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Errant Knights: Nomads of the Sabbat

Errant Knights: Nomads of the Sabbat

Forsaken Roads and Forgotten Paths Our Dark Father calls out to vampires who eagerly cast aside all that once made us human. The sect once based on freedom became a theocratic tyranny, demanding “unity” in the name of the powerful minority in charge. We know what truly makes us strong: Faith. We know why we cannot trust the powerful: Greed. While the Bishops and Prisci...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $4.95

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Clanbook: Blood Brothers

Clanbook: Blood Brothers

Thankfully rare, yet growing in number during the Victorian Age, the Blood Brothers are among the most bizarre, twisted bloodlines in the World of Darkness. Loyal to the Sabbat but slavishly devoted to each other, the Freaks exchange blood, thoughts, and limbs to increase their lethality. Fearful tales spread from domain to domain of the vampires that share faces, smiles, and voices. Few know the bloodline's...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $1.99

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Blood Orgy in the House of Pain

Blood Orgy in the House of Pain

The Sabbat are coming. You've seen the signs. Shapes watching you down dark streets. Hang-up calls at strange hours (who is awake at two in the afternoon?).  Last night someone left poor Wendell, the Nosferatu, lying in front of the dance club where you hunt, with a stake in his heart and his fangs yanked out and a note nailed to his forehead. It said: "get out of town."  So it's flee or fight....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $4.95

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V20 Companion

V20 Companion

Can a Prince command a Priscus? How have the Anarchs fared during the modern nights? Can the Harpies declare a boon null? These questions and more secret details of the Kindred condition have their answers within the V20 Companion. A complementary sourcebook detailing some of the finer points of being undead, this is the first supplement released in support...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $9.99

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Convention Book: Void Engineers

Convention Book: Void Engineers

THE FEW, THE PROUD, THE ENLIGHTENED The Void Engineers are hiding something. They’ve traded many of their ideals for guns, turned vessels of peaceful exploration into mobile defense platforms, and — most frightening to the Union — forged themselves into an organized military. They’ve kept the rest of the Technocracy grounded as they fight a mysterious war beyond the boundaries...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $9.99

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New York by Night

New York by Night

One Sect Falls, Another Rises In the wake of the Sabbat's aggressive campaign along the East Coast of the United States, the sect has spread itself too thin. The clever Camarilla took advantage of the Black Hand's disorganization and reclaimed New York City as its own. But with established princes and entrenched elders claiming domains elsewhere, to which Kindred will this new prize fall? ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.77

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Convention Book: Progenitors

Convention Book: Progenitors

Heart of the Union The Progenitors hid far more depth than anyone, Tradition or Technocrat, realized. Too long considered by others — and even themselves — as lab monkeys and cloistered researchers, their protective cocoon of isolation was ripped away by the Dimensional Anomaly. Forced by cataclysmic events, the Progenitors are injecting themselves back into a sick world. The...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $9.99

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Convention Book: Syndicate

Convention Book: Syndicate

Advocate to the Masses Of everyone in the Ascension War — Traditionalists, Nephandi, and even other Technocrats — no one gets humanity quite like the Syndicate. The Convention of Cash doesn’t try to change people, and it doesn’t have the hubris of believing it should make the Masses “better” as its fellow Conventions do. No, the Syndicate knows that the status quo keeps...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $9.99

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Victorian Age Vampire

Victorian Age Vampire

A Tradition of Gothic Literature A world only lit by gaslight. An epoch of literature that "exposed" vampires to the world. An era of wealth, imperialism, industry and change. For the Kindred, these are the halcyon nights: the last Romantic period of their prominence before the encroaching cynicism of the modern nights pushed them forever from the eyes of suspicious mortals. It is a glorious...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $16.99

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Convention Book: N.W.O.

Convention Book: N.W.O.

Heroes of Reality The proud men and women who serve the New World Order are the paragons and saviors of humanity. These Enlightened minds have the thankless job of being our shepherd, leading us to ultimate Empowerment and protecting us from utter chaos: the misguided Traditionalists, corrupted Technocrats, vile creates, and ourselves. The Order oversees the Technocratic Union through...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $9.99

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Clanbook: Ghiberti

Clanbook: Ghiberti

Let's make things easy, 'kay? You surrender your soul to me, an' I stop feeding from your wife, your kids. You keep resistin' an' I'm gonna have to make their lives very unpleasant. Don't think I won't make their lives a livin' hell. Get me? - Izukanne, Seventh Generation Ghiberti, Favored Son of the Family These Ghiberti are no true Laibon. Descended from Clan Giovanni, they...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Guide to the Technocracy

Guide to the Technocracy

Embracing Science for All Mankind We are the Greatest scientific minds of the world. We influence every aspect of human society. We protect the Earth from the aliens without and the deviants within. Through order, science and technology, our conventions shape the course of the furure and catalog the wonders of the cosmos. We are there whenever someone uses a tool. We create the advancements...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $15.99

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Demon Translation Guide

Demon Translation Guide

What if the God-Machine was just...God? What if the Fallen escaped from Hell, only to find themselves in a World of Darkness overseen by a vast Machine and techngnostic angels?  What kinds of bargains might the Unchained make if they knew the Almighty was always watching?  The Demon Translation Guide will help you find the answers.  This book...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $4.99

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Mexico City by Night

Mexico City by Night

Stronghold of the Sabbat The city teems with over 20 million mortals.  Since the dawn of the New World, Mexico ity has been the bastion of the Sword of Caine.  In the modern nights it remains that way, though plagued by Cainite overpopulation and sundered from within by internal dissent.  Although it presents a bold faceade, how strong is the Sabbat's sprawling home?   Mexico...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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Tradition Book: Hollow Ones (Rev.)

Tradition Book: Hollow Ones (Rev.)

Narcissism and Absinthe? Somewhere in the limbo between Tradition and Craft, the Hollow Ones walk their own way. They don't need anyone else's acceptance, and they sure as hell don't need anyone telling them how to go about their business. Other mages dismiss them as juviniles and junkies. And yet, even Traditionalists can be wrong... and the Hollow Ones have a very wide network indeed. Underestimated...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Book of Madness (Revised)

Book of Madness (Revised)

In Madness Lies Magic It's not for teh weak-willed, magic. It'll blast the sanity right out of you, tear the innocence from your soul, devour the shreds of humanity from your heart. The cogs of the universe spin on axes too vast for humans to grasp, and once you open the door to magic, you open yourself to the baggage that comes along for the ride - maddened Marauders, necrotic Nephandi and...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom

Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom

Domains Long Hidden Africa has long been a bastion of mystery in the World of Darkness. Finally, the domains south of the Sahara are revealed - and the laws of Western Kindred hold no water here. Out of the Kingdom of the secretive Laibon come the monstrous Guruhi,the atavistic Naglopers and the wise Akunanse - and untold other horrors. Still Children of Caine? Created in the tradition of Kindred...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $18.00

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Tradition Book: Order of Hermes (rev)

Tradition Book: Order of Hermes (rev)

Since the fall of Rome, the wizards of the Order of Hermes have imposed their potent will on the Tapestry of reality, discovering, shaping and ordering the secret forces of the cosmos. Much of the modern world’s image of magic itself comes from the Order’s lore, filtered through sensationalistic minds. But the truth is even more sensational, for Hermetics don’t merely cast spells and summon demons....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Cult of Ecstasy (rev)

Tradition Book: Cult of Ecstasy (rev)

Hedonists and Sensualists Alternately shunned and courted, derided and admired, the Cult embodies the pioneering spirit of the Traditions, but also the dark underbelly of intemperance. In their quest to break through old preconceptions, cultists reach for tomorrow by dancing on the razors edge of excess. But will this vision open new futures or trap them in sybaritic futility? The Cults sex, drugs...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Children of the Night

Children of the Night

In the world of the Kindred, vampires lurk behind every shadow, planning their machinations and watching their prey. But who watches the watchers? Powerful Kindred from all sects (and none) move among their peers, protecting the Masquerade, interpreting the traditions of Caine, leading the Sabbat against the Antediluvians or subtly pulling strings in the darkness. Who are the most feared and most powerful...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Convention Book: Iteration X

Convention Book: Iteration X

MAN OR MACHINE? Iteration X represents the cutting edge of artifice, material science and man-machine technology. The Clockwork Conventioneers may be considered killer cyborgs or emotionless drones by their peers, but in truth they're pioneers as well as warriors. The Iterators' tools and computers empower humans , overcome defects and enable people to do things that would be impossible...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Demon Players Guide

Demon Players Guide

The Ashes of Paradise Once they ruled the earth as gods, radiant spirits of fire and thunder that defied the fury of Heaven for a thousand years. Now the angels of the Abyss have returned to a world that has forgotten them, a place devoid of the faith that fueled their dreams of glory. No longer titans of creation but bound in frail vessels of human flesh, the fallen are but shadows...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $17.99

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Victorian Age Vampire: Companion

Victorian Age Vampire: Companion

A Setting Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade Gaslights and Gentlemen The Victorian era witnesses the birth of the vampire, raising him from a marauding fiend of the night to a figure of gothic eminence. The era's secrets, however, still lurk in the darkness like terrors shrouded by London's fog. Further mysteries await in the night, ready (and waiting...) for...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.99

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Tradition Book: Dreamspeakers (rev)

Tradition Book: Dreamspeakers (rev)

The Drumbeat of the World As spirit-talkers and shamans around the world, the Dreamspeakers have the keenest insight into the nature of the Umbra - and with their ties to the primordial pulse, they understand why they are more than mundane flesh. Even when marginalized or thrust into categories of convenience, the Dreamspeakers recognize the trials of the modern age as simply one more test in the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Verbena (rev)

Tradition Book: Verbena (rev)

The Wild Magic of the Witches The Verbena witches are heir to the secrets of the druids, the power of nature, and the wisdom of the Great Goddess and the Horned God. Theirs is the rage of the storm, the resilience of the oak and the cunning of the fox. But charmed they're not. Amoral as nature itself, Verbena covens gather in moonlit groves, working magic to hasten the return of the old ways. Untamed,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Akashic Brotherhood (rev)

Tradition Book: Akashic Brotherhood (rev)

  Enlightenment is a Jewel Reflecting Everything  Warriors and sages, the mages of the Akashic Brotherhood bring thousands of years of martial prowess and philosophy to the Traditions. The Warring Fists discipline their minds and hone their bodies to perfection. As the Akashic Record tells, however, one must fight for true virtue without being consumed by violence. How can young mages battle for...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Sons of Ether (rev)

Tradition Book: Sons of Ether (rev)

Archeologists of the Unknown Defectors from the monumental halls of the Technocracy, the Sons of Ether are the avante garde of true Enlightened Science, decoding the ciphers of nature and supernature through direct observation and experimentation. Unlike their former brethren, they don't shut out the weird or the strange, anomalous sightings or alien visitations. They seek them out to prove them...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts (rev)

Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts (rev)

The Space-Mind Continuum The youngest magical Tradition is the most vibrant and the most irreverent. Virtual Adepts dont waste time delving into ancient grimoires or contemplating their navels. Theyre too busy surfing the razors edge of the next zeitgeist. They dont follow trends, they make them. By the time the mainstream catches up to their latest idea, theyve moved on to new frontiers of space...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Tradition Book: Celestial Chorus (rev)

Tradition Book: Celestial Chorus (rev)

Wherever the Soul Shines Persecuted for their faith, called heretics for their belief in One face of the divine, blamed for the Inquisition and divided by their disparate visions of Heaven, the Celestial Chorus perseveres nonetheless. One Song, the very pulse of Creation itself, reverberates through their hearts. With this faith they hope to bring humanity into communion with the divine, but this...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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The Red Sign

The Red Sign

Forbidden Arcana The Curse of Caine is a Biblical punishment, handed down by God Himself. Could it be true that a conspiracy of Kindred and mages has found a way to reverse its effects? As the world comes closer and closer to Gehenna, might the Kindred escape their divine fate? Or is it all part of some larger plan? As a title that combines the themes of Mage and Vampire, The Red Sign is a Lovecraftian...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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The Tenth Sphere Revealed Long have mages sought the elusive Tenth Sphere of Creation. Each Tradition has its own theories about the nature of this ultimate metaphysical truth. To some, it is Unity. To others, Power. Many Masters have battled one another in pursuit of this awesome secret, destroying enemies and friends alike to attain an unproven ideal. To no avail, for the secret has remained...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $17.99

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New World of Darkness Rulebook (1st Edition)

New World of Darkness Rulebook (1st Edition)

Note: The new World of Darkness game line is now called Chronicles of Darkness, get the new core rule book from Onyx Path Publishing here at Where the Shadows Grow Long We live our days completely ignorant of the true terrors lurking around us. Only rarely do our experiences draw back the veil of shadows and reveal the horror in our midst. These glimpses into the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.99

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Time of Thin Blood

Time of Thin Blood

When the blood of Caine will be weak The Curse of Caine has existed for so long, it has finally begun to weaken. Elders' blood, passed from one childe to the next for generations, no longer holds the potency it once had. Too many childer have been Embraced in the Final Nights - and reckoning must come for these illegitimate vampires. If it does not, the world may end. Gehenna...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Mage Storytellers Handbook

Mage Storytellers Handbook

Fold, Spindle and Mutilate Confused by Paradox and paradigm? Want to alter your chronicle's character-creation or combat rules, but not sure where to start? Looking for different themes in a variant World of Darkness? Mage can be anything you want - and here are the tools to make it so. By your will, it is done. The Power to Change Mage is Yours More than just Storytelling advice and rules clarifications,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $15.99

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Giovanni Chronicles III: The Sun Has Set

Giovanni Chronicles III: The Sun Has Set

Continuing the saga in the Black Dog Game Factory line. The characters are now powerful elders, with fiefdoms and connections in the world of Camarilla and Sabbat. From the alleys of London to the dunes of Egypt, the characters must stop the Necromancers and foil the Giovanni plans. Note: The Black & White print editions of this book are not full-bleed. Because of printing requirements...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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'This is Radio Free Death The Voice of the Afterlife. Science thinks its shattered the barrier between life and death, but its only opened the floodgates. Stop meddling with the affairs of ghosts and close the doors before something follows you back through. You should have left some secrets buried, because now they wont go back to sleep without a fight. I See Dead People Its called projecting,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.99

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Mummy: The Curse

Mummy: The Curse

When you trespass,  the reason you feel  you are being watched  is because you are. The fear is real. When you steal,  the dread that comes over you  is neither guilt nor paranoia,  but the cold certitude of fate. The curse is real. When you die,  know that your life was but a flash  upon the face of the deep  in the mind of your judge. We are real. And we are arisen. — Ankh-Nephris,...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Liege, Lord and Lackey

Liege, Lord and Lackey

Who would serve Cainites, the dread lords of the Long Night? The answer is surprising, as vampires draw their allies from all echelons of Dark Medieval society. From the humble cotter on the path outside the city to the prince regent of the greatest kingdom, mortals often move according to the whim of their unseen masters. Come - join the legion of those retained by the Childer of Caine - and reap...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Midnight Siege

Midnight Siege

 From Graceful Salons to the Halls of the Consistory For half a millennium the Kindred of the Camarilla have warred with the Cainites of the Sabbat. In the modern nights, though, the sect war can no longer be hidden behind the armies of kings or the fires of the Inquisition. How then do the sects resolve their conflicts without alerting the oblivious eyes of the kine? Domains Topple...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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Sins of the Blood

Sins of the Blood

Even the Damned Have Taboos The rules of the Kindred are many, varied and Byzantine. No two princes interpret the Traditions alike; one bishops treason may be anothers valor. Still, even in such precarious societies, heresies arise and sometimes flourish. From foul diablerie to inhuman codes of morality, some Kindred shock the sensibilities of their fellows. Forbiddance Begins with Undeath Sins...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $10.99

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Hunter: Storytellers Handbook

Hunter: Storytellers Handbook

And they shall know that I am the Lord Hunters have been exposed to the truth of the World of Darkness that monsters exist, preying upon humanity and they lash out at or reconcile their oppressors. But how does the world and its monsters respond to these dangerous people? Does the supernatural even notice them? Is their crusade in vain? When I shall lay my vengeance upon...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.99

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Infernalism: The Path of Screams

Infernalism: The Path of Screams

The Path of Screams is the ultimate descent -- a rebellion against all that is holy and right. Those who choose to Fall perform blasphemous rites, master horrifying magicks, and sell their very souls to demonic tempters. This is their story: A dark collection of cults, characters, motivations and night-black Arts. An enlightenment of the damned. Infernalism: The Path of Screams includes: The...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $7.99

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Witches and Pagans

Witches and Pagans

Cauldron Fires Burn Bright Once every month, when the moon is full, they meet to honor the Old Gods. Some meet in deep forests, others within circles of standing stones. Some whisper the names of their gods while others shout defiantly. They are the hidden children of the Old Ones, those who walk the left-hand path, and their magick is ancient. These outcasts stand at the edge of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Strange, Dead Love

Strange, Dead Love

"No God commands me, yet I answer to a higher law than yours. My heart does not beat, yet it still feels. Only her word rules me, and only her smile warms my blood." - J. Carlton, Nosferatu Harpy of Baltimore This book includes: - A guide to the themes and props of paranormal romance, custom-fitted for Vampire: The Requiem. - A collection of world shards, ready-made chronicles with their own...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Orpheus: Crusade of Ashes

Orpheus: Crusade of Ashes

The Eve of Twilight An invisible crusade is underway, and Orpheus Group is haunted by its past. Organization members are on the run from a mysterious adversary that commands Spectres, and from mercenaries with the powers of the dead. With their old lives shattered and the authorities in pursuit, can the characters survive what lies next? Pray they do, because the alternative offers no hope of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.00

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Orpheus: Shades of Gray

Orpheus: Shades of Gray

'This is Radio Free Death ... the voice of the afterlife. Hundreds have died from taking tainted pigment, but what the media doesn't know is that all those addicts have become ghosts. We have an epidemic of lost souls on our hands, and the scavengers are coming out of the woodwork. What you've got to wonder, my loyal listeners, is who poisoned the drugs and why are Spectres building hives?'...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.00

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Eve of Judgment

Eve of Judgment

Rio de Janeiro is a city divided, its poor and dispossessed crowded into favela slums that occupy the surrounding hills and ridges. The slums are ruled by violence: armed drug gangs for the majority, and brutal occupation by police for those that become political liabilities. The Arisen concealed in the slums remain hidden, ignoring the bloodshed whenever they can and using it to hide their own struggles....   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Fear to Tread

Fear to Tread

Demons Rush In The gates of Hell are broken and the souls of mankind are forfeit. In the boardrooms and back alleys of cities across the world, the former champions of mankind plot to enslave humanity and set the world alight. Only a handful of lost souls have the strength to rise above their demonic nature and defy the lords of the Abyss. Are you one of them? Where Angels Fear to Tread Fear to...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Falling Scales Chapter Two

Falling Scales Chapter Two

For centuries, terrors have existed just outside our understanding. The public may know or even suspect creatures of the night exist, but millions have managed to go on with their lives, focusing on the mundane, the safe. We’ve passed off the truth as a child’s fairy tale or the ramblings of crazed lunatics. We’ve ignored the reality in order to survive. Thanks to the actions of the passionate...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $5.99

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Mummy: The Curse Storyteller's Screen

Mummy: The Curse Storyteller's Screen

Here's what the Mummy: The Curse Storyteller's Screen includes: Full color, 11" x 25.5" collage of selected beautiful art from Mummy: The Curse Three 8.5" x 11" pages of collected charts and tables selected to make your Storyteller job a bit easier One cover sheet with the product info on it About Mummy: the Curse: Imagine being...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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