight with wings of bright feathers and leave the mundane world behind. Monsters are the products of imagination; theyre not real or are they? Dreams take shape in the hidden places of the world, and beyond the Earth itself. Unicorns, dragons, goblins theyre all too real. You just need to know...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Convention Book: Iteration X

Convention Book: Iteration X

MAN OR MACHINE? Iteration X represents the cutting edge of artifice, material science and man-machine technology. The Clockwork Conventioneers may be considered killer cyborgs or emotionless drones by their peers, but in truth they're pioneers as well as warriors. The Iterators' tools and computers empower humans , overcome defects and enable people to do things that would be impossible...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Transylvania Chronicles IV: The Dragon Ascendant

Transylvania Chronicles IV: The Dragon Ascendant

Eight Centuries of Evil The prophecies of Gehenna continue to unfold. In the darkest corners of Transylvania, Dracula stirs. Halfway across the world, a conflagration destroys an entire clan of Sabbat Cainites. The geomantic web unravels, revealing one of the greatest pieces of the Jyhad. Can the players coterie put aside its differences in time to foil the plot of an Antediluvian? Or has Gehenna...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Werewolf The Wild West

Werewolf The Wild West

A Storytelling Game of Horror in Times Past Blood's been spilled on these plains by the gallon. The humans, our families, are killing each other. Blue fights Grey. Red tussles with White- And then there's us. The sun burns pretty hot by day. That's all right. We burn even hotter down inside. And when the sweet moon shines down by night. There's no fort or camp so strong they can keep us out....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $16.99

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Subsidiaries: A Guide To Pentex

Subsidiaries: A Guide To Pentex

Brand-Name Corruption We've got what you need! We make products that make your life a little easier! We can make you happy! We're the big businesses of Pentex - dedicated to bringing you, the consumer, exactly what you want! Eat our food, drink our booze, take our pills and play our games - it's all perfectly good for you. Hey, would we lie? Big Business at its Worst Storytellers looking...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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Glimpses of the Unknown

Glimpses of the Unknown

The world is a dark and dangerous place. It is filled with enigmas that do not fit neatly into boxes built by scientists or occultists. That doesn't stop us from trying to find an explanation for everything. It is human nature to compartmentalize, to label and identify the things that frighten them - a thing named is a thing neutered. But some things refuse to be categorized neatly. Some mysteries...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $5.99

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Tribebook: Uktena (Revised)

Tribebook: Uktena (Revised)

Seekers after the Forgotten They follow the great water-serpent Uktena, the strange totem of mystical wisdom. They have imprisoned countless evil spirits and learned volumes of magical lore. There are no greater sorcerers among the werewolf tribes -- but the Uktena have not gained such wisdom without cost. There is always a price. Masters of the Forbidden The Revised Tribebooks take...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Kindred of the East Companion

Kindred of the East Companion

The Year of the Lotus™ The Kuei-jin, the fiends of Asia, have come forth from the shadows at last, claiming their place among the undead and staking their domains with blood and terror. As the Cathayans spread insidiously throughout the world, conflict and death follow. At last, the vampires of the West confront an implacable foe from the East. The Kuei-jin are more than whispered terrors;...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Revised Edition)

Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Revised Edition)

The Signs are upon us. The Earth burns. The waters bleed. The humans unleash hunger and disease and bloodshed. They breed poison and hatred. The world dies. Only we can see the final Signs. The Eye of the Wyrm has opened. The Nation has splintered. The End Times are here. There is nothing left but War. And none left to fight but us. Note: The Black & White print editions of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $16.99

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Tribebook: Black Furies (Revised)

Tribebook: Black Furies (Revised)

My Sister's Keeper Since the dawn of civilization, the Black Furies have been a tightly-knit sisterhood, united by bonds of blood, spirituality and conviction. They are the guardians of the Wyld, the champions of women, the wrath of Gaia. They consistently produce some of the greatest warriors and wisest mystics known to the Garou Nation. But as the Final Days draw to a close, the Furies find...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Spirits Made Flesh The fomori: luckless hosts taken over by the evil spirits of the Wyrm. The Drones: humans rebuilt by the Weaver into a more "perfect" form of life. The gorgons: creatures of the wild places, infused with Wyld energy. The Kami: spirit servants of Gaia given flesh. They are the hands of the greatest powers set to "walk the Earth. They are the Possessed. Your Soul is No...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Tribebook: Silver Fangs (Revised)

Tribebook: Silver Fangs (Revised)

We Silver Fangs claim the Death Wolf as our ancestor, for his blood is stronger in our veins than in any other bloodline. The purity of our fur shows this. We also follow his example to lead and act where others shirk their duties. Remember, no other animal would act to save Gaia at the risk of its own life - except for Wolf. If for no other reason, this sacrifice alone would allow the Silver Fangs...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Mage Storytellers Handbook

Mage Storytellers Handbook

Fold, Spindle and Mutilate Confused by Paradox and paradigm? Want to alter your chronicle's character-creation or combat rules, but not sure where to start? Looking for different themes in a variant World of Darkness? Mage can be anything you want - and here are the tools to make it so. By your will, it is done. The Power to Change Mage is Yours More than just Storytelling advice and rules clarifications,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $15.99

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Kiss of the Spider Folk Out of the shadows they come, scrabbling on eight million tiny legs. They have no friends, only food. They have no enemies, only the dead. They are the children of Weaver, Wyrm and Wyld all in one, the predators among predators. They are without mercy or compassion, but they are never without style. They are the Ananasi, the children of Grandmother Spider and theyre so very...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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Tribebook: Stargazers (Revised)

Tribebook: Stargazers (Revised)

Journey to the East They come out of the East in search of wisdom, but found only strife. Now they have discovered that their homeland is no longer the refuge it once was, and that they ahve lost too much and gained too little. The wisest and most mystical of Garou tribes must now struggle to find its center and reclaim its heritage, before it falls apart. Is it already too late? At What...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Hammer & Klaive

Hammer & Klaive

Living Metal and Thundering Bone A silver knife twists in mid-blow, striking unerringly at a foe's heart as if it were alive. A dagger made from a great beast's fang bites deeper into a wound. A whirling bullroarer calls up a thunderstorm, and a simple reed flute lulls a monster into sleep. With the help of the spirits, the impossible becomes easy. With the right fetish in hand, a werewolf...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Book of the Wyrm (2nd Edition)

Book of the Wyrm (2nd Edition)

The Rot at the Core of the World Atrocity is its wine. It feasts on disease. It fattens itself on the corruption in the hearts of human and werewolf alike. It is as old as the stars, vaster than suns, blacker than the voids of space. It is the corruption that gnaws at the World Tree's roots, the hatred that threatens to devour Gaia. It is the Wyrm. The Army of the Apocalypse You can't...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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God-Machine Condition Cards

God-Machine Condition Cards

Part of the new God Machine Chronicle rules, Conditions add an additional layer of consequence and reward to certain actions in the World of Darkness. Various things within the course of a game can cause Conditions. These include exceptional successes, supernatural abilities, and really any situation where the Storyteller thinks they can be used to heighten the drama...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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Masters of the Art

Masters of the Art

 Infinite Power You have survived countless centuries. Your knowledge of magick is unparalleled. The very primal forces of the universe quiver at your merest beckoning. What secrets await the mage who possesses such masterful knowledge? Death, Beginnings, the wisdom of the Oracles these are your quests now. Let none stand between you and the light of Ascension! Infinite Longing For...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Dharma Book: Devil-Tigers

Dharma Book: Devil-Tigers

We Are the Devils of Heaven Ours is not the casual evil of the murderer in the alley or the butchery of men. We are those whom Heaven has mandated to bring suffering to the world. We are those who have been told to make all of creation howl with pain and fear. We are those entrusted with the flaying of the Universe. And we enjoy our work. . . very, very much. We Are the Harbingers of the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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The Wild West Companion

The Wild West Companion

Choose Your Friends Wisely In the Savage West, everybody's got a grievance, and everybody's totin' iron - or silver - and we don't mean coins! Know who's watchin' your back 'cause we're talkin' life and death here: day-to-day life on the frontier and ways you can avoid day-to-day death there. All sorts, from sodbusters to Sioux warriors, from Silent Striders to Iron Riders, can use the wisdom...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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Guide to the Traditions

Guide to the Traditions

Keeping the World's Magic Alive We keep alive the old ways. We remember the days when magic flowed across the Earth and dreams strode in hosts with spirits. For every person who believes in a world beyond reason, we are the illumination, teacher and guardian. Although beset by unbelief and torn by dissent, we stand together as guides to the shining. Ascension to which humanity may strive. If...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $15.99

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The Contagion Chronicle Wallpaper

The Contagion Chronicle Wallpaper

The world is ill. You have everything to lose through its sickness. Loss. Change. Chaos. Your own blood will rebel against you. Your own herd. Your own loved ones. Do not believe that just because you’ve had a hundred years on this earth, you’ll be exempt. Just because you were ignorant of it until now does not make you immune. Your waking to the reality of this...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $0.99

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Changeling: The Lost

Changeling: The Lost

A Storytelling Game of Beautiful Madness Taken from your home, transformed by the power of Faerie, kept as the Others’ slave or pet — but you never forgot where you came from. Now you have found your way back through the Thorns, to a home that is no longer yours. You are Lost. Find yourself. The Core Rulebook for Changeling: The Lost™ • A rulebook for playing the changelings,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $19.99

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Initiates of the Art

Initiates of the Art

A New World Awaits All around, a new world blossoms. One moment, you had a dreary everyday life. The next, you discovered the wonder of a universe shaped at your whim. Be careful, though: with incredible power comes incalculable danger. The Traditions, the Technocracy, even vampires, ghosts and werewolves all want a piece of you. If you're going to survive and learn to use your power, you'd better...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Croatan Song

Croatan Song

The World Before the Wyrm Came Three brothers: Uktena, Wendigo and Croatan. Three tribes that kept the Wyrm at bay, that kept the Pure Lands pure. Three tribes that guarded the Americas with their lives. But the Pure Lands were never truly peaceful - and ultimately, one of the three tribes was forced to sacrifice itself so that the other two could survive. This is the story of the Three Brothers,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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