In the distance, it all seems quiet.
Night has fallen. Clouds wreathe the moon, then engulf it. The shapes of the farm buildings up on the rounded knoll look like dark cutouts pasted against a matte blue midnight sky. It’s peaceful. Pastoral. Nothing could be wrong here, could it?
Then: a gunshot. A scream. A child’s cry. Hissing shadows gather with blinking yellow eyes, and incomprehensible whispers... [click here for more]
Full Moon Rising The world is in shadow. To one side stretches the forest, to the other the city. Your claws are stained with blood. Your senses whisper of prey that runs before you, and of predators who stalk even the likes of you. You hear the howls of your brothers and sisters. Luna rises. Your blood boils. It is time to hunt. Wolves at the Door Werewolf: The Forsaken the game... [click here for more]
How far will you go to preserve the Masquerade?
The Masquerade is one of the most important and disputed Traditions among the laws of the Kindred. Upholding the secrecy of undead society is paramount to the safety and security of all vampires – it is why it is the First Tradition in every Prince’s court. But not all Kindred consider the costs of such preservation.
A devoted protector... [click here for more]
Two nights among the undead.
They say an infamous old vampire is buried in an overgrown old cemetery outside the city. But his hiding spot was lost, even by his own cult...until tonight.
You've got the only known clues to his whereabouts, a sealed box containing something of his that'll supposedly wake him up, and one night to find his grave, dig him up and bring him back to the city.
A... [click here for more]